
Chapter 16

Presently Rage was swinging at unimaginable speed through the city. He now understand like to do this. He swung to the top of an apartment building. He did a double flip and landed on the edge of the roof.

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His house was just a few stairs down.

After entering he greeted both of his Grandparents and headed upstairs.

"hey Baren, Jessica call and said that every thing was set up and your product will be manufactured starting next month."

Baren Grandfather said as he watch the night news.

Baren nodded and went to his room.

Since this building doesn't have any gym Baren been missing some training. He had nothing of much importance to do. He had already thought for a good month but couldn't seem to think of any members to ask to join.

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looking at the date he sighed. He didn't he even have the funds for the teams at the moment.

He lay on his bed as he randomly spray web on all-over the roof. The web will disappear with in a hour so he didn't care if it got messy.

And like that the night pass.


Back at the Salem. After Rouge talk to Baren.

"Yow Rouge sorry for the wait. By the way who was that to make you smile like that." Jean tap Rouge on her back as she ask.

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"It was Baren. So your ready let go."Rouge blush a little.

Laughing at Rouge face Jean felt a little bit bitter. She also had a crush on Baren but he was with Rouge although not officially. Scott the boy she thought she liked was kind of a douchebag.

It was a few days ago Jean, Rouge and the rest of the crew went to a party to celebrate the girls soccer team victory. It was like any normal teenage party and alcohol was presented. Everyone was drunk at the party. Jean after having her fifth victory cheer went to check up on crew when she couldn't find Scott.

After looking for awhile she found him over a girl in the brush. Doing sh*t. Although she had crush on Baren he was Rouge man. She thought Scott was serious when he continuously pursue her but she thought wrong. From that night she ignore Scott all together. It been that bad to the point at affecting the team chemistry.

"Hey Rouge I want to say something but I have a feeling you won't like it"Jean nervously said as she held her head down. Rouge who was leaving stop and look at Jean with suspicion. She had become good friends with Jean over the Three months. Rouge look at Jean face that show anxiety, disappointed and some other conflicting emotions.

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"The thing is, I know you like Baren but I like him too." She held her breathe and blurted it out. Rouge froze at what Jean said.

Although she felt hurt, Jean was still her best friend now. Rouge frown. What is she supposed to do she like Baren but her friend also like him. Then a crazy idea took place in her head.

(Could we both be with him.)

Rouge contemplated on this idea. She had seen some of the book Baren read and knew he was into harems but was sure he wouldn't cheat on her when they get together.

So she could make a compromise with with Jean. ( Yeah that could work if Jean agree. But since this happen once can't it happen again. Damn who give a damn as long as he doesn't forget about his first wife sh*t is good)

"Hey Jean I don't mind you liking him but I like him too. If it fine with him we could share him." Rouge said to Jean. This made Jean dumbfounded.

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"Shar. Share!! Rouge are you alright. You sure about this." Jean ask.

Realizing Jean shock face Rouge became a Little bit embarrassed but nodded her head.

This was approached with a big hug from Jean.

Jean forgetting about Rouge condition and Rouge being caught of guard was met with this unpredictable accident. Jean fainted in her arms while Rouge fainted a little after managing to call the professor for help because of the hundreds of voice in her head.

Unbeknownst to Baren his future wife and second wife was decided before he knew it.

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