
Chapter 66

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Eons ago a race of beings known as the Vi'haree existed. The Vi'haree were the first beings to exist. Azora Vi'haree the leader of the Vi'haree clan was the oldest of the Vi'haree.

it was early in the morning and Azora was already awake training in the traing yard. " Azora what are you doing up so early , practicing? " a youthful looking girl said from inside Azora put his blade away and turned to face the girl " Ava? I should ask you the same thing, " Avam replied " I was checking on Alkin" even though she looked young the Vi'haree race aged very slowly so Ava had the body of a young teenager even though she was over a thousand years old.

Azora walked over to Avam and embraced her " I know, i was just getting ready for what is to come." Avam know what he ment she felt a change coming all though she know not what it could be.

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Azora let go and said " I might as well go might up with Hide to speak with the Suprme Counicl "must you?!" Azam asked worried Azora turned around a serious look on his face and said " yes, I must. if i dont then our race may be doomed to extinction"

Azora left and headed towards a nearby plaza where next to staue of Kara the Son of Kal'lean was a tall man who had a medium build. he wore a dark brown clock and leather armor the figure carried a long Skeleton Blade on his back and had a thick black beard.

The Figure saw Azora he embraced him and shouted " Kath'raree my Jin'ji it has been so long since we have each other!" Azora replied ' Kath'raree to you Ja'varee" Hide let go " oh no I'm no longer your Ja'varee you have surpassed me long ago, we are just Jin'jis."

Azora nooded and said " yes, Hide you are taking me to the supreme council to speak with them about what is to come"

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Hide nooded and said gravely " yes Darkwalker follow me"

Azora followed Hide, it had been years since he had been called Darkwalker but now seemed like the time for him to reclaim his powers as the one true Darkwalker of Vi'haree.

Azora entered a massive circular room and stood before three huge shadowy figures " why have you come to see us?" the figure in the center asked Azora

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Azora replied " I had a vision of Feasters return at some point in alternate universe where the Ja'haree have been dead by Feasters hand for Eons."

the figure on the left stood and cried out in disbelief " that is impossible you said that Feaster was dead, his body torn to nothingness in the Universal Mattriex."
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Azora nooded " I did, but he is still alive but in a alternate universe"

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The figure on the right asked " what should we do?" Azora replied " I will have a way to get to the Alternate universe."

Hide and Azora were sitting outside " so what is your plan?" Azora sighed " we cant talk here. follow me" Azora lead Hide to a empty home " I am going to jump into the Universal Matrix and hope that I get Reincarnated in a new body in the Alternate universe that Feaster is in"

Hide nodded " that is a lot of ifs" Hide sighed " ok, I will not stop you. is there anything I can do ? Hide asked as Azora opened a portal that lead into the Universal Matrix

"no, thank you though" Hide embraced Azora as he did Azora felt a intense pain " I'm sorry Jin'ji but I'm not going to let you go alone this time" Hide said as they both fell forward into the Universal matrix. Hide could feel his body melting away as he was consumed into the matrix.

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