Deposed Empress General 17-To Sow Discord

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Leng Feiyan took a look over all the manuals in which Cang Ge had explained all of the various martial arts sects' moves, and then she felt that the concept of learning, was indeed, a sea without borders. Afterwards, she grew increasingly interested in this Cang Ge, as this man, his martial arts, when compared to his older brother, Cang Feng, was obviously significantly weaker. But the things he knew were actually very broad, and if he was willing to put in the effort, one could believe that his martial arts progression would not be any worse than his older brother's.

This night, after Leng Feiyan had eaten dinner, she once again went into Cang Ge's study. Outside, there was suddenly a light call for her by someone.

Leng Feiyan rose, but only saw under the hazy moonlight, there was a person's shadowy form. With one look, she recognized who it was, "Feng Ping? How come you're here?"

The person who had entered from the outside was indeed Feng Ping, and he was facing Leng Feiyan, with a calm expression, "His highness orders you to spread the news of Cang Feng's death."

Leng Feiyan's frowned, after all, she was a smart person, and quickly understood, "Lord master wants to use Cang Feng's death, to help Swallow's Nest gain fame? But this way, if Cangjian Sect seeks revenge, I'm afraid it will cause Swallow's Nest to be pulled out by the roots. We still don't have enough might to oppose Cangjian Sect."

Feng Ping said, "I'm only here to pass the word, and if you have an objection, you can report it to his highness yourself."

Finishing, he left. Leng Feiyan went into deep thought for a while, and also didn't notify the estate's steward, but went that night straight to Daji city.

At that time, Daji city was filled with rejoicing. The Yan troops had completely decimated a hundred thousand northern Yu elite troops. Wenqi killed all the prisoners of war, and captured the enemy's lead general, Sha Xingsheng, and in the midst of the engagement, managed to seize countless arms, armor, and horses. Daji city's walls and the cracks of the wall all were painted red with blood.

The Yan troops had attain a great victory!

When the report was returned, within court, everyone was entirely confused, as just moments ago, they were still attempting to convince King Yan to leave the capital, and all the high officials were all without a plan. This...... just a moment ago, Wenqi and his second highness were still in rebellion, the enemy troops had already penetrated deep into the rich lands of Yan country's Daji city, how did it, just a moment later, result in Yu country completely being destroyed by Wenqi?

Daji city, seemed as though it had suffered deep destruction, and the civilians were busy being resettled. Wenqi then ordered his subordinate generals to gather together, "Even though we won a great victory in this battle, but because we didn't receive orders from his majesty, but was done of my own initiative, ordering troops on my own. His second highness, although he didn't personally participate, but as the military observer, he hid the news without reporting it, so he also cannot escape the crime. Currently, the combat situation is over, so I will accompany his second highness to return to Jinyang to admit our crimes. The great army will be placed under Yuan Xi's temporary command. Zhuge Jin, Zheng Chu, you two will assist him. One will hold the military seal, and the marshal's seal will be placed under general Yuan's safekeeping, until his highness sends someone to take over."

Before he finished speaking, everyone knelt on the ground, "Marshal Wen! At this time, to Jinyang city, you cannot go!"

Yuan Xi was also worried, "Marshal Wen, I'm a rough and reckless person, so how can I take over such a heavy responsibility! Additionally, his highness ultimately did not know the situation, so he must be tricked by scummy people......"

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Before his words had finished, Wenqi had waved his hand, "Regarding this matter, I have already made my decision, so there is no need to make more objections." Saying thus, he turned his head, looking at Murong Yan, asking, "Your second highness doesn't have any objections, right?"

Murong Yan smiled, "Of course, we will all follow marshal's arrangements."

Wenqi didn't know why, but his heart, which had been tight this whole time, finally settled down. This second highness, always seemed to hide the depth of his capability, but for so many years, within the palace, the extent of exclusion he had suffered, schemes against him, and plots he had experienced were probably all unimaginable by those around him, right? This time, he took such a large risk, did he really not have an ulterior motive?

When Leng Feiyan came over to Daji city, she didn't get to see Murong Yan. Murong Yan and Wenqi removed their armor and swords, got into a carriage, and after assigning the military duties, they returned to the Yan capital. She didn't have the means to get close, but could only stay behind. Within the forested woods close to the old road, Zuo Canglang said, "How are you still here? How was your recovery?"

Leng Feiyan smiled with her beautiful countenance, "Didn't I have some errand here! You still remember that I was wounded, and that was my taking a sword blow from you, and why do you currently have this cold and expressionless look?"

Zuo Canglang couldn't do anything about her, saying, "This time lord master is returning to Jinyang, and I'm only afraid that he is walking into a den of wolves. I can't smile, so regarding what the matter is, what do you think it is."

Leng Feiyan said, "I think he can't possibly die; just take a look, last time, when we ran into Cang Feng, if we couldn't counter him, would he still have a backup move?" Zuo Canglang was startled, and Leng Feiyan pat her shoulder, "Just relax with one hundred and twenty percent of your heart. If by that time, that useless and extravagant king Yan really wants to kill him, I would carry him out myself."

Zuo Canglang finally was entertained to the point where she could barely curl her lips, "Then why did you really come to find me"

Leng Feiyan said, "Lord master wanted me to spread the news that I killed Cang Feng, but I am afraid of Cangjian Sect seeking revenge, you understand?"

Zuo Canglang lightly frowned, saying, "Lord master wanted you to spread the news, but didn't want you to explicitly state that it was Swallow's Nest that killed Cang Feng. You can use a different faction's name, thereby proving to the world that this non existent faction has nothing to do with Swallow's Nest. As such, you can utilize this faction's name to perform actions, but you can also not get dragged down by it."

Leng Feiyan clapped her head, "That's reasonable, so I'll leave first, and next time, I'll invite you to drink."

Finishing her words, she turned around to leave, but Zuo Canglang said, "Feiyan, after you return to Jinyang, pay attention to which people try to contact the people inside the palace."

Leng Feiyan didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

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Zuo Canglang said, "Yu country's Daxi Qin has always known many things, so he won't just leave things as is. I suspect that within Jinyang city, there are spies, and probably, they have already begun making their move."

Leng Feiyan realized, "I will return immediately."

At this time, Yu country of course knew that they had fallen into a trap, but even if they were extremely angry, but currently, they had suffered heavy casualties, and currently didn't have any forces to press their claims. The imperial uncle, Daxi Qin had built a network of spies in the distant Jinyang city, and made them create a childhood song, the song was called Oh Heavenly Strategy, the dragon's tail prostrates itself. In the not too distant land and lakes, fire blazed through the roads. Clothes all orderly and clean, establishing my Yan people.

When the childhood song reached Murong Yuan's ears, Murong Yuan flew into a rage. The phrase of 'in the not too distant land and lakes, fire blazed through the roads' ultimately enraged him.

When Wenqi heard of the matter, his heart was impatient. He couldn't help but try rushing the carriage, "Second highness, we need to immediately rush towards Jinyang, to avoid his majesty having discord sowed between us by those with evil intent."

Murong Yan sighed, "Of course I understand. General, this time on our trip returning to court, the chances of my survival are slim. I have neither family nor connections, my mother consort passed early, and also have no attachments. But there is one matter, Ah Zuo has accompanied me for many years, and I have always considered her my closest relative. This child's character is stubborn and upright, and if I encounter danger, she will probably do something stupid, so I would beg general to take care of her, please."

His words seemed to be preparing for his funeral. Wenqi was startled, and suddenly discovered he was a little bit feverish. He supported Murong Yan's shoulder, promising, "Second highness, if his majesty really has spawned a killing intent, this general will definitely stop it with my life. If I do not die, I will definitely preserve your highness's safety."

Murong Yan shook his head, saying, "Marshal Wen's good intentions, I recognize it in my heart. But, if the ruler wants a subject to die, the subject cannot do anything other than die, and if a father wants his son to perish, the son cannot do anything other than perish. My death doesn't need Marshal Wen to waste his effort. It's only the matter of Ah Zuo, I would please entrust her to Marshal Wen."

Wenqi thought for a long time, finally saying, "Your second highness, be at peace, miss Ah Zuo, this man Wen will definitely take good care of."

Wenqi and Murong Yan rushed through the night to return to the king's capital, Jinyang, and stood outside the palace, admitting their crimes. Murong Yuan summoned Wenqi inside.

Inside Dezheng Hall, king Yan sat high up in front of his desk, in front of him was piles of combat reports from the northwest, memorandums to read. Wenqi was presently kneeling, and the ruler atop the seat waved his hand, saying, "No need [for propriety]."

Wenqi was an unrivaled person in his seriousness, and presently was still extremely abiding by the rules and etiquettes, paying a deep subject's respects to his ruler. King Yan impatiently retorted, "Get up." He spoke softly, and didn't even bother gifting him a seat. After Wenqi got up, he finally asked, "Wenqi, why would northern Yu suddenly send a great army into my northwestern territory?"

Wenqi raised his head, finally speaking after a long time, "Northern Yu, did not actually invade of their own initiative."

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"Oh?" King Yan found it a bit outside his expectation; he was over fifty, and had been ruler for over twenty years. Being above everyone for twenty years gave him a type of authority, as if from the heavens.

Wenqi took a letter out of his breast, passing it to king Yan, "Begging your majesty to gift this subject with the death penalty."

King Yan personally received that letter, but before he even opened that letter, it seemed as though he understood something, "Looks like the problem is serious."

He opened that letter, but saw that it was a letter written by his own son for the king of northern Yu. The more head red, the darker his expression grew. This was actually a letter that Murong Yan had written to northern Yu's king, instigating northern Yu to send troops to support his rebellion!

He was just about to say something, when Wenqi already opened his mouth, "This scheme was an effort to draw the snake out of its cave, and it was exactly his second highness's letter, which baited northern Yu......"

Before he finished, king Yan had already seriously scolded, "Wenqi, you have such great nerve!"

Wenqi already knelt again, saying, "Wenqi has a death crime!"

King Yan slowly sat down, his finger seemingly touching that letter, "This type of serious matter, you actually didn't discuss with me! In your eyes, do you still have me, this king Yan?"

Wenqi didn't rise, his words filled with conviction, "This subject knows that your highness would be angry, and also knew that this was the type of crime that would result in the confiscation of my household assets and the destruction of my clan. But it was exactly because this subject is loyal to your highness, and my lord has always trusted this subject, that I couldn't but do things this way.

These years, though your majesty has been in Jinyang, and has always worn the imperial robes and lived in comfort, receiving the obeisance of the masses, but the treasury is empty, and the civilians live in suffering. Although this subject lives in the military camp, but also knows the difficulties in the imperial court. Your majesty is a virtuous ruler, and the civilians being in such a state, I'm only afraid that your imperial heart cannot rest well. Even though this subject has used all his effort in developing farmland and clearing the wilderness, to reduce the burden on the imperial court, but all these years, northern Yu, Western jing, Guzhu country are like a plague of locusts!"

King Yan, Murong Yuan's anger on his face slowly lifted, and looking at the kneeling Wenqi, it seemed as though he also thought of some things in the past. Wenqi's gaze was lowered, not looking at him, "When this final plot was determined, this subject didn't sleep for the whole night. Frivolously utilizing troops, to invite invaders in, or if it was a battle in which we lost, how would I face my ruler? Using a prince as bait, if there was anything that went wrong, how also would I face my ruler? Even if we prevailed, I had also committed the heavy crime of deceiving my ruler, and how should I face my ruler?

But your majesty, this subject lives as a general, knows the internal problems, but can't combat external threats, and seeing mighty foes threaten my ruler, oppress my people. Your majesty, this subject...... this subject's heart feels like it is being sliced by knives, as though my intestines, my liver are breaking apart!"

Something in Murong Yuan's eyes had already been moved, and he rose, helping Wenqi up, "You, ah, still have that same character from back then."

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He two hands were lightly curled into fists, and Wenqi's eyes were a bit red, "Your majesty, it wasn't that this subject didn't want to send you reports, but it was really because if this matter had been exposed even slightly, would cause the enemy to be a little bit prepared. If this time, we could not have an overwhelming triumph, after the matter of Daji city, my Great Yan doesn't have a single city that can defend, and I am scared to consider the consequences. This subject......"

Murong Yuan pat the back of his arm, "Okay, you and I have been ruler and subject for fourteen years, so how can I blame you so? This matter, I will not pursue, but in the future, you still need to inform me of every matter so that I know."

Wenqi once again thanked his grace, his heart having relaxed a bit finally. Within the imperial court, the crown prince was the main faction, and fifth prince, Murong Qing was also born to a strong mother. This matter, he truthfully informed King Yan, so in the future, even if something was to happen, it would still not involve Murong Yan.

"For the next few days, there's no need to return to your estate, just stay in the palace, and accompany me to my meals." King Yan then instructed people to bring out the meal, and Wenqi once again thanked his grace.

King Yan shook his head, "You..... always are this type of respectful person. Coming here and thanking this and thanking that, for some reason you don't find it bothersome."

Wenqi startled, said, "The etiquette between ruler and subject cannot be discarded."

King Yan nodded, "Just do it your way then, next up, regarding the matter of a truce with northern Yu, thinking of it, you probably also have a plan, right?"

Wenqi as usual observed his expression, his words careful, "Northern Yu suffering such a big defeat, will naturally hate us utterly. But currently, as his casualties are so heavy, no matter how much they hate us, they can't continue fighting. Based on this subject's intention, if this subject invades northern Yu, northern Yu will definitely send emissaries to pay respects to your majesty, discussing this matter. Your majesty can naturally raise the amount of the reparations, to help aid the need within our Great Yan."

The servants had already brought forth the meal, and king Yan opened his mouth, difficulty, "This matter was due to my Great Yan's instigation, so it is ultimately still not too good. And if we want to be a greedy lion opening our mouths wide, it's likely that it would cause gossiping among others. The enemy general, Sha Xing Sheng is northern Yu's princess consort, so I have already ordered people to take care of his wounds, and a few days later, to send him back."

This meaning, was that he wanted to sue for peace. Wenqi sighed in his heart, "Your majesty is merciful, but based on northern Yu's incessant border disruptions, every year the amount that Great Yan has to spend on appeasement is already not a small sum. But did they ever stop? The people living by the border have long been unable to bear the disruption. And this, the matter of vengeance has already been established, and once northern Yu recovers, they will definitely become a grave threat to us! Your majesty definitely cannot allow your mercy to allow you to look lightly upon a death rival."

King Yan thought for a while, suddenly saying, "Today's squid is very fresh, subject Wen, have a taste."

He motioned for an eunuch to pass the squid in front of him to Wenqi, and Wenqi rose to thank his grace. Knowing that he still needed to consider this matter, he did not bring it up again. Changing the subject, he said, "Your majesty, his second highness is still kneeling outside the palace, not having gotten up......"

King Yan's eyes moved a bit, and rather naturally ordered, "Let him leave and rest."

Wenqi carefully watched his expression, ultimately not knowing how he truly felt towards Murong Yan.

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