
Chapter 4

" Bit*h why did you smash the bus." Yelled a man in the driver seat of the truck.

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A younger man beside him just shrugged his shoulders as he said.

"It not my fault they were in my way.Hurry up the police is on our tail ."

The truck accelerated even more than it was doing as the younger man push his head out the window while he watch the cops.

He frown as a bullet miss his head and scratch his cheek.


He stretch out his hand as a massive shockwave was sent out . The pursuing cars were blown off the roads as they hit nearby building and trees.

"Hey stop killing people" the driver yelled.

"Haha haha haha haha why the hell do you care."the young man laugh.

The driver frown but continue drive.

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*I care.* a sinister chuckle was heard.

The driver and the young man froze at the unexpected voice but before they could look where it came from a pitch black hand pierce through the truck ceiling and grab the driver head. The driver head was then twisted off.

Losing the driver the truck soon lose control and overturn on it side.

The younger man weakly crawl out of the wreak truck.

(What the hell.)

A giant shadow slowly approach him as he lift his head and look at the figure.

licking it non existent lips it smile wickedly to man. It rose it hand as it sharpe finger sharpen. While screaming the young man was rip to pieces.


Hours later a couple police cars reach to the wreaked site and was shock by what they say.

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A headless man and a corpse rip to pieces.

" O honey your home what did you do today. " Jessica ask Baren ask he enter the house.

"I just got some new clothes mom"

Baren replied as he watch Jessica finish cooking dinner.

They ate dinner together and separate to go to bed.

He lied in his bed while talking to Onyx

(So you were pretty brutal this evening Onyx. Anyway are you the one that control the body when we enter battle mode.)

(*No I just take control when you are unable to. *)

(Uhmm anyway how fast were we moving and before we transform I'm pretty sure I was near death)

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(* I can regenerate your body as long as your head is intact. We basically broke the sound barrier when we ran down the truck*)

"The sound barrier huh.Why do my body feel stronger now than before I transform."

(* This is because as time pass I am slowly changing your body. Making it stronger and faster etc to better bring out my full ability*)

"Huh well let see what my plan is. I really want to join the avenger, Meet Tony,Captain American. I also want to go to wakanda to see black panther and shuri. "

(*You seem to have alot of plan. Base on your memory we are close to a group call X-Men*)

""Shit how could I forget them. I wonder how old they are now. Starks seem young from the television and I have not heard about any super hero so ironman is not here.

It strange thou since it 2018. I think the events in this marvel universe follow a different timeline than in the movie."

Baren sigh he fell a sleep


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Xavier move his wheelchair as he roll down the hall. A lady with white hair appear on the corridor as she began to help him.

"Storm have you checked what happen this evening."

" Yes professor. A mutant rob a bank and was on the run. He killed 15 people in a bus crash.

But the strange thing is that the truck he was on lose control and crash. when the police came his accomplice had his head rip off while the mutant had his body rip to pieces."

Xavier held his chin in wonder as he listen to storm.

" Is it a monster or a mutant I wonder uhmm. I didn't sense any new mutant in town and they aren't any mutant in town capable of doing that. Storm tell the kids to be careful when they go out and come back before night. I'm going to call Logan to check this out."

Storm nodded as she left Xavier in his office.

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