
Chapter 11

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Overworld a realm far from the bondrys of the universe where the mighty Elder Lords lived. great beings beyond human understanding, there form was like that of a mass of black smoke and there eyes were formed of a ice like crystal.

" so the Demonborn has set off on the quest with elven girl." a elder lord said its voice sounded female in nature.

" yes, we should send a protecter. but who should it be?" the elder lord said his voice low and gruff

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" I will go." a elder lord said his voice sounded young and confident.

" yes master I am sure." the young one said. he was engulfed in green flames his smoke like body transforming Into that of a tall medium build man with dark brown skin and black hair. his eyes were a bright gold.

once his body was formed the master said to th ed young one " your name now shall be Ki'ren Dagon." Ki'ren bowed and said in a low gruff voice " thank you my lord I shall serve your will."

Ki'ren turned to the female Elder Lord and said sadly " goodbye mother." the female Elder Lord was silent for moment. she then said with a sad voice " no my son this Is not goodbye. she reached one of her smokey fingers down and touched his heart. a surge s blue fire engulfed them both. Ki'ren knew what she was doing she was making the ultimate sacrifice to be with him forever by fusing with his soul there for making him part Elder Lord as well as mortal.

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the master saw this and said " very well my gift to you will be this protecter of the Demonborn" the master reached into his body and pulled out a large glowing blue and red fireball. " I gift you the soul of the Grand Elder Lord Azar'zeltan." Ki'ren took the soul and as he did it absorbed into his body engulfing him in dark blue flames that teleported him to Tylingariea.

Ryi'june and the rest of the group were halfway on there way to the mystic. they had stopped to rest.

Sophia was in the river taking a bath. when out of no where blue flames shoot from the sky and engulfed the shore Sophia was shocked at this and annoyed at who ever came because they just burned all of her clothing. the fire reformed into Ki'ren seeing that he burned Sophia's clothing he walked over to her.

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once he got when in seeing distance he saw that she had stood up her dark green skin gleamed in sun. "I am so sorry ms" he said as he tried to look her in the eyes but could not take them off of her large bulging breasts. Sophia noticed and motioned for him to come closer to the sand she laid down on her towel and removed her bathing suite

she could not help herself he was a fine looking man his body spoke to her and her mind went into the immediate I have got to have Sex with him now"

Ki'ren stopped and stood up then said " I am Ki'ren and have been sent to protect you and the Demonborn" Sophia put her bathing suite on and walked back to the camp with Ki'ren so she could change and that he could introduce himself to Ryi'june.

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Ki'ren introduced himself to the group they all seemed to like him "Ki'ren do you know of a mystic we can see?" Ryi'june asked

Ki'ren replied " yes Demonborn. she is a friend of yours." Ki'ren lead them towards the Misty woods.

"A friend of mine?" Ryi'june thought "I don't remember any of my friends being mystics." Ry'june said " well you don't know her personally. you have not seen her in person but she has seen you, she been watching all of you doing your journey this far." Ki'ren lead them to a large stone temple in the center sat a figure made of solid gold her eyes were formed of dark red stones. upon seeing the beautiful woman Ryi'june cried out " she is the one who sent me here".

" yes Ryi'june, I am Creater and have brought you and your group here to tell you important information that you will need to know to further your self on this quest"

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