Demon Slaying System

Chapter 141: 141

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" Aina! Are you sure that we might find a survivor at this place? "

Though mark trusted her abilities, he became a bit doubt full looking at the mansion that was completely in ruins.

The entire mansion was crushed to bits, and the land below seemed to have sunken down few meters inside.

Mark had a general hunch about it but wants to confirm it directly from the sky.

" Wait! Let me have a look from the above! "

Mark traversed few tens of meters above the ground, popping out in air, only to be startled as a result.

He was looking at the ruins which seemed to be caused by a single person one handedly, in a single blow.

A giant palm print with stretched fingers could be seen from the sky, which which seemed to have cracked the surface from its boundaries, that far extends to the neighbouring mansions hundreds of meters away from the impact.

As if a super cultivator had single handedly destroyed this mansion, mark was looking at the aftermath that overwhelmed his imagination.

" peak king... no he should be at the realm which exceeds beyond that limit, an emperor at the least!

Damn! If I were to encounter such powerhouse, wouldn't I been reduced to nothingness! "


Mark traversed to the position which designated the location of survivors in system's interface.


Mark tried lifting the huge collapsed wall which weighted few tens of tons, below which the survivors position were shown to be present.


Though it was difficult to lift such a mass, mark simply took advantage of its rigidity and crumble it to bits, with his prided resonance ability, that made the resue easier.

A blue light radiated from the debris and a cell which contained the bodies of four palace soldiers was slowly revealed out.

" We are saved! "

" Thanks heavens we are rescued! "

" Rover! Hang on, god has not forsaken us! "


One after the other Mark heard several voices which felt familiar to his ears.

" Wait isn't that the group I spared myself from killing before? But what are they doing at this mansion?

And where the hell are those Delphine and Clara, and what are they doing in this damn cell, being poisoned?

Aren't they supposed to be... how did forgotten that my mansion was wreaked, no wonder... but why were they locked up to this cell.

And how the hell did this cell manged to last against the destructive blow, that rendered the mansion to its cinders?

While mark was pondering on this topic, the friends of rover had they eyes widened in amazement, looking at the figure of mark that seemed their ultimate hope.

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" Master Mark! Save Rover! "

Soon as the debris was settled to a side, the blue shining prison cell had disintegrated into air, as if it's purpose was finished to begin with!

" There's no use in pondering, let's ask them to know the general situation! "


Mark held the hands of Rover tightly, examining weather he was infested with the curse to begin with.

Sighing a breath of relief, mark proceeded with healing procedures, injecting his pure mana in, before shortly bringing the body of Rover healthy.


Few minutes later.

" Hmm... By their description, the attacker's power far exceeds an ordinary emperor!

The scale of destruction lasting hundreds of meters, without making a speak of noise.

It would not be exaggerating to say that he might be of a stage at the peak!

But still why had the intruders abducted them? They didn't had a high background nor seemed to offend a big tyrant either!

Their abduction felt suspicious to him, but when the thing called "abduction" ran his mind, the heart broken face of Rudia popped to his memories.

" Cela! Lets go for Aaron's mansion! "

Mark exclaimed hastily, not willing to waste time at this broken mansion.

He wasn't sure weather Rudia was safe or not, but since the mansion seemed to be wasted recently, and his maids of his were targeted.

Mark suspected Rudia to be the next target, in Aaron's mansion.

" Master mark! It's useless searching for her! "

Cough! Cough!

Rover who had just recovered out of danger had stressed his words.

" What do you mean by that? " Mark questioned with traces of anxiety in his face.

When Mark had mentioned Aaron's mansion, Rover was clever enough to figure that he was going to search for Rudia.

But Rover couldn't help but exclaim the truth that searching for Rudia was useless, as she was no more in the palace.

" When they wreaked the mansion and abducted your women, one big mouthed guy had bellowed that with these two it finally makes three! Hope it's enough of a bait!

And their work at this place was finished, soon they disappeared into void carrying both their bodies! "

" Fuck! Not only Xena, they even targeted my maids to bait me!

I'll slaughter their damn... but still I could help but laugh at myself for being weak!

Power, power is what I need at this moment, had I've been strong, would those bastards dare to mess with my close ones? "

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Mark was always an easy going one, but the act of baiting had touched his nerve for real.

If those super cultivator had the power to break the void and reach their destination in a snap, why would they bother going as low as baiting mark?

If not for toying with his existence, playing with his emotions? What else would it be?

When he was burning with desires to murder, Aina exclaimed.

" Ding! Suggesting host to take rational decisions! Instead of blaming yourself for being weak or the kidnappers for being strong, why not find a solution for this crisis?

Instead of getting frightened about the existences of those powerhouses, why not try thinking a method to save your closer ones?

Host! You are a slayer, and since when did a slayer felt threatened? If the senior slayers get the wind of this wouldn't they laugh at you for being incompatible.

Why are you wasting your time pondering about your failure? Why not solve the problem with by the way of a slayer? "

" Way of a slayer.... " Though she guided him an answer with four little words, it brought back the confidence to him.

What she said was simple, she was directly hinting him that he was a slayer and the term itself has a huge meaning to it.

The slayers didn't had a need to go through various hassles of traditional cultivation.

All they need was to make a kill, and the tons of experience points would be gathered, which could make him an expert overnight.

So what was an aura king and what was a mighty emperor. Given enough time and kills, mark could slay them as easy as chickens.

Now that he calmed down a bit, mark reasoned that there was a thing called refinement, and with each phase the whole of his existence would be brought up by a smaller realm.

Earlier, killing the undead had almost made him earn 3600 RP, though they were not amounted to much considering the entire toll this palace had.

He had a plan! To improve his strength before facing his enemies.

Had he slayed the undead in this palace, let alone the second stage, the possibility of him reaching the third was not non existent.

" Wendy! "

" I had made my decision, we are killing the undead, the faster the better, any idea to make it faster? " Mark questioned out.

" Haha! What happened to that killing intent of yours, can't even protect your women and try venting your anger on innocent undeads? " Wendy started mocking him.

" Why don't you search for a hole to hide your face? "

" What ever, tell me is there a way to kill them fast? " Mark questioned again.

The coordinates fatale given him had set the dead line of a two hours!

Had mark failed to reach his destination before that time, Xena would be eliminated as stated.

Right now his first refinement stage is not much use to him, and less than 90 minutes were left for him to spare.

If it was before mark would had casually walked to their coordinates, without expecting much resistance from their side, but after experiencing this damage to the mansion he felt an urge, a need to upgrade himself.

Each minute was valuable and he couldn't waste time arguing with her, not explaining others the need for him to kill!

Looking at the seriousness on his face, she got intimidated a little, but grit her teeth before exclaiming

" Yes, this Wendy knows a shortcut but... it's impossible considering your current powers! "

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" Why? " Mark questioned back, only to get a reply stating that

" Kill the queen, and let me swallow her core. This Wendy could self destruct the undead after it! Can you do that for me? "

Wendy didn't had much hope in him, and exclaimed casually asked if he'd quit after listening to it.

but mark took it seriously and replied stating

" Let me try! "


Few minutes later, Aaron's mansion.

" So it was Aaron's mansion after all! " Cela exclaimed out at first glance.

Fate was such that, mark had to barge into this mansion, even if it wasn't for Rudia.

" Haha! Truly, it's fate. Sicko when... "


Before she could even complete her words, Wendy found herself to be dragged along with cela in the fight against the queen.

" Let go of me? I don't want to suicide myself! "

Even with the near immortal body of Wendy, she was afraid of the queen, pondering on the privileges Queen had!

Being a undead under her authority, she Wendy could hurt the queen in the least.

Within a single snap, with a single command the queen could poof! Wendy to mere meat with a single thought of her mind.
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How would she dare challenge queen, against these odds.

If not for it being a suicide, Wendy couldn't reason an another for this suicidal act.


Mark entered the room only to spot corpses that seemed to be killed recently.

The blood was yet to be dried but a women who spark naked, painted in blood of the dead was spotted by him.

" So you are queen ah? "

Seated majestically in a mountain of corpses, the queen was playing with a head which looked quite familiar to cela.

She was not bothered with mark and continued playing with that head, ordering Her guards to take care of the intruders.

" Isn't that Cilinda? " Cela agaped in surprise looking at the scene.

With thirty royal guards that extruded the aura of initial order aura king, the figure of Cilinda was seated on the mountain of corpses, as if it was some luxuriant chair.

" And that's Aaron's head, why is it in her hands? " Even wendy was confused a little.

Cause Cilinda looked fine, and extremely humane. The possibility of her being the undead appeared wasn't confirmed until mark tried examining her through system.

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" Prepare to engage! "

Even if they were of initial order, fighting against thirty aura kings was foolish in her eyes.

Wendy warned the both, to get ready for the hopeless battle.


The royal undead guards in black had speeded up, dashing towards the mark at high speed.

" Fuck! Get behind me? "

Grabbing the hand of Cela, Wendy roared out loudly.

By this time the undead had almost reached their group and had lowered the spears to thrust it deep into their heads, few feet away from the face of mark, who was standing at the front.

" Trash! "

Mark gave a casual remark, before grabbing the blades in his hands.

" Way of strength! "


Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

In a single snap, Mark disappeared from the place, before reappearing at back of these guards as if it was nothing.

As if time had slowed down for a second, Wendy was able to see the guards that were slothering towards the body of mark slowly, only to be sliced apart, brutally.


The bodies of the undead sucked back a little, before falling to the grounds being killed, as if they were wooden dummies to begin with.

Put! Put! Put! Put!

Put! Put! Put! Put!

" Fuck! Did he get stronger or what? So this is the real capabilities of little bastard! " Wendy was quite frightening and surprised, looking at the aftermath that reversed by him in a snap.

" Killed this queen guards? Deserves punishment! "

With an expressionless face the undead queen Cilinda exclaimed out, smashing the Aaron's head in her arm to a bloody mass, before readying heself for a battle.

Author's content.

Characters added.

Undead Queen Cilinda : The mystery of her turning into an undead queen will be disclosed in next chapter.

Comment or review my book if you like the chapter.

Power Stones are luxury which I can't ask casually, and thanks for reading my chapter dear readers.

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