Demon Slaying System

Chapter 148: 148

" It's invalid! "

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Gazil roared out in anger, exerting the forceful strength of his might for intimidating Mark to submission!

Without holding back, Mark started releasing his aura and questioned " Why? "

" The match was made to stop earlier, and you had forcefully made your way to kill my servant? So, is there any need to explain as to why? "

Gazil had no sense of dignity at this point and started pointing his shamelessly excuse in open.

Mark paused for a second, glared cold at him, took a step with each question which made the ones around turn speechless unable to be refuted.

" Did I ask you to stop the match? "

" Had I voluntarily surrendered to your servant? "

" Even when you asked me to Surender did I accept? "

" When you shamelessly asked it to activate berserk, did you think of the consequence? "

" If you think that I have taken advantage of the situation, why the hell do you order him to kill me instead of...? "

Gazil had no answer for this and stood still glaring cold at marks face.

Bu this time Mark had reached very close to Gazil, standing just a meter away from him.

" When your servant was about to die and when I was about to win the bout, you interfered!

When I was about to lose and probably loose my life you again butt in! "

" A person as shameless as... WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!! "

Mark released his powers and without holding back a terrifying flames of golden origin started encapsulating him which caused the expression of Gazil to turn ugly.

The pressure released by him had almost tensed the atmosphere, pushed back the experts by dozen steps only to make crumble down to earth for being powerless against this Aura.

Both Gazil and mark were releasing their auras and a golden Aura clashing against the black was created, making a wall of mana attracted the intersection which made the ones around to cough out blood for being weak.

Even Xena who had seem plenty of experts in royal castle was startled by this change and prayed god merclaive to bless Mark to victory.

" The fuck! These monsters... their combined pressure is taking out our breadth!

And how the hell did those Milton's trained this kid to make him this strong? "

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" Humans... We really have underestimated them! Seems like our red wolf race intelligence was lacking plenty, and this bastard slopes out our spies eyes! "

The subordinates of Gazil has cursed the two for putting them in this pitiful state of weakness.

Gazil who silently endured the barrage of questions from Mark burst out all of a sudden.

The true pressure of emperor class cultivator was released this second and Mark started to fell a bit helpless, with the black aura that almost thrown back the gold by a large degree.


" YOU DARE?? "

Before Gazil could finish his words Mark roared out loud and released his true powers which made Gazil feel a sense of being threatened and he started loosing his self to anger.

Right now Mark had entered the next realm in refinement, and with "Ways of strength" skill he was no way inferior to an initial order aura emperor like Gazil.

So mark didn't necessarily had a need to give face to the shameless prick that changes rules according to his will, and announce the winner to a loser!

" AH!!!~~~~ All soldiers listen to my capture this brat alive, if he resist you are free to kill him on spot! "

Unable to control his temper, Gazil roared out in anger, slid a bronze token out his sleeves which exerted a mysterious bronze aura in his base.

The soldiers were covered in a bronze glow, their eyes started shining bright and bodies started to powering up little by little.

Unfortunate for Gazil, he had unintentionally strengthened the undeads of Mark along with the others and helped in one way or other to enemy of his.

Shortly following it, Gazil put off his token, summoned a lengthy spear and started engaging in a battle against Mark.


The spade like tip of spear dashed toward him, and he Mark barely managed to Parry it to the side, before shortly dashing his blades to the head of Gazil.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Like an agile wolf, Gazil took a bold decision and quickly retraced his arms, abandoning his spear and guarded well against the blows of Mark by oval shaped buckler on his arms.

" Hahaha!~~~~ " Mark started laughing loud, unwilling to give a bit of space for Gazil to retaliate.

Few more strikes Mark centered a quarter of his mana to blades and gashed a deep wound to Gazil's arm after piercing the hard buckler above it.

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The battle between them had slowly turned chaotic and the land below them were ridden with craters and deep gashes, with lingering bodies of soldiers that tired helping Gazil against Mark.

The soldiers, though were of aura king cultivation, under the pressure of Gazil and him were now unable to take even a single step, in the ten meter perimeter of them.

And if they were to, they would be the next corpse to be lying down on the ground to accompany their dead comerad in journey to afterlife.

" Dumb heads, what are you spectating for? Help me subdue this little devil! "

Gazil roared out, ordering his men to pressure Mark.

The strong subordinates of Gazil, who were dumbfounded by looking at the battle were startled and started rushing to Mark at full pace.

" By now you should know that your individual strength alone wouldn't help much against me!

You are strong! Exactly the type I was searching for! Join me and help me in the inheritance trial to glory!

The rewards you could earn would blow your imagination, a massive reward that even the Milton's behind you couldn't present to appease you! "

" What are you resisting for, join me! "

Surrounding him from all sides Gazil took the initiative to extend his arm and explain out his true desires.

Instead of anger, the more he fights Mark, the more he desired to control him to win the so called inheritance trail of his with the help of Mark.

" Gazil, do you think that this Mark would be bullied with numbers? Even with these little decent minion of yours... You still lose! "

Without flinching his eyes around, with a confident face hung on him and endless domenering aura of gold to pressure around, Mark chuckled loud.

Gazil couldn't understand what Mark was trying to say, but could get hints that some thing major was about to happen!

" What does he mean by that? Did he hid his reinforcement near my base?

" No, I didn't sense one such existence near my vicinity! What exactly did he mean by it? "

Gazil was confused, unable to get his answer, but he had a strange hunch that this boy came well prepared.

" I know that a mad man like you would go large extent and get whatever he desires... So why should I come empty hands and deliver my humble self before him defenselessly? "

" Seems like her time had come at last... Wendy! "

Mark roared out and in the next instant a tall well proportioned lady with voluptuous protrudences popped out his collar, exerting a domineering aura around of her body.

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" Fuck, that's a half step emperor strength! "

Though being veterans, in face of true power, the group of lackeys got frightened and almost pissed their pants in standing.

One mark was enough to tire out their entire group, so if an expert of hand step aura emperor stepped in to his help, things might get more complicated that it was earlier!

" Wendy I'll take on this strong one and you go and kill those strong lackeys on his side! "

Mark gave an another set of instructions before dashing to Gazil.

" Ai! Understood boss! "

Before they settle down their anxiety, an nerve wrecking scene entered their sight.

Half the soldiers had unsheathed they weapons and backstabbed their own very own comerads, dealing a heavy strike to Gazil who tried hard to maintain his composure from turning ugly!

" Rebellion! How did he managed to buy them out? "

Before they probably get their answers, these strong lackeys of Gazil were long since killed by the swirling lance of Wendy, and with half step emperors powers of her, slaying these mob was a child play to her

Other than Gazil who was an aura emperor, there wasn't even a single half step in their groups much less and emperor to change the flow.

And without a half step of emperor to jump in the scene, these lackeys were chickens to be butchered by her lance!

" Ah!~~~~~~ My red wolf brothers! You killed my kin... pushed back my plan to years... Unforgivable... Unforgivable!! "

" I changed my plan... You... you Milton kid deserve to die? "

A cold red aura gushed out his eyes, surrounded by a dense black devil aura that could sent chills to the ones standing around.

Gazil started giving his all to kill mark, as all his soldiers were being killed by his undead cruelly!

Before, he didn't paid much attention to his soldiers, but his emperor eyes were able to see through their disguise!

"The rebelled ones were all undead!"

So practically all his red wolf tribe was exterminated leaving behind few survivors that were hidden in the barracks.

" Fatale... That bitch she sold herself to Milton's! That bitch, I'll screw that bitch for a hundred times, skin that slut alive and sell her off to a cheap brothel! "

Ignoring the wounds and roaring his words out loud, Gazil started spending his life essence to overpower Mark.

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Second after second and minute after minute, Gazil seemed to loose rationality and his fighting patterns turned more cruder than before as if killing Mark was the only way to calm down his heart to normal.

The black lustrous hair on his head started loosing it's colour with the formation of age markings over his face which revealed out that Gazil was at his near end, and all mark needs to do was to drag the time to wear him down.

After killing the lackeys, Wendy spotted the change in Gazil and started yelling out loud stating

" My high class material! Boss kill him fast, this Wendy doesn't desire an old and weak cultivation less corpse that worth none less than a mud! kill him! kill him fast! Or else we'll loose the chance to turn him to strong undead! "

Throwing the lance with all her might, Wendy pierced the hard armour above Gazil, which sliced through his heart before anchoring itself deep to the ground with the struggling body of Gazil that turned berserk.

Shortly following it, Mark traversed before Gazil and sliced apart his neck only to roll the split head down to ground.

Wendy re-summoned her lance, and pierced it directly to the rolling head of Gazil, to finish him off for good.

Cough! Cough!

The split off head of Gazil coughed a little before telling of its final words out his mouth.

" If I die... Cough! I'll... drag you all... to the graves with me...! Cough! Cough! "

Emperor class cultivation! No wonder this bastard could still spill few words out his mouth!

" Project black... Cough! Commence!

Base 59... Activate! "

After bellowing it loud, his strength gave out and Mark senses twenty presence rushing out the barracks which were directed towards him.

" Fuck they are... ... Don't tell me that I have to fight them all at once? "

Author's notes:

Gazil is dead and new set of enemies had popped out, mystery of base would be revealed at the later chapter and story will get More interesting from here on!

Comment or review my book if you like the chapter.

Power Stones are luxury which I can't ask casually, and thanks for reading my chapter dear readers.

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