
Chapter 50

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The Birthing pit

Ezra traveled though the Multiverse until he reached a ruined planet in an unknown region. The Betrayer landed and walked around the dead world " Azvareon, The home of the Birthing Pit." Ezra moved a large piece of a temple pillor and entered inside the destroyed ruins, he traveled deep into the earth, the futher he went the stronger Kyi he could feel, Ezra did not know why but he felt a strange feeling like he had been down here once before.

they reached a huge stone door Ezra grasped his balls they ached so much he did not now. why Ezra entered the room and saw a massive dark pool of black liquid. Ezra had a feeling that he must go Into the pool. after removing his clothing. Ezra could feeling the pulsing of his balls as he walked into black liquid.

once he was submerged a calming feeling came over him like he was wrapped inside of a cocoon, he could feel the liquid pressing against his penis moving up and down in a rythm like they were both intertwined. the rythm began to increase as liquid flew faster Ezra could feel his mind growing numb as memories flashed in front of his face

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he saw himself long ago emerging from this very pit but something was different he was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair. " yes Ezra, you are both man and woman" the woman said Ezra paused "Ellea, why have we come back here" Ezra gave out a cry off pain as he could feel something moving in his belly " I called you here to give birth to my child," Ezra emerged from the pit his belly extended Ezra spred his legs out and screamed as he pushed a child that was both male and female out. The child within a matter of seconds from being birthed grew into a young man. The man lay on the ground breathing heavily, " son, raise." Ezra said as he motioned upward the creature stood up, he loomed over Ezra his skin was slick and oily, small black and gold scales covered his body, he had no mouth, only two slits for a nose and two slits that expended revealing long narrow eyes.

" My child you were born of my loins and given the body of the Divine God Akatash," Ezra grasped his son and said " your name will be Ra'jingar the Destroyer of worlds. now go my son and profile your purpose to destroy for your father." Ra'jingar turned and extended massive wings made of black skeletal fire. and flew into the multiverse" Ezra placed his hand on the wall and a rip in the universe opened " I hope to see you soon Nathaniel"

Nathaniel woke up with a start sweat dripping off his whiskers. he turned and saw Ash laying next to him slowly purring a sweet song.

" Damn it, I need to think." Nathaniel thought as he walked outside

" Why, Akatash? Why do you feel the need to touche me?" Nathaniel thought as all of what had previously happened is still processing in his mind " it feels like I have known Ash for years, but I only met her yesterday." Nathaniel paused and tried to remember his old life but they were shudder in a dense fog, his mind had not traveled down the roads of his life as a human for what seemed like Centurys

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Nathaniel saw in the distance a woman her face distorted by shadow but he felt like he knew her, like he had loved her at somepoint " you must let this visions of the past die" a young man with dark blue hair and light green eyes " who are you?" Nathaniel asked " I am Rah'sa'ghoul the dream Walker and you have held onto the memorys of this woman for over ten thousand years."

Nathaniel gasped " it has been that long?" Rah'sa'ghoul nodded " yes and finally Ezra the Betrayer had awaken from his slumber and given birth to his child Ra'jingar the destroyer of worlds." Rahsa'ghoul summoned a blade made of Divine light and infused it with the souls of Underhell a beam of dark red light engulfed the sword as it transformed into a Elder God Nightmare Dragon Blade Nathaniel took the sword and said " thank you I will use this sword to destroy Ezra." Nathaniel returned to the realm of the living holding the blade of Nightmares he could feel its power calling to him.

Natal went back in to be with Ash, she was sitting on the bed "Nat, do you like me?"

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Nathaniel paused and said " yeah, I like you?"

Ash laid on her back her breast extended upward " were friends right? " Ash said " this is odd I have been with here for a bit and she has not acted like this before"

" Ash are you ok?" Nathaniel asked There was silence then Ash said " I'm pregnant"

Nathaniel was in shock at hearing this ,pregnant this is a amazing experience to become a father is something he had wanted forever. but how is he and ash going to defeat Ezra now

Quill walked in and said " Ash, your pregnancy will not interfere with the mission at hand, you and Nathaniel can stay here as long as you need to raise your children and they can be the next weilders of the Dragonblades." Nathaniel shook Quills hand and said " thank you for letting us stay."

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Quill noded "You are welcome,besides your children I am waiting for one more to arrive."

As the nine months of Ashs pregnancy passed Nathaniel learned how to control his shadow powers as well as fighting techniques to use with the Nightmare blade. as the mouths passed a name few though his mind Chirstina

Nathaniel did not know why.

he put down his sword and wept. " this person, I can feel her pain, her sadness. seeing her friends die and losing the only person she truly cared for." Nathaniel could hear her calling for help.

as if by natural insect he placed his hand on the air and pulsed a green light as he did a door made of pulsing green Kyi opened " you must save her Nathaniel, she is the last of your group." Nathaniel nooded "what is her name?" Quill replied " her name is Chistina Dra'ghoul Wife to Ryi'june Dra'ghoul, mother of Bastion Fairchild and Natashia Fairchild" Nathaniel nooded and entered the door to find Chirstina.


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