Deposed Empress General 15- Escape

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A few days later, northern Yu's one hundred and fifty thousand strong army entered Daji city, and in just a few short days and nights, Wenqi opened the city gate, inviting the cavalry inside. Northern Yu's great army charged straight ahead, unopposed, and used only six days to enter Daji city, causing Yan country to lose half its territory.

At this time, military reports returned to Jinyang, claiming that northern Yu's army had invaded, and had easily opened Ye city's gate, and his second highness, Murong Yan and Great General Wenqi had risen up in rebellion, shaking the whole country!

In Daji city, Murong Yan led ten thousand Yu infantry, at the head of the column, entering the city with them. His subordinates were all Wenqi's most capable commanders, and other than assistant general Yuan Xi, there were six additional people serving beneath his command. They were all great commanders that could each personally face a hundred. Murong Yan looked at each one of them, smiling, "Having been a farming general for a few years, aren't your hands itchy?"

The eyes of the six let out a bit of bloodlust, "The heart's itchy, and it's difficult to bear!" They didn't particularly respect Murong Yan, but the moment he came, there was a battle to fight, and there wasn't anything more satisfying.

Murong Yan smiled, looking at them, "Godly warriors' might, how could we bury it. Generals, we are people of Yan country; we are not Western Jing's dogs; we are not Northern Yu's prey meat! From today, whomever dares look lightly upon us, we will take their eyes! Whoever dares to spit on our faces, will will pull out their tongues! The enemy's blood, will become the source of our boundless glory."

He and Wenqi were different types of people. The generals had all detected this. But they liked this type of leader, liked this type of hot-blooded, and inspiring feeling. This old one didn't enter the army just to farm, dropping one's dignity to do things was the way of holy people!1

Within a chaotic era, it was the path of violence. Someone who could use a war to stop war was the type of ruler we have wished for.

Northern Yu's leading marshal was called Sha Xingsheng, and was also a detailed person. When they entered Ye city, he was still extremely cautious. But upon entering Daji city, he still hadn't encountered resistance, so he had finally let down half his guard. At this time, he had kept Murong Yan under watch, and hearing that Wenqi's troops kept advancing as the advance guard, his heart could not help but feel a bit of disdain. Such a nice realm, but these princes, they would only, for the sake of glory, they would be able to just offer up their territory and people to other nations.

This type of prince, even if he became king Yan, how much of a threat could he even become?

The timing was calculated perfectly, and once it was night, the great army was resting in Daji city. The way Sha Xingsheng organized his troops was still considered strict, and at this time, they had already begun patrolling the camp. And the troops that Murong Yan had led, although they were Wenqi's elite, there were all advanced in age. And seeing that the time was growing tight, everyone started to gather together.

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Once midnight had arrived, flames ignited outside the city. Murong Yan ordered the Yan troops to separate to their objectives, and to enter the basements with all of the civilians to hide. A moment later, there was only the flurry of flmaing arrows, firing into the city. Blazing fires burned into the sky, and the army within the city instantly became chaotic.

Sha Xingsheng immediately reacted, knowing that he had fallen into a trap, he loudly screamed, "Seize Murong Yan, don't let him escape!!"

Countless soldiers charged forward, but the Yan troops had already scattered, leaving only Murong Yan and Zuo Canglang, the two of them, a small target to be chased. The wind and oil assisted the blaze, and the city gate had long been locked shut; so the pungent smoke roiled, and within their eyes, there was only a sharp brightness. Wenqi ordered people to guard the city gates, and once someone tried escaping, they would immediately send an arrow barrage at them.

Zuo Canglang and Murong Yan were fleeing left and right amidst the strong smoke, and the hundred-thousand enemy forces, if they really encountered them, even if it was the great deity Luojin, it would probably be also get chopped into mincemeat.

The fire arrows continued to fly into the city, setting fires everywhere. With such a short line of sight, even if one tripped over the occasional thing below them, anyone that had looked well-groomed would still end up looking like a mess. Zuo Canglang and Murong Yan at this time, had already looked like a homeless dog, fleeing with worried steps. Occasionally, they would be discovered by a small group of Yu troops, but Zuo Canglang put in all her effort, firing off many arrows to cover their tracks. The windy smoke grew pungently dark, the air boiling hot, she started not knowing if she had accurately shot her targets.

The bow had already rubbed blisters into her hand, thin in her body but like steel needles. But around them, there finally wasn't anyone left, so Zuo Canglang came down to take a breath, and Murong Yan turned his head, pulling her hand, continuing forward. His black robe was stained with flame and soot from the whole city, and fluttered brilliantly, the scene was difficult to describe.

Zuo Canglang suddenly recovered her energy, and she shot and killed the pursuing troops; Murong Yan scouted the route to pull back. Not long later, the two arrived at a place with an abandoned well; Murong Yan said, "Go down."

Zuo Canglang knew the situation was pressing, and didn't say more, but immediately descended. Murong Yan followed, also descending, and then, he took a stone to cover the well.

The noise outside instantly quieted, and the light of the flames passed through the sliver above; the whole city of Daji was in a blaze.

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Zuo Canglang's hair had been half burnt, and on her whole body, there were countless wounds. Comparing the two, Murong Yan could still be counted as being prim and proper, but also had a layer of soot. His face was even worse, as sweat and ash had congealed on his face, to the point where he could go ahead and act in traditional theater.2

The two of them crossed glances, Zuo Canglang laughing first, and then she quickly stopped, going forwards to help him clean off the ash on him, "Lord master......"

Murong Yan stared at her, "What do you mean by having the expression of laughing but your body isn't laughing?"

A hot wave wafted down, and inside the well, it was a bit humid. Zuo Canglang helped him disrobe, lightly saying, "This servant is lacking in ability, and caused lord master to face danger."

Having fought and fled through the entire city, Murong Yan's entire body had been drenched. Wearing this type of wet clothes was not good. Murong Yan lightly said, "What you've said is correct, you just didn't do a good job protecting your master, come here."

Zuo Canglang was speachless, eh, I was just randomly talking. You can really blame me for this? She walked over, and Murong Yan lifted his hand, helping her out of her clothes. Zuo Canglang's face had already grown burning red, and one couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or burns from the fire.

The heavy armor was placed by a side; Murong Yan had probably long planned on using this place as their shelter, as the inside had already been swept pretty clean. There was actually a bucket of clean water and two clean changes of clothes.

Murong Yan waved his hand, "Turn around."

Zuo Canglang turned around, and he used the clean water to wipe his face, and then changed into the clean clothes. Finally, he said, "Come over here to change."

Zuo Canglang went over, and saw that he only had wiped his face, and could not help but find it out of the ordinary. He had sweat that much, so why would he not wipe his body off? She suspected, but Murong Yan's eyebrows moved, "You are a little girl, and using my bath water is ultimately not good. If I let you be dirty, it will still offend my nose. Go ahead and wash."

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Zuo Canglang opened her mouth, wanting to respond. This situation where there was only a man and a woman...... it wasn't good, right? Murong Yan smiled, "For the moment, I have decided not to peep on you."

Saying thus, he really turned around, his back facing her. Zuo Canglang wet the corner of a cloth, and from her face, seeing that he really didn't intend on peeking, turned around and slowly wiped her body.

The sound of the water was light, and Murong Yan turned his head, and saw in the flickering lamplight, he clothes were half open, the skin on her back was soft and smooth like jade. Zuo Canglang had wiped her body, and turned around to take a look, and happened to cross gazes with Murong Yan.

"Ah!" In the span of two breaths, she responded, quickly, grabbing her clothes. Murong Yan laughed, saying, "I only took one look, and yet it was more frightening than that northern Yu's hundred-thousand plus army."

Zuo Canglang finally was angry, "You said you weren't going to look! You...... you are the noble Yan country prince, and yet your words are untrustworthy! You......" she couldn't continue saying, having run out of words.

Murong Yan smiled, "I said I was temporarily not going to look, and previously, my words were dependable like Ru mountain. And currently, that 'temporarily' has passed, so my taking a look, how is it going back on my word?"

Zuo Canglang turned around, and Murong Yan neared, interrogating, "You're really angry?"

Zuo Canglang said in a deadpan, "Why does lord master have to bother like so? If you're really interested in this subordinate, you only have to say the order. This subordinate will open her clothes and remove her belt, and serve lord master immediately."

Murong Yan sighed, and took a robe, covering the ground, sitting on it, "When someone is old, one becomes really incapable, after having a narrow escape, their form being messy was enough, but even a subordinate would also complain towards you."

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Zuo Canglang got really angry, and after thinking a bit, her heart still softened.

Heavens knew, he was such a picky person, how he bore escaping through the midst of that tens of thousands of troops, enduring a face full of ash. And finally, with what type of mood, did he end up hiding from the disaster in such a desolate well, and listening to the blazes outside, the screams of foes perishing.

She lowered her face, lightly saying, "If...... if......"

Trying hard many times, she ultimately did not continue. Murong Yan inquisitively looked over, "If what?"

Zuo Canglang bit her lips, "If with my body, I can comfort Lord master's heart, I am willing." Even if it was only for a moment, if I really could, I would be willing. Her voice was extremely soft, but determined, "But I know, that it's not possible. For many years, the crown prince and fifth prince have all gathered wives and concubines, numbering like a crowd, and only second highness was still awaiting miss Jiang. Your highness's relationship with miss Jiang, has always made people jealous. And now, your highness is stuck against adversity, and what you need right now is not comfort, but enough patience and determination. That's why, I would please ask lord master, to bear it; this subject is willing to follow and accompany lord master, and help you recover everything you have lost."

Murong Yan stooped down, saying two words, "Ungrateful beast."3

Zuo Canglang lifted her head, her gaze intense like wine. Murong Yan slowly turned his gaze aside, very well, I believe you are serious. He reached his hand out, covering her eyes.

No...... don't come close to me, don't use this type of gaze to look at me.

TN: 1. Basically, the generals are thinking that the ability to abide being disrespected is the way of "holy" people, or people who are more in line with the Buddhist world view, of being able to bear all things. I.E. Not having worldly attachments. But it's kind of a derogatory term when used here, as it is expressing that they have no self-dignity or respect to stand up for themselves.
2. In ancient theater, people painted their faces white. So think like, Noh theater.
3. Technically, he called her white-eyed wolf.

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