
Chapter 76

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Victor Silvertounge knew something was coming, a dark force that had been ploting for thousands of years. Victor drew his blade as Mai thorw up her hands and said "Uncle, stop I just need to talk." Victor put his sword away " I am sorry," Mai sat down "It is ok, I understand.: she paused "I feel it to" Mai paused "Mother, has not spoken to me in a while" Mai said . Victor poured himself some tea " since Kendo died she has been at her family home in Evermoon." Victor said Mai said "I told her Krissy would like to come back. but she has not responded."


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Victor put the cup of tea down and said "Drakah" a familer dark Kyi stepped out of a portal, Jason Blackheart stepped out holding the Bloodsword "Victor, I have not seen you in years" Victor still had hatred towards the man who had killed Ralingar a dear frined of his.

"Leave this place now Jason or Kara help me I will kill you!" Victor said Jason smiled and said "now you would not kill a parent in front of his children would you?" out from the portal a tall woman with blood red hair and dark red skin long sharp fangs and wielding a large red ax stepped out next to a a tall boy with dark blue hair, grey skin and holding a long sword. " this is my dauther Marcy and my son Simon."

Jason motioned for his children to put there wepons away " now, Jin'ji I know it is hard to belive but I am not your foe," Victor thought this over "please Jin'ji, we went on a epic quest to defeat Zargorwarth the demon lord and I have changed since then."

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Victor nodded and put his sword away " ok Jin'ji why are you here?" Jason replied " Darkness has come to not only Tylingariea but every timeline, Father Prime intends to take over Tylingariea Prime and Lupine Riddle might come back."

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Mai replied "that is imposale Ryi'june Dra'ghoul destoryed Lupine Riddle thousands of years ago." Mai paused "i think,pepole are unsure wither or not he did or didnot"

Mai said a bright light appred " preheps i can be of help." Victor said " oh hi, Author"

The Author responded " Lupine Riddle is etrunal and can never be destoryed he will always exist" Jason respond "Damn you Author," The Author responded " hey, i brought you back to life i could have kept you in Underhell."

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Mai responded " i am going to go to Tylingariea and tell Mikka and no one is going to stop me" she then teleported away "she is right," Jason said "Mikka does need to know" Victor was more conered with a much larger problom, if Father Prime was coming that what other threats would be appering in Tylingariea

Mai made it to Tylingariea "Drakah, I teleported my self to the wrong region." Mai had teleported herself to the Jen'tra region with was on the far southern side of the world near Worlds End.

Mai picked up her pack and summend her Spirt Bear Jaco to ride on "Mai are you sure your going the right way?" Jaco said after seveal hours of travel Mai did not know her body was freezing from the weather, a dark presence seemed to be clouding her mind. Mai fell off of Jaco and into the snow her body shivering as she passed out

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