
Chapter 10

Lying on his bed Baren had a frustrated face. Not to mention how he was interrupted just a moment ago the whole day piss him off.

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He didn't want to be the spot light so early but his first day of school and basically everyone guess he is not normal.

Getting out of his bed he note the time to be 12 in the morning. The sky was still dark.

Leaving his room he went down to the under ground gym as he took off his shirt.

He stretch his body and began shadow boxing. It was slow at first but the speed went up and his punches became blurred.

After half an hour of boxing Baren stop. He was covered in sweat but surprisingly he felt more relax.

(I need to be more carefully so I don't reveal I'm not normal to any one else. Although I don't think Fury has any thought about the avenger yet he might just see me as a treat and eliminate me)

Cleaning the sweat off his face he thought of his future.

(With my intelligence I should be able to finish the all highschool course and and University course in half a year. What should I do next. go to SHIELD and join the avenger or join X-Men. I don't like both idea thou.)

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"Onyx suit on " He whispered as a black liquid spear from his right arm and cover his entire body. His figure too two meter. Pale red vein all over his black body. His black body have a certain shine.

(So Onyx it been two months. Tell me what you understand about this form )

(* This should be our main Battle form. We sync our mind together in this form and share percentage of control. The previous time And now I have 60% control, but if we give each other 50 50 control will be able to perform more efficiently.*)

The creature nodded it head. (Okay what is my ability in this form. )

(*So basically you have superhuman physical ability. Your stronger faster smart more agile etc. By how much? it depend. Basically you can become infinitely stronger but it will take long in this form. As we speak you physical ability are being strengthen. The rest of the it is kind of unclear. You can also create weapons with any part of our body and generate large amount of electricity*)

As Onyx Explain Baren sat in his transform form.

* by the way what should we call our self. why denom.*

(*your naming sense is shit *)

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The figure show a slight frown.

*Why not Rage let makes it simple.*

(*I guess that can work.*)

Rushifa lick it lips as it got up.

(Hey make the sync ratio fifty fifty)


Rushifa did some stretch and them light boxing. Everyone punch carried a tremendous weight. It practice it agility and speed.

It quickly jump to the ceiling and flip back down. Flexing it muscle he stretch out his hands as they began to change in to sharp blades.Swing each sword mark wad left on the floor.

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After a hour of practice he got tired and went to bed.


The next day

Rouge woke up in the unfamiliar bed. At first you panic but remember what happen yesterday soon calm down. She left the bedroom in a short short and a flimsy blouse making any man who look at her to have a instant erection. She moved to the bathroom and wash her face.

She change into something more appropriate at and went do stair as she caught Baren looking after breakfast. It was weekend and meaning no school for today.

"Hey Rouge I planning to go to the mansion from yesterday so I can test out my ability do you want to come. " Baren noticing Rouge approach ask.

" Yeah okay "She said.

They had breakfast while having some small talk. He then went to his room to get ready. They plan to leave in two hour so he prepare his clothes and start surfacing the web.

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No news about ironman or any of the avenger. He tried to look for the spider man or anything but couldn't find anything. Sigh he came of the web and and got ready.

They reach the mansion by 1 and was greeted by Jean. Baren gave her wave as he reach which she warmly greeted back. For some reason he felt that the gaze Rouge look at Jean at became hostile but I ignore it for now.

"So how can I help you Baren " Xavier ask as he came infornt of Baren.

"Nothing much I just want to spar against Logan. Is it possible."

Xavier thought hard and found no problem."Why do you want to spar with Logan specifically.".

With a smile Baren said. "He probably can stay alive the longest against me ."

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