Zuo Canglang led the remaining sixty thousand troops back to Suye city, tossing the Small Quan Mountain that they had captured to the advancing Shan Rong peoples.

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Great Yan's military had never allowed women, and she, as a sixteen year old lass, was not lacking in dignity, and as she walked through the men, it was as though she was walking in the center of their gazes. Zuo Canglang's treatment of others was conciliatory, and although initially some soldiers would cause trouble, making catcalls at her. She would turn around, looking at them, asking, "Was it you that whistled?" That soldier would be so scared his face would pale, and then she calmly said, "In the future don't whistle at me. I also know how to whistle."

Saying thus, she truly started whistling, and then said, "I can whistle louder than you."

Everyone laughed.

On the entire trip back to Suye city, she had become familiar with the men while she hung out with them. In the mornings they would march, and in the evenings, the would sit beside the campfires roasting meat and drinking wine. The northwest desert had many wolves, and the old soldiers who were familiar with the terrain, when they were idle, would also find her to go hunting with them.

Zuo Canglang's archery was one hundred percent accurate, and once, from a distance of more than a hundred and twenty paces, accurately shot a running sand wolf, shocking all witnesses. Even the best archer within the army admitted defeat.

After they had arrived at Suye City, Zuo Canglang arranged for them to setup camp, and the second day, they began practicing every day. She would rise extremely early every day, that sixteen year old girl, wore a light armor over her white robes, bringing the tens of thousands of troops to practice breakout maneuvers, or to run for a few dozen miles.

Sometimes, her sweat would flow, staining her back, and the beautiful sweat drops would shimmer under the sunlight.

Within the camp, there were not only a few soldiers who admired her, and some introverted ones would secretly peek at her, while extroverted ones would directly confess to her. Zuo Canglang would stand in the practice grounds, looking over everyone, saying, "Today, I received a few confession letters from a few brothers, that were sent to me secretly, claiming that they extremely admired me, and were constantly thinking of me, being unable to eat."

The soldiers all roared into laughter, and the soldiers that had sent her the confessions would lower their heads in embarrassment, afraid to look at anyone. Zuo Canglang continued, "There's nothing to be ashamed of here, as men liking women is a natural thing." Everyone all followed along in excitement, but she smiled, reaching her hand out to lift an archery target, saying, "Today we'll set a competition, whomever can defeat me......" she thought it over, then took off some of the ornamental bones she had on her, saying, "I will gift them one of my bones, and from today onwards, I will remember his name."

The soldiers were all instantly excited, and all went forwards to try. But among all the soldiers in camp, who could compete with her, this type of person, and each was subsequently defeated in turn.

Even if they were defeated, no one was angry, and everyone's face was filled with smiles.

Half a month later, Western Jing broke the defenses of Yu country's capital, Wuzi, Yu country was destroyed.

Western Jing, Gu Zhu, Shan Rong, and Tuhe's armies were in Yu country raping and pillaging, and began the period of three years, known as the war over the cities. Great Yan, from Murong Yuan to the various court officials all released a breath of relief. Yuan Xi captured Yu country's old leader, Daxi Cheng, and the imperial uncle, Daxi Qin, escorting them back to the capital.

Murong Yuan was greatly pleased, and award Wenqi, Yuan Xi, and the other commanders. It was only Zuo Canglang that remained unmentioned. Wenqi naturally also did not mention her, as she continued to stay within the camp, participating as the role of the military observer.

The day that Wenqi and Yuan Xi returned to Jinyang to receive their awards, Zuo Canglang was still in camp, practicing with the soldiers. Suddenly, a soldier announced, "Military observer! Someone from Jinyang has sent you a letter!"

Zuo Canglang found it a bit unexpected, and received the letter, only seeing that it was a letter addressed personally for military observer Zuo. She ripped open the envelope, and saw Murong Yan's familiar and strong handwriting, and she hadn't yet read the contents of the letter, but the fragrance of the ink first enter her heart and lungs.

The letter was actually very short, only saying, "The military rations are thin, and I have already supplemented them some. Military observer Zuo has worked hard." Finally, she saw a brilliant signature of "Yan". At the end, there were two banknotes for a hundred taels of silver.

Zuo Canglang rubbed that "Yan" signature with her thumb, caressing it; it turns out, just by touching this letter, it could also speed up her heartbeat, sending her blood coursing through her veins. She couldn't help but curve her lips into a smile. She looked towards the east, and couldn't see Jinyang, but her heart was already there.

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In the afternoon, Zuo Canglang was thinking of whether or not to send Murong Yan a return letter, when suddenly, someone came, saying, "Military observer, Daji city is suffering from a slow spread of cholera, and his majesty has ordered marshal Wen to aid the imperial doctors to head to Daji city, and marshal Wen has ordered general Xu Lang to bring three brothers from camp to head towards Daji city to camp outside Daji city, to await further orders!"

Zuo Canglang shook-- Great Yan, it really would run into one trouble after another. She asked, "Did Marshal Wen also want me to follow along?"

The messenger was extremely familiar with her, and at this time, he spoke the truth, saying, "Not really. However, this little one thinks that I should come over here to inform military observer, and was coming to general Xu to receive orders, as we are immediately going to leave."

Zuo Canglang nodded and pat his shoulder, calmly walking out. If it was cholera, perhaps Murong Yan would assign Yang Lianting to come over. It was still better if she went over to take a look.

On the route from Suye to Daji city, soldiers guarded all the city gates, not permitting entry.

Xu Lang arranged for the soldiers to set up camp, and until the late hours of the night, Wenqi finally also arrived at Daji city. At this, Zuo Canglang finally entered the city, and met with him. Wenqi saw that she had come with Xu Lang, and frowned, but he couldn't particularly mind this matter, saying, "Cholera has spread to Yan's interior, so set up temporary lodging outside the city, and for now, arrange the civilians that have not yet contracted the disease to live outside the city for now."

Zuo Canglang and Xu Lang both acknowledged the order, and brought the soldiers to set up tents outside the western wilderness of the city.

The imperial doctors were all extremely famous and had excellent notoriety, but here, they couldn't even be bothered to put on airs, and that very day, they started diagnosing the villagers.

Tianping Lane, Deyi Hall.

The sky had darkened, and the workers had all already begun resting. Yang Lianting was reading a bamboo scroll beneath the lamplight, and outside, a light sound reverberated, so he immediately rose, but saw Murong Yan walking in from outside. Yang Lianting was startled, and quickly knelt, "Lord master."

Murong Yan took a look at him, calmly saying, "Rise."

The two of them rose, and he sat beside the desk. Yang Lianting personally presented him some tea. He had practiced medicine for many years, and even though he was young, but he had already accumulated a type of temperate aura of calm stability. And because for a long time he had rarely been in the sunlight, his body was also exceedingly pale, and was even more like a piece of jade.

Murong Yan looked at his hand, saying, "The matter of Daji city suffering a breakout of cholera, do you know of it?" Yang Lianting respectfully responded, "I've recently heard of it, and have only heard of the symptoms, but have not yet seen any patients."

Murong Yan said, "You will be able to see them very soon, as you are responsible for this matter, and you must quickly discover a remedy."

Yang Lianting raised his hands, saying, "This subordinate obeys your order."

Murong Yan slowly said, "This time it might be the only opportunity for you in this lifetime, so you must take care to seize the opportunity well. Even though your medical skill is miraculous, but after all, you are young, and are not as old and as experienced as the imperial doctors." Yang Lianting was startled, not knowing his meaning, and Murong Yan continued, "I found a person, and after you go to Daji city, he will assist you. When matters are pressing or desperate, you must listen to his words."

Yang Lianting was startled, and although he had concerns, he still knelt, saying, "This subordinate obeys your order."

When Yang Lianting rushed to Daji city, he had arrived three days after Wenqi and the others. That night, Zuo Canglang saw a signal, and rushed into the center of the city, and saw Yang Lianting was currently going to see patients house by house. None of his workers would follow him to this ghostly place, and by his side, there were no others.

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Zuo Canglang also didn't have any duties within the military, so she followed him the whole afternoon. Yang Lianting would go to the various places to diagnose the sickness, and also mixed a herbal brew with a handkerchief, passing it to Zuo Canglang to help her shield her face, to reduce the propensity of contracting the sickness. Zuo Canglang actually wasn't scared, and accompanied him in the city, walking all over the place.

Yang Lianting tried many different recipes, but the situation was not actually ideal, and as the sickness spread, the rate at which it would cause people's condition to turn also sped up. The people who had contracted the illness rose to three or four out of ten.

The symptoms came harshly, and the six imperial doctors that had arrived with Wenqi were unwilling to delve into the matter, and were only willing to deal with a few patients outside the city. Zuo Canglang accompanied Yang Lianting every day, entering the city, the attractive pair of young man and young woman, entirely were unafraid of entering into a dangerous area.

Wenqi found it interesting, "Do you know doctor Yang? Coming in and out like this, are you unafraid of getting sick?" Zuo Canglang said, "It's just that I admire the merciful heart of a doctor that he has. Originally, he didn't need to come." Wenqi said, "Indeed he didn't need to come, but many things, it's not enough just to have strong intentions to be successful. These six imperial doctors, everyone had once tried and mixed new medical concoctions. And their experience is broad."

Zuo Canglang said, "Indeed, with regards to many matters, it's insufficient just to have a strong intent in order to attain success, but this does not interfere with my admiration for people who have blood that drives them to act."

Wenqi was dumbfounded.

Wenqi would not bicker with a little girl, but matters were truly called out by him.

Even if Yang Lianting was a rare talent in many respects, but ultimately, he was still young. Knowledge and talent could be supplemented by his medical skill, but experience could not. As such, after six or seven days, the medical condition still could not be controlled effectively. Murong Yan pretty much sent a letter every day, asking about the situation.

Finally this day, a person named Jiang Xing, an old man wearing gray came over, claiming that he was someone Murong Yan had invited to help Yang Lianting experiment with a medical formula. He directly called Yang Lianting to discuss. It was unknown what the two of them discussed within the room, but that afternoon, Yang Lianting did not head into the city.

Zuo Canglang was not relaxed, as that old man dressed in gray avoided her, making her feel suspicious. She sat by Yang Lianting's side, asking, "Did lord master send you a secret order?"

Yang Lianting said, "Mmm."

Zuo Canglang was a bit startled, but seeing that he didn't want to say it out at all, turned around to ask, "Today, you're not heading into the city?"

Yang Lianting said, "You can go, and help me gather a few different patients' blood types."

Zuo Canglang took her hand out to test his forehead, and seeing that it wasn't feverish, she finally said, "Okay. If you are tired, just rest for a bit, as these last two days, you've stayed up so late that your eyes have gone red."

Yang Lianting took a look at her, his eyes seeming to have words, before finally saying, "I know."

After Zuo Canglang left, Jiang Xing walked out of the room, calmly saying, "The preparations are complete."

Yang Lianting's lips quivered, and a long while later, he changed his clothes, entering the hut.

Inside, an old man was tied up, and was currently unconscious. Jiang Xing had the old man's clothes opened, and Yang Lianting's lips turned pale, his right hand gripped a small silver knife; a few slices, but he couldn't make the move. Jiang Xing said, "If you can't do it, let me."

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Yang Lianting's breathing accelerated, only feeling that he could no longer absorb the air with his heart and lungs.

Jiang Xing became impatient, and seized the small silver knife in his hand, and started at the old man's throat. The old man didn't have any feeling, and the blood seeped down, caught within the wooden pail beneath him...... Yan Lianting bent his waist, suddenly vomiting.

Murong Yan had given him an order, if he really couldn't resolve the issue, to use live test subjects, to dissect them, as no matter what, he must discover a cure before the imperial doctors, and quickly control the sickness. However, these were all living people, and so he covered his mouth, quickly rushing outside.

At night, when Zuo Canglang returned, she felt things were odd. She asked Jiang Xing, "Where is Yang Lianting? How come the yard has a scent of blood?"

Jiang Xing was washing his hands, and answered, "Because we slew a lamb, I think? Doctor Yang's body wasn't feeling well, and said he needed to lie down for a bit."

Zuo Canglang quickly walked into the hut, only afraid that Yang Lianting would have contracted cholera. On the bed, Yang Lianting was really lying there, and she quickly walked forwards, asking, "What's the matter with you?"

Yang Lianting's face and lips were all pale, but his face exposed a small smile, saying, "Probably because these days I've been a bit tired, but it won't get in the way."

Zuo Canglang worriedly touched his forehead, "You better not get sick, ah."

Yang Lianting held her hand, his eyes looked like they were separated by a layer of water, a long while later, he said, "I won't."

Zuo Canglang said, "Then sleep first; do you want to prescribe a medication for yourself, ah, I'll have Jiang Xing prepare it for you before calling you."

Yang Lianting grasped her hand, saying, "Please stay with me for a while. I'm cold." Zuo Canglang said, "Better not. If Marshal Wen saw it, he would think this and that."

Thus, Yang Lianting loosened his hand, but Zuo Canglang took a look at him, and unable to say no to him, she could only get onto the bed. She reached her hand out again to touch his forehead, saying, "It's good that it's cold, as I see that the people that have contracted illness are all feverish." Saying thus, she truly went ahead and lied down. Yang Lianting rested his head on her shoulder, and not long later, she had really fallen asleep-- these days, she had rushed in and out, and did not rest for long every day.

Yang Lianting shut his eyes, and for a long time, he lightly shivered.

After this, Yang Lianting rarely entered the city, and everyday, most of the time, it was Zuo Canglang that went out, leaving not much time left. Jiang Xing stayed here until the third day, finally saying, "You still can't use your knife? How long are you just going to watch by the side?"

Yang Lianting bit his lips, and Jiang Xing coldly said, "Come here, and don't treat them like humans, and it will be better."

Yang Lianting didn't walk over, so Jiang Xing turned around, passing the bloody knife to him, "Murong Yan said, you depended on a girl to have an opportunity to live. Do you plan on depending on others your whole life?"

Yang Lianting froze, and Jiang Xing stared into his eyes, asking, "Your dreams, aspirations, bloody revenge, are you going to depend on others to attain all of it? Your companion, for your sake, enters the city every day. Are you going to wait until she contracts the illness, and when that happens, remain powerless, and afterwards regret it for the rest of your life?"

Yang Lianting felt a sweetness in his mouth, as his teeth had already bitten into his lips, drawing blood. Jiang Xing said, "Does Yang family no longer have anyone?"

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Yang Lianting walked over, slowly gripping that knife. The blade was pointing down, and blood was dripping like beads.

At that time, Zuo Canglang was leading some soldiers to gather herbs. She could distinguish commonly used herbs, but with medical matters, she was entirely clueless. So she could only do whatever Yang Lianting had told her to do.

Thus everyday she would record the patients' responses to medication, and gather blood samples, waiting for results. Occasionally, there would be a fresh corpse, which would be transported to a place that Yang Lianting had indicated. Other dead villagers, she would also help to cremate.

There was also the brewing of medication, and the matter of cooking porridge, all were physical chores, and every one needed people. She was very busy, and thus couldn't visit Yang Lianting much.

Yang Lianting established a place outside to deal with sick corpses, and other than carrying the corpses in, and also carrying in a few patients at different stages of their sickness.

This day, Zuo Canglang helped to carry a corpse over, and seeing that Jiang Xing was guarding outside, found it very strange, "Why aren't you inside helping, and what are you guarding outside for? It's all corpses, so are you afraid they will get away, ah!"

Jiang Xing had obviously not expected that she would personally come, and so he couldn't help but grow two degrees nervous, but still quickly calmed down, "I can't help, so I came out to take a look."

How could Zuo Canglang not discover that short awkwardness, so she looked at his face, asking, "What happened?"

Jiang Xing swallowed his saliva, saying, "Nothing, I just came out to get some air."

Zuo Canglang pushed him aside, entering. Jiang Xing quickly tried to stop her. But he was just a medical personnel, so how could he stop her?

Zuo Canglang pushed the door, entering, and inside the room, the strong stench of blood was suffocating. Yang Lianting, wearing a suit of white, his hand gripping a silver knife, turned to look at Zuo Canglang, asking, "What's the matter?"

Zuo Canglang, seeing that he was fine, relaxed her breath, and came over, sitting on the old bed, "Jiang Xing was blocking me, not letting me enter, so I had thought something had happened."

Yang Lianting's expression didn't change, as he helped cover the face of the "corpse" on the be bed with a white cloth, slowly walking to block the corpse, said, "Nothing's wrong, why don't you go out. I'll be done in a moment."

Zuo Canglang also wasn't in the mood to stay longer, as this was not a happy place. She reached her hand out, patting Yang Lianting's shoulder, "Hurry up, let's go drink wine in a bit."

Yang Lianting said, "Okay."

She turned around, and when she was leaving, the white cloth covering the head over the "corpse" atop the bed was slightly blown by the wind, as if the corpse was still breathing. Yang Lianting lowered his head, looking at that chest that was still moving, the sickness had made the irregularity in the lungs apparent.

This way, in another two days, Yang Lianting's medication began taking effect.

After a few patients slowly stopped coughing blood, and once they began recovering, the six imperial doctors by Wenqi's side were all flabberghasted. Who would have thought, in this type of dangerous cholera outbreak, would cease at the hands of a young man that was in his teens?

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