Demon’s Sweetheart

Chapter 41-42

If it is her boyfriend, he might be suspected of seducing a minor…

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“Why don’t you try the ride?” Su Lingxin vomited all the pain and courage. With tears in her eyes, she did not forget to question Mo Jingran. She saw Mo Jingran fasten her seat belt and thought he was going to play the game with her, but she didn’t expect him to just wait and see.

    “I’m afraid of heights.” Mo Jingran took a tissue to help her wipe her face.

    “You…” Su Lingxin was speechless for a moment, grabbed the tissue and wiped it by herself. No wonder Mo Jingran repeatedly asked her if she was afraid of heights. It turned out that he was afraid of heights.

    “How does flying feel?” Mo Jingran immediately shifted the topic.

    “I want to vomit.” Su Lingxin no longer wanted to play this kind of thrilling high-altitude game. The moment she was thrown away, she felt that everything in the internal organs had been squeezed out of space, only the pain of weightlessness and no joy of flying .

    “There is also a high-altitude gliding over there, do you want to continue trying?” Mo Jingran asked again.

    Su Lingxin shook her head, she would never play such a game again.

    “Then rest for a while.” Mo Jingran held her to the side of the bench, and looked at her side quietly.

    Her looks can easily evoke those dusty past.

    Su Lingxin was paralyzed on the bench, and the taste of flying was too painful …

Mo Jingran waited for a few minutes, presuming that her nausea was about to disappear, he stretched his hands up: “I will take you to another place.”

“No more. I want to go home.”  Su Lingxin didn’t want to go anywhere. She just wanted to go back to rest now. This kind of noisy and interesting place seemed not suitable for her.

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    “Follow me.” Mo Jingran clutched her wrist tightly and walked to one side.

    Di Tian has its own employee dormitory. During normal working hours, employees are not allowed to go out, and employees do not want to go out. Because Ditian has all the supporting facilities in it, from medical treatment to leisure and entertainment, the system is complete and the facilities are first-rate. As long as the staff come in, they do not want to go out at all.

    This is a small universe with strong temptation and charm. Countless people have sharpened their heads and want to get in, but they cannot squeeze into the legendary powerhouse.

    “Miss and Mr. Mo are out.”

    Just after the meeting, Gu Shaoxuan received the news.

    The conference was held in a completely closed space. All communication facilities in the room were cut off. The crystal lights outside the conference room were black. In other words, no matter what happened, they were not allowed to be disturbed.

    Di Tian’s high-level conference room has not been illuminated with black crystal lights for a long time, so no one dares to go in and disturb.

    Gu Shaoxuan responded calmly to the news. After returning to the office, he picked up the phone and dialed Mo Jingran’s number. But no one picked up. Gu Shaoxuan hung up the phone and sat quietly in a chair, staring at the phone. Three minutes later, he picked up the phone and dialed in.

    This time, there was a response.

    “Jing Ran, where are you?” Gu Shaoxuan gently asked when he heard wind blowing on the other side.

    “Amusement park.” Mo Jingran stood on the side of the park, watching the spinning swing fly higher, listening to the screams, and squinting his eyes slightly.

    “Well, no wonder you did not hear the phone ring, there is too much noise.” Gu Shaoxuan heard faint screams, he paused and went to the point, “Is Lingxin with you?”

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    “Yeah. She’s here with me. Are you worried?” Mo Jingran flashed a meaningless smile on his lips and asked.

    “I want to talk to her.” Gu Shaoxuan said nothing, although Mo Jingran was once his “brother”, but Gu Shaoxuan was not the boy he was three years ago. His tone always carried the power of Di Tian.

    “Wait a moment, she’s still playing.” Mo Jingran watched the higher and higher swings.

    “Jingran, if you take her out in the future, please ask for my opinion.” Gu Shaoxuan glanced at the computer and locked the position by the phone. Indeed, Mo Jingran did not lie to him.

    “Sorry, I thought I had an obligation to take care of her, so I didn’t get your consent …” Mo Jingran held the railing and smiled slightly. “However, she should have more contact with the outside world. It is a good thing. “

    “Without rules, you can’t make her learn. What you are doing will only spoil her more.” Gu Shaoxuan’s tone was always very gentle, even if he heard the sentence just now, he was already very angry.

    Mo Jingran even said “obligation to take care of her”.

    Su Lingxin had nothing to do with Mo Jingran since she was small.

“Rules are to be determined. You can’t just confine her to places you deemed suitable. She will never learn to spread her wings if she doesn’t have enough space to grow.” Her intense desire for freedom and her restrained nature made him unable to tell what it was like.

“Jing Ran, are you blaming me?” Gu Shaoxuan nodded, the boss’ chair slid back, and came to the floor-to-ceiling window. At this commanding height overlooking the entire city, you can pass the high-rise building and see the tour located in the northwest corner. A huge ferris wheel in the middle of the park.

    Because of security issues and other reasons, he never took Su Lingxin to a place where people were noisy, and the first day after Mo Jingran returned, he took her to a place that was so easy to “get lost” unintentionally.

    “Is it necessary to bound her nature like this?” Mo Jingran did not laugh, watching the landing swing slowly stop, he whispered and said, “She is the last blood of the old man. No matter what, this is not the right way to treat her.”

    “Mo Jingran, I want to play again!” Su Lingxin refused to open the seat belt on the swing. When she was coaxed by Mo Jingran, she didn’t want to play because of the game just now, but she didn’t expect to fly in the air. The swing did not make people feel uncontrollable.

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    Mo Jingran looked at the cheerful smile on her face and raised his hand to signal that she could continue playing.

    “In short, this is the last time. You can’t take her out in the future. This is for her safety.” Gu Shaoxuan no matter how Mo Jingran thinks about him, he can draw a dungeon or bind her nature. Su Lingxin’s safety at the moment is the most important.

    For so many years, he didn’t worry about anything, the only worry was Su Lingxin’s life. He really want to raise a baby like this. After twenty years, he will definitely die early and die from labor.

    And Su Lingxin didn’t know that Mo Jingran was talking with Gu Shaoxuan. She also didn’t know how her future destiny would change after she met Mo Jingran.

    “How does flying feel?” Mo Jingran waited for Su Lingxin to have fun and asked the same sentence again.

    “It’s great … it seems to have turned into wind.” Su Lingxin’s current state returned to bravery, eating the snacks that Mo Jingran bought for her, said excitedly.

    “Don’t you remember that you vomited here?” Mo Jingran pointed at her and the trash can near the tree made Su Lingxin’s appetite suddenly disappear.

    “You’re affecting my appetite.” Su Lingxin was a little nauseated, but still sent the food in her mouth.

    “Don’t you find it strange? It’s also a high-altitude game. The first time you are upset, but this time you are so happy.” Mo Jingran thought that her thinking was really not a general jump.

    “Why?” Su Lingxin looked at him a few seconds later and asked.

    “You think about it.” Mo Jingran didn’t answer, leading her to the parking lot.

    “Because … the swing feels safe.” Su Lingxin thought for a moment and replied.

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    “Then what?” Mo Jingran looked around. Today is not a weekend, and there are not many people in the amusement park, so he can see all those people in pairs.

    “The first trapeze was completely uncontrollable in the air, so I was dizzy.” Su Lingxin no longer wanted to play too thrilling and out of control games, she still likes a little milder games.

    “So, wanting to fly freely is also a skill.” Mo Jingran suddenly dragged her over, took her to the car quickly, and after she was pushed in, he went to the driver’s seat and sat. Going in, he just relaxed a little, glanced at the rearview mirror, and then continued the current topic, “Because the world is orderly and regular, like the second game, the swing is controlled by the machine and set. With the speed and height of rotation, you will never feel out of control, at most it is just weightlessness … “

    “Order and law are natural enemies of freedom.” Su Lingxin was holding a pile of snacks, her stomach was empty and she kept stuffing food inside.

    “Who told you that?” Mo Jingran found that she was really badly taught by Gu Shaoxuan, and the words and ideas that popped out were always wild.

    “Chinese Dictionary.” Su Lingxin’s answer made Mo Jingran almost go out.

    The dictionary says that the meaning of freedom is to be the master of oneself without any restrictions, so order and law should be seen as enemies in the face of freedom.

    “Ah … then do you know what Confucius said? From your heart’s content, don’t exceed the rules.” Mo Jingran is getting used to the logical thinking of Su Lingxin. He has discovered that what Gu Shaoxuan instilled in Su Lingxin is ancient and conservative just like in feudalism.

    Gu Shaoxuan was cultivating a future wife who was completely obedient and even loyal to him. Although this goal was not achieved, Mo Jingran felt that Su Lingxin’s nature was almost completely suppressed, although it seemed that she was not educated at all.

    “Of course I know.” Su Lingxin was familiar with the ancestor’s things.

    “Only when the desire and the moment are coordinated, can there be a sense of happiness.” Mo Jingran slowly moved to the east and said hurriedly, “So it is not so easy to fly with many restrictions.”

    “What do you mean?” Su Lingxin didn’t like philosophy at all, and Gu Shaoxuan rarely arranged for her philosophy teacher to give her soul-stirring words.

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