Prologue II-Still, they head towards a future full of worries

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Part 1

He took on a lot of things alone.

The delight of others, the sadness of others…

Love, hatred. Life, death.


Once he made a wrong move in his decisions, alot of people would die or live; be sad or happy.

He had to make a decision. He had to kill the left side to save the right. He had to kill the right to save the left.

The choices were always forced on him.

Now, decide for yourself which life is more important?”

Which side’s life is less important?

Every decision he made would cause people who caused tragedy to die…

But he continued to endure everything.

And then, he was able to calmly take them on.

It was ironic, but he had an expression rather similar to hers when he saw her go while he was still young.

Even though it was very hard, very sad; very painful, and yet calm as if there was no pain…

Part 2

Sion was in his office, reading the reports of all sorts of things that happened in the visit to Nelpha. First, it was the report of Count Buble and Calne about what the nobles did when Sion wasn’t in Roland.

Then, there was a report about Froaude’s activity log in Nelpha.

And finally, a detailed history report of Claugh’s secret investigation on Miran Froaude when Sion wasn’t around…

However, these were meaningless. No matter how much he investigated, there were no results of information during the time before Miran Froaude was taken by Count Froaude’s as a foster son…

So, everyone who knew about Froaude were all…

It would be more accurate to say that they were killed…

The numbers were unbelievably staggering.

For example, during the time when Froaude was at the orphanage, everyone from the caretakers to the students…

Were all killed…

There was no way to explain why.


Someone knocked on the door…

“I’m Miran Froaude, delivering an additional report regarding the visit of Nelpha.”

It was a voice that was always so respectful, yet one with emotions restrained…or eliminated.

“Come in.”

Sion commanded, and Froaude walked in.

Sion continued to read the details on Froaude.

The report stated that Froaude’s origin of birth was unknown, and there were no records of his real name. And then, at the end of the report, Claugh concluded with ‘Miran Froaude is exceptionally dangerous and should be dismissed immediately’.

After reading it, Sion lifted his head, and Froaude was holding the document and standing right in front of him.

He stared at Sion with icy cold eyes and smiled lightly.

“So, what do you think of my past?”


How did you know of such a thing? Sion didn’t say these words out.

This man was just like that, and Sion showed an indifferent expression,

“Nn. Does it make you feel uneasy that your past was being investigated on?”

“No, that’s to be expected. You’re the king of this country, so all the people around you have to be chosen rigorously.”

“Ahh, that’s right.”

As he said that, Sion handed over the report Claugh wrote about Froaude right at him,

“Read the last line.”

Froaude received it…

“Haha, ‘exceptionally dangerous and should be dismissed immediately’…is it?”

He read on in an interested manner.

“Then? What do you intend to do?”

Sion shrugged,

“You did a good job at Nelpha. Why must I dismiss you?”

It was a direct answer. Froaude’s expression seemed to show his piquing interest.

“You’re really a weird person.”

“I don’t want you saying that about me.”

“…If it were me, I would have definitely dealt with such dangerous talent.”

In response to Froaude’s words,

“Really? But I intend to use you. My principle is to make use of whatever I can make use of.”

Normally speaking, if a superior said such a thing to a subordinate, there would be no loyalty or anything like that left. However, Sion said that without restraint, and in response,

“That’s right, which is why I can’t become king. Your tolerance is much greater than mine. As long as you need me, I’ll continue to serve you.”

Froaude said.

Looking rather satisfied…

This was a devilish smile that nobody wished to see.

Right now, Sion could only continue to progress on.

No matter what kind of demon it was, he would give it his own flesh and blood if they need it.

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If that’s the way to build a world without wars, madness and where everyone could smile,

In order to fulfill the promise he made with her in the distant past.

No matter what that price was…


Sion didn’t answer Froaude’s question,

“Then, what about the additional report on Nelpha?”

Froaude nodded and handed over a document. The other person browsed through it.

What was written was…

About how Toale Nelphi would become an obstacle to the Roland Empire, and about Froaude attacking Toale’s house.

However, he met an unexpected obstacle, and though he gave the opponent a hard time, he had to concede a failure in the end.

Immediately, Sion remembered.

At that time, Ryner said something vague.

And about how Ferris didn’t appear as she wasn’t feeling well.

No, even though she sent him and Ryner flying for saying bad things about her…

They actually took on Froaude head on.

That was…

Even though it was indirect…wouldn’t that mean that Sion had to kill Ryner’s group in the end…

Thinking about this…

He could only shake his head and reveal a bitter smile, thinking that it was all just a coincidence. From now on, I must tell Froaude to inform me of whatever he wants to do before he does them.

He convinced himself and let Froaude fall back.


He released his hands and slumped onto the chair, delving deep into his thoughts.

He could offer anyway to fulfill the promise he made with her in the distant past.

No matter what that price was—

His friends’ lives…

The moment these words appeared in his mind, Sion’s face writhed.

He managed to pass the crisis this time.

But what about the future?

If the right side is Ryner’s group and the left side is the country…

Which will I choose?

I will…

Pondering, he shook his head,

“…How stupid.”

I won’t let things end up in such a state. I’m not so stupid.

No problems.

But no matter how many times he repeated this to himself, Sion’s expression continued to look grim.

At this moment, the door was knocked on again.


Sion looked at the door.

“This is Major Rahel Miller of the ‘Taboo Breaker’ Pursuit Squad. I’ll like to discuss with Your Majesty regarding the posting of my direct subordinate Lieutenant Milk Callaud…”


Sion’s expression eased up from just now.

And grinned like a mischievous kid…

After that, he showed a stern look again.

“Come in.”

And gave orders to Miller.

Part 3

Several days later,

There was a heavy atmosphere in a room in a simple building that was completely different from the glamorous palace.

Milk Callaud kept still there…

(Uu…why is the Major’s expression so stern…)

Miller was staring at her with a stern expression right in front of her large round eyes.

Miller was in his early thirties, but his sculpture like face, refined moves and usual stern expression made him feel alot older than he really was.

There were quite a few female officers who felt that Miller had the charisma of a mature man, and he was rather popular…but to Milk, who was only 16 years old and had no experience of love or any knowledge of a man’s charm, this feeling was alien to her.

(Auu…he’s definitely angry…why is that? I definitely brushed my teeth after eating, and I don’t randomly eat stuff at night…ahh, but the cake I ate the last time was really nice. The Callaud family wouldn’t let me eat their sweets to keep me in shape, so it was the first time I ate cake. Ehehe, everyone was really nice to me ever since I came to the dorm of the ‘Taboo Breaker’ Pursuit Squad. Everyone calls me a princess who doesn’t know anything, an immature lieutenant, but they’re all very kind to me ♥)

Milk was the only one who got happy alone.

On a side note, she had no idea of the extent as to how much she missed the point…

No, that wasn’t it. She was even flailing her hands as she thought. She would be absolutely delighted no matter how minor that happy thing was. The members of the ‘Taboo Breaker’ Pursuit Squad’s first impression on her was that she got close to everyone in a cheery manner—

16 years old, born a noble, one of the rare females in the army, and promoted to lieutenant in a way that was unheard of.

However, this envy immediately vaporized as she had now become someone completely beloved.

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This was what Milk was outstanding at. Her straightforward demeanour and leadership abilities of a certain extent allowed the squads she directed to fulfil their abilities beyond their limits…

Well, such a thing may not have anything to do with Milk’s conscious efforts…

But speaking of which, what Milk was pondering about…

She was thinking about the taste of the cake, and while she was intoxicated in delight a while ago, she was now troubled as she went mm—,

(Wait!? Is that cake the reason why the Major’s angry? Au…tha, that’s right. To a soldier, the body is the essence…of course he’ll be angry since I ate the cake…)

She looked really troubled as she hugged her head.

Seeing this, Miller sighed long and hard in a tired manner as well,

“I didn’t call you out for any other reasons.”

“Ye, yes.”

Milk answered in a tense manner.

“Um. I called you over to assign you your next mission.”

Milk showed a surprised look,

“Eh? Mission…is it? Not about the cake?”

“Nn? Cake? What are you talking about?”

“Heh?...ahh…...erm…not exactly…ah, ahaha. It’s nothing. I didn’t eat the cake at all, really!”

She waved her hands nervously as she said this.


Miller stared at her in a bewildered manner, and again gave a deep sigh,

“Then, can I continue with what I want to say?”

Milk nodded, and he continued with his words,

“I feel that this order is too early for you, but this is an order from the higher-ups. You’re assigned to pursue the dangerous ‘Taboo Breakers’ who destroyed the Roland sentry gate.”

And then, Milk showed a serious expression.

“Pursuing ‘Taboo Breakers’ will mean…ki,killing them, right…? Or capturing them?”

“Nn. I’ll leave that to you. Watch the opponents. If they can be captured, capture them. if they can’t be captured, eliminate them.”


Miller was very direct in his words.

It was this kind of place here, a place where they had to pursue their old comrades, capture them or kill them.

That’s why they were hated and belittled.


Milk closed her eyes sadly, but Miller was still cold in his attitude.

“Any other questions?”

Milk tentatively asked,

“Then…do you know of the history of those ‘Taboo Breakers’?”


“So what if you know?”

“Eh…no, erm…”

Miller watched Milk try to explain herself as he sighed softly in a way she couldn’t detect, and then used a tender expression that was slightly different from before to stare at her,

“Lieutenant Callaud, the people who escaped the Roland Empire definitely have their reasons to leave. There’s nothing meaningless in this world.”

“Ye, yes…”

Milk was surprised by Miller’s sudden words and nodded,

Miller continued,

“But if the secrets of Roland’s magic were revealed to others, it would mean that the Roland Empire’s weakness is revealed to the other countries. That would mean that there’s an opening for the other countries to invade, and a chance for a war to start. If that happens, a lot of people will die…do you understand? The tragedies of war, a large number of people dying meaninglessly; I…don’t want to see that again.”

“I understand.”

Milk answered. Miller nodded.

“Let me ask you again. Why do you want to know about the history of the ‘Taboo Breakers’? What if they’re worth pitying? Will you pity them and not kill them?”

“We, well…”

“Our mission is as such, a dirty job that people don’t want to do. However, it’s a job someone has to do. Alright, let me give you a choice here.”

“A choice…is it?”

Miller drew out two set of documents from his drawer and handed them over to Milk,

And then,

“The left has documents that basically include the points about this mission. If you accept this, the mission will start. But on the right…is a department transfer document. What I mean is that you have to question your own thoughts before you take the next mission. Alright, what will you choose? The choice you make will be your own life. Nobody will laugh at you for this. The deadline is tomorrow, so think this through properly…”

But before Miller could even finish, Milk grabbed the documents on the left without hesitation.

Without any pondering or struggling at all.

Miller stared at Milk.

“This is your last chance. Is this choice really good? It’s a dirty job where you kill all your past friends, different from the outstanding path like the method you used to enter the famed Callaud family, you know? Is this really good? It’s better for you to consider this through…”

But Milk smiled without any trouble burdening her,

“There’s no need to think any more, I’ve decided. Thank you for your understanding, major, but…it’s fine. That’s because I died once, and came back from the dead!”


Miller couldn’t help but ask Milk who said such vague words. Milk showed a reminiscent look on her face and grinned in a rather happy manner.

“I died once before. Uun, when I was bought by the Callaud family, I felt that my heart was dead. However…that boy allowed me to live. He told me not to die. So I lived. That’s why I want to repay that boy…at that time, due to the war, there were deaths all around me……

He…may have…died…

But, But if he’s alive, he’s definitely in Roland. That’s why I want to protect this Roland he’s in now.

I want to protect this Roland where I met him.

I want to protect this Roland where you all were protecting without me knowing, Major Miller.

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I want to protect this Roland where everyone’s smiling, depressed, yet working hard to live in.

As long as there are no wars, and that everyone can be relieved of their sadness, it’s alright for me to be a little hurt. That’s why I’ll carry out my mission as part of the ‘Taboo Breaker’ Pursuit Squad with dignity!”

Miller stared at Milk, and Milk suddenly panicked,

“……Erm, ah, why did I say such things that are over my head…au, so, sorry. Well, erm, no, it’s not that amazing. I just like the people here, and the cake’s nice too…so…ah, not good, that didn’t count. I, I didn’t eat the cake!”

Miller’s stern eyes stared at the thoroughly confused Milk…

And then, he said with a loud voice, one that people would feel he was angry,


“Eh? Ah, yes!”

Milk was suddenly roared at as she immediately stopped her little actions.

Miller said to Milk with a stern voice,

“Welcome to the ‘Taboo Breaker’ Pursuit Squad. I’m looking forward to your performance in the future.”

Milk then answered with a serious expression,

“Yes, I’ll work hard and not fail your expectations!”

“You may be dismissed. Time to start preparing for your mission.”


After saying that, Milk left the room.

Part 4

Several seconds after Milk left the room,

Miller scratched his head,

“Oi. Luke, Lach, Lear, Moe, come in. Lieutenant Callaud’s gone.”

And then, another door leading to another room that was different from the one Milk left by was opened, and four men walked in,

One of them, the tall white-haired Luke who was about 25 years old, was weeping,

“Uu…the kid is such a good kid, Miller-sempai.”

Two of the rest, the boyish Lach and Moe were teary-eyed as well, as their tears flowed right down their faces,

“I’m so touched…”

“Me too.”

And then, the last one with a cool look on his face, Lear handed a handkerchief over to Luke,

“It’s true that the girl just now is a rare one worth praising.”

“Ahh, there are no kids we mustn’t protect!”

On saying that, the four of them nodded away, un un. Miller gave an annoyed look,

“You guys, let me say this first, she’s your superior here, you know?”

Luke nodded,

“I understand that, sempai. It’s alright. We’ll definitely not allow that kid to become bad. I’ll bear responsibility. What ya say?”

“Yes, sempai!”

They said that as they left the room. Those just now were the men in Milk’s squad.

As he watched them leave…

“Didn’t I say that she’s the superior…are those guys mistaken somewhere?”

Miller clutched his head and sighed for the umpteenth time today.

Even though nobody knows what the future holds, Milk Callaud’s long journey began…

Part 5

However, in that distant place in Nelpha, Ryner’s group didn’t know of what was going on in Roland at all…

He continued to show that unenthusiastic expression as he continued with his research.

“Ahh~ so sleepy, so annoying…I say, I beg of you, just let me sleep a li…”

Immediately, Ferris readied her sword at Ryner’s neck,

“Nope. We can’t just stay around here. Another guy like the one the last time may also be aiming for the legends’ relics. Hurry up and finish your research so that we can hurry up and leave.”

“I say, even if you say that…this can’t be forced out, you know? If I panic, I’ll miss something, and the interpretation will be wrong…”

“Nn, then read it quickly, easily and accurately.”

“I say…how do you expect me to do that…au…I got it, I’ll do it, I’ll do it, okay!? Just sheath your sword!!”

It was the usual scene.

The next day, Ryner, who had been going at his research without sleep was finally at his limit as he fell asleep the moment he took the book…



Anyway…Ferris and Iris took turns watching Ryner, and he couldn’t sleep for 4 days while he continued his research. Even if the sword didn’t slice his head off, he felt that he was finally on the brink of dying due to a severe lack of sleep…

“Is it over!? I DID IT!! I DID IT!!!!!”

Ryner shouted with teary eyes as he looked really touched, and sprawled down as he wanted to sleep. But at this moment, Ferris,

“Un, Iris, tell Sion that we’re leaving.”

“Un! Bye bye, nee-sama! Beast!”

After saying that, she leapt out from the window on the third floor, and then,

“Wait…oi, you, did you just say that we’re leaving now? Are you joking there?”

Ferris simply said directly,

“Nn. Your face is really more like a joke here. Let’s go.”

“……Are you…the devil? I’ll definitely die if I move now…please…”

Ryner’s words were interrupted as Ferris drew her sword—

But Ryner decided not to back down.

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“I’m going to explode. I won’t move even one step unless I get sleep.”

“Nn. If you really want to sleep, I can let you sleep forever…”


“Bring it.”

And then, Ryner and Ferris—why does it seem that such a scene happened before as well—glared at each other…

Part 6

Several seconds later,

Ryner was a lot weaker and battered before as he hid inside Toale’s courtyard. Beside him, Ferris was hidden as well as they watched Toale play with the kids in the courtyard.

Ryner said,

“I say, Ferris. Do you think that guy will really become the king of this country? Like what that shadow monster manipulating man said?”

But Ferris didn’t add on,

“I don’t know. That’ll depend on Toale himself.”

“I say, wouldn’t the topic end here just like this?”

“Nn? What now? Are you trying to talk to me?”

Ryner seemed like he deliberately wanted to talk about this,

“…No…more than this, I really don’t feel like talking. I want to sleep…but I know you won’t let me anyway. I just feel that becoming a king will be very troublesome, and it’s better not to be one. Just look at Sion. He took on too many things…forcing himself into a tight spot…he doesn’t actually look happy like this, right?”

“…That’s true. However, whether that guy becomes king or not can’t be decided by himself. The times will always aspire for a king.”

“I say, why are you saying such cool words…is it like that?”

“Um, that’s how it is.”

Ferris nodded. Ryner’s eyes showed a little sadness as he narrowed them and watched Toale play along with his brothers happily,

“This is really…getting troublesome here…”

At this moment, Ferris stood up.”

“Alright, we should leave.”

She started to walk away. Ryner turned back tolook at her.

“Oi Ferris. Do you really intend to walk off without greeting Toale? He took care of us for such a long time…”

But Ferris didn’t look back,

“It’s because he took care of us for so long that I find it awkward to say goodbye to him. I don’t want to pay because of such a debt of kindness.”

Ryner showed a tired smile on his face as he stared at Ferris who said such cruel words. He got up and chased after her.

“Is that really the reason? The real reason why you’re so anxious to leave is because that guy called Froaude might come back if we continue to stay here, right? That guy’s aiming for us now…Toale will definitely tell us to stay if we tell him we’re going to leave, so we secretly snuck out, isn’t it?”

But Ferris simply shook her head,

“Nope, I’m just trying to experiment and see how long you can last without sleep…”


“Just kidding.”

“Liar! You were looking very serious just now!”

“Nn. How did you know?”

“Then don’t just admit it!”

Though such a conversation continued, Ryner stopped his words,

“But that can do.”

He continued on in a tired manner,

It seemed that Ferris wanted to say something as well…

She remained silent for a short while as if she was thinking…




“The wound on my back has recovered to an extent where there’re no problems. It could have healed faster for me without that messy treatment of yours…”

Ferris said with her usual monotonous voice, yet Ryner’s eyes widened…

“Are, are you actually thinking of thanking me…?”

“…Why must I thank you no matter what?”

And she coldly answered,


“I say, you…”

He uttered these words…

But Ryner felt that there was a slight change in Ferris’ expression…


Ryner smiled.

“Is that so. That’s good then.”


Ferris looked away for some reason, and Ryner lifted his head to look at the sky.

There were no clouds in the sky…

It did feel better than when they left. He was sleep-deprived, and his mind was a little messy…but he should be able to hang on for a day.

Ryner stretched his back,

“Then, where should we go now?”

He said as he expanded the large map of Nelpha in his mind…

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