
Chapter 1

" hell yes that was the best damning movie i have seen. So much better than the time spiderman found venom. That was disappointment. Man i wish i have a symbiote like him. Damn it i wish i was born in marvel world. You b*tch like god what kind of life did you give me."

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Jerdon shouted while watching the end of the movie Venom.

The building suddenly shook as everything in Jerdon room fell over. Jerdon being a 34 good for nothing natural live alone. He freak out by the sudden earthquake and his heart broke when he saw his laptop fell and it screen broke. He quickly ran to the laptop and held it in his arm while crying. He suddenly look up and saw a flash of light. In a blink of a eye the fat unhealthy body of Jerdon became a charred corpse.


In the back of house in the bushes slept a thin 14 year old boy with wounds. The music from the house boom through the neighbour hood as party of teenagers enjoy the unsupervise events. Girls were dancing intimately with boys as laughter and music create unimaginable noise.

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" what the f**k just happen why hell does my head hurt." the thin boy exclaimed while he held his head. This boy is Jerdon. He slowly shook head but could not remember any thing.

He got up and stretch is back in pain. He notice the wounds in his body and his short slim figure.

"F**king God what the hell happen to me I feel shorter and why the hell am I covered in ruins."

He cursed. He then turn his attention the house infornt of him where the loud music was coming from. He frown and walk forward to the house when blazing gunshots were heard. Jerdon jump back to the bush frighten (What the hell is happening.)

He crawled for cover while the gunshot didn't end.He climb over the fence and ended in the backyard of the house beside. Trying to catch his breathe he saw a huge pitbull staring straight at him.

The strange thing his it seem scared and was moving back way. Jerdon look back way in wonder what it was scared of but didn't see any thing. He ignore the dog and move to the front of the house where saw a pair of kids madly shooting bullets in to the house he left just awhile ago. He hide behind the gate and gulped. (Thank God I didn't enter the house)

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He move in the opposite direction of the boys while trying to hide in nearby bushes.After a couple minutes Jerdon was a good distance away. Although he was still hearing gun shots he also heard siren.

Jerdon then reach in the main road but was lost where to go.Hiding from the passing police cars he tried his best to remember what happen before he awake here but only pain and a white light ran through his mind.

He heard a click.

" Put up your hands your head now."

A flash of light fell on Jerdon face as he show a frown.

Two policemen was holding a flash light and a gun toward him.

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He slowly rose his hand and place it on his head.

"So officer could you tell me why I am raising my hands". Jerdon ask.

Although surprise by Jerdon question one if the cops roughly cuff him while saying.

"You a suspected to by with the two boys who kill 20 students."

He was shock that a total 20 people die in that bullet party. The shock was showed clearly on his face and the police started doubting his involvement in the crime.

Never less they drove Jerdon to the police station where they have him interrogate.

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In the police car he got a good view of face from the rear view mirror. The images was blurred but he could tell he seem to be white with black hair and deep blue eyes.

As the Jerdon and the two cops enter the station they heard a exclamation.

The cops at the front desk showed a surprise she saw Jerdon face.

Baren why are you here. Jerdon look at her in wonder if this body name is Baren.

The two cops were surprise by what she said and ask.

"What he Jamieson son. Wow kid what were you doing there at night."

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