
Chapter 8

(Onyx couldn't you block that )Baren silent thought.

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(*Yeah I could but you getting a beating in awhile is good for you.*)

Frowning at Onyx response he struggle to get up.

"O so you are still awake." Quicksilver ask.

(*The persons call Logan and Jean is watching.*)Onyx said to Baren.

(Thank for the head up. Now how am I going to get out of this situation.Show them my power or play it low. O F**k it they already suspect me of not being human and their know I have powers already so does it matter.)

Baren smile as he thought of what to do. He jumped out of the dumpster and look in the direction of Logan and Jean.

"Hey you two care to help me with them. "

Realizing he saw them they froze but them came to view.

"So you are with them after all" Avalanche said as he saw the new reinforcement.

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Yawning Baren look at Avalanche as if he was an idiot. " I already said I was not with them I just didn't want to beat you guys up alone." Baren smile.

Avalanche was piss at Baren response while Rouge look at Jean and Logan in thought.

Not waiting on them to react Quicksilver rush to Logan. With quick reaction Jean lift him up with his mind to stop him.

Seeing how they stop quicksilver Avalanche started shacking the area and cracks appeared. Rouge seeing how Avalanche was out of control hesitate but the quickly remove her gloves and held his wrist.

It was like the life was drain from him as he fell unconscious.

No one expected Rouge to do that and was caught of guard but the Baren reacted. With unbelievable swiftness and agility he use the wall as footing jumping on it and then off toward quicksilver he hook his arm around his throat and push him down.

Quicksilver was knock unconscious. Baren then lifted a rock and accurately hit the back of the fleeing frog.

The ground began to shack as Baren remember Rouge couldn't control the ability she absorb at the moment. With a quick and skill movement he went behind Rouge and gently knock her out.

All this happening under 10 seconds.

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He sigh out in relief as he watch the stun figure of Logan and Jean.

"Eh Mm. Do you mind taking care of these three Anyway bye."Baren said as he lifted the unconscious Rouge and walk away.

As being shock back into reality Jean shouted to wait.

"What you going to do with rouge and are you seriously a mutant"

"Rouge huh anyway I just going carry her to my house and wait for her to wake up. I'm not a mutant. I'm a normal human with a supernatural ability ."Baren reply as he continue walking.

Logan suddenly went infornt of Baren and said he couldn't make him leave with rouge.

That was it. Baren was really piss at this guy now and gave him a hard stare. Unbeknownst to him as he stare at Logan his eyes began changing to a full sliver.No pupil no white sclera on sliver.

This gave Logan the chilled as he took a small step back.

Sigh. Looking at the sleeping Rouge in his hand he gave up. "Okay so what you want to take me to the mansion. Let go. "

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Surprise at Baren Corporation he hesitated but Xavier using telepathy told Logan to lead him to him.

Giving Jean a nod he lead them to a parking lot where Scott was waiting in his car beside Logan bike.

Although he was shock seeing Baren and an unconscious Rouge he decided to ask what happened later as the drove to the mansion.

Half way to the mansion Baren remember something.

"Wait a minute did you guys just leave those three unconscious on the street"

Logan on his motorcycle heard Baren and shrugged while Jean said you were the one who knock them out it was your responsibility.

(And you call yourself heroes blah.) Baren thought as they are the mansion.

It was Friday afternoon meaning they had two day off plus Jessica would not be home so he didn't worry about how dark it presently was.

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At the front of the mansion Xavier Baren assume was waiting with Storm.

(Seriously Black painter wife his hot too . )

Baren thought.

Lucky thing Xavier couldn't read his mind are he would have one of the ugliest face man kind could make.

With rouge in his arm he greeted the professor and walk in with out listening to what anyone was saying. Storm seem a little angry with his attitude.While Xavier and the other gave a helpless smile.

As Baren found the living room he laid Rouge down and stared at the people infornt of him.

"So what exactly do you want"

Xavier clearing his throat began speaking.

"Nothing much Mr. Vals But we have a little business with that child beside you and I have some questions for you. By the way I know you are awake so could you participate in the conversation."

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