Deposed Empress General 36- Official Wife

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Zuo Canglang was brought by Leng Feiyan all the way back to Murong Yan's old estate. Although he was now King Dai of Yan, but he had never moved this estate. Leng Feiyan moved quickly and in a hurry, and once she set her down, immediately left to head towards Gu She mountain.

It was as if Wang Yunzhao had already prepared everything, and within the estate, several servants were taking care of her here.

Zuo Canglang lied on the bed, occasionally hearing the sound of firecrackers outside. It was currently the lantern festival (that takes place on the fifteenth of the first month of the year), and within the entire Jinyang city, perhaps only the Wen family didn't have a celebration.

That night, as she was in the middle of sleeping, the door was suddenly pushed open. Zuo Canglang got up with great difficulty, and saw Murong Yan walking in from outside. He had changed his attire, which though still impressive and noble, was no longer like a ruler, but more like a suave young gentleman.

Zuo Canglang felt a bit guilty, "Lord master......" She knew she couldn't get up, and could only say, "forgive this subordinate for not being able to get up and properly pay respect."

Murong Yan walked beside her bed, a long time later, finally using his two hands to lightly press her legs.

Zuo Canglang lightly sucked in a breath, and bit her lip. Murong Yan's expression fell, and a while later, said, "I came to see you, wanting to give you a bit of a lesson, but right now, it seems like, the lesson you received was not light."

Zuo Canglang lowered her head, a long time later, finally saying, "This subordinate has a sin."

Murong Yan heavily said, "You do have a sin! And your sin is heavy to deserve dying ten thousand times! He is after all my father king, so even if you succeeded, right now, if he was assassinated and died, other than me, who would still dare to do this type of matter? Not even mentioning how history books will talk about it many years later, but even right now, how would the officials in court see me? If the matter could be resolved so easily via assassination, then what has everything we have been doing been for?"

Zuo Canglang clenched her teeth, not speaking, and Murong Yan asked, "Have you contacted Yang Lianting?"

Zuo Canglang finally said, "Feiyan went."

Murong Yan nodded, "A matter that makes your head hot, it is enough to only experience it once. A general who doesn't even recognize their own importance, how will they lead the armies?"

Zuo Canglang softly said, "But......"

Murong Yan scolded her, saying, "What 'buts' are there? Think it over on your own!" Saying thus, he walked out of the room. His footsteps slowly grew distant.

Zuo Canglang lied on the bed, struggling to look at the moonlight beyond the window. He is actually...... very angry, right?

Not long into the night, people came in from outside. Zuo Canglang opened her eyes, and saw that Yang Lianting and Leng Feiyan had entered together. Yang Lianting had heard of Wenqi's death, and knew that Murong Yan would send someone to save Zuo Canglang, and had long left from Gu She mountain.

At this moment, he sat by the bedside, first taking her pulse, and then looking at her two legs.

Leng Feiyan asked, "How is it?"

Yang Lianting frowned heavily, and a while later, seeing that the two of them were both looking at him, said, "I will think of a way." Saying thus, he took another look at Zuo Canglang. He smiled comfortingly, "Rest first. I will prescribe two prescriptions. This wound is a bit complicated, and perhaps I will have to cut away the flesh to extract the bone shards."

Zuo Canglang's gaze was a bit wavering, and staring at his eyes, asked, "Is it very difficult?"

Yang Lianting said, "It is a bit difficult, but it's not to the extent where it is difficult for me. Don't worry."

Zuo Canglang still wanted to continue asking, but Leng Feiyan already said, "Aiya, that's good, if there's a way, then quickly go and think of it, ah. What are you standing here for!"

Yang Lianting muttered an assent, and walked outside. Leng Feiyan also followed him out. Zuo Canglang shut her eyes, and when Yang Lianting was outside, Leng Feiyan said, "Write the prescription, ah, while I have time, so you can grab the medicine before I leave."

Yang Lianting said, "I'll grab the medicine myself, but can you help bring her to Deyi hall?"

Leng Feiyan muttered an assent, and went inside to take another look at Zuo Canglang. The whole way out, they rushed towards Deyi hall on Taiping street.

Yang Lianting only let her rest Zuo Canglang on the bed, and said, "Okay, that's enough. I'll take care of matters here, go ahead and return first."

Leng Feiyan was still a bit reluctant, but if she stayed, she couldn't really help, so she said, "If anything comes up, call me."

Yang Lianting nodded.

The next day, at noon, Yang Lianting carried Zuo Canglang into his secret chamber, and finally gave her a bowl of medicine to drink. Zuo Canglang asked him what it is, and he said, "Bai Yu sect's Su Wei and Nine Needles' method of cure is a bit scary, ah. It's better if you're asleep rather than awake."

Zuo Canglang was still worried, saying, "No, I want to be awake."

Not knowing why, but Yang Lianting's expression always made her a bit uncomfortable.

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Yang Lianting said, "Very well then."

Saying thus, he took out his jade box, and showed the Su Wei inside to Zuo Canglang, saying, "This will spew a sort of sealing substance where your bones are cracked, causing the cracks to once again come together. However, although your leg bones are cracked very terribly, it still requires surgery to remove the flesh of your leg, to expose the cracked areas......"

Zuo Canglang took a glance at the Su Wei within the jade box, and saw that that bug was entirely white, soft, and only its head was a little smaller. She said, "Hand me the medicine!!!"

Yang Lianting held back his laughter, and helped her down the bowl of black medicine. Zuo Canglang only felt sleepy, and her body was awash with a feeling of numbness. She slowly shut her two eyes, and quickly entered sleep. At this time, Jiang Xingcai walked in from outside. He was a member of an unorthodox sect, and rarely appeared in normal society. Since his dealing with him at Daji city last time, Yang Lianting's relationship with him became more like that of a teacher and pupil.

Only when he encountered special cases, would he look for him, and normally, these patients' full recovery would require a heavy price to be paid.

At this time, he didn't ask any additional questions, but rather walked before Zuo Canglang, and with one glance, he began looking at her leg.

Yang Lianting said, "I've already taken a look. The bones are crushed to this extent, so even if Su Wei is used for an extended period of time, the best result would still be after three to five years, being able to walk like a normal person."

Jiang Xing said, "This isn't enough? Being injured to this extent, and yet still being able to walk about is already the good karma she had accumulated over several lifetimes."

That's why even at the time, Murong Yuan also didn't worry about her escape, because everyone knew, her two legs were already wasted, and had no possibility of being like a normal person again.

Yang Lianting took a look at her face. These days, she didn't even have an opportunity to even be treated by a doctor, and she had been carried by others to Hua Tai, and then from Hua Tai to Jinyang. The crushed bones had already deformed, and against each other. What Jiang Xing had said was not wrong, if she could be like a normal person, it was already a heaven granted grace.

He slightly pursed his lips, lightly saying, "No, this is not enough."

Jiang Xing said, "Then what can you do?"

Yang Lianting said, "She is someone who belongs on a battlefield, so with a pair of legs that can only be used for walking, is useless. I have a method, which perhaps can help her recover as before."

Jiang Xing nodded, "Yang Lianting, I'm starting to like you more."

Not long later, someone brought something that was wrapped in a black cloth. Yang Lianting had them put the black cloth on the other side of the bed, giving them some silver. After the people left, he opened the bag, and inside, there was actually a person.

It was a young girl.

Jiang Xing didn't find it even partially surprising, but walked over and rubbed the girl's bone. Yang Lianting slowly picked up a small silver knife, and heated it over the lamp, and then cut open Zuo Canglang's small leg. Jiang Xing used some small pliers, and picked out the shattered bone from inside bit by bit. Her two legs, from below her knees, pretty much didn't have a single place that was fine.

Jiang Xing said, "What type of hatred was this, that they had to make it to this extent before stopping?"

Yang Lianting didn't answer him, and merely cleaning out the bone shards took them half the night. These bones couldn't be left within her flesh, otherwise, as the days grew long, they would definitely continue to cause pain.

Yang Lianting's forehead was covered in sweat, and seeing that the day was almost light, and that Zuo Canglang was almost about to awaken. He once again brought forth medicine, preparing to feed her, but she was still in the middle of her dreams, entirely unable to swallow it. Yang Lianting personally drew a mouthful, feeding her mouth to mouth. That medicine was really very very bitter, and he just fed it to her mouth by mouth.

Jiang Xing said, "Tsk tsk. When I'm around, can you not be so romantic?"

Yang Lianting ignored him, and after he had finished feeding Zuo Canglang, he helped wipe her face clean, and then once again personally began moving again, once again cleaning the wound.

After all the shattered bone was cleaned out, Yang Lianting checked it many times, and his hands that had been tight the whole time finally slowed down. Jiang Xing ignored him, and after a while, he still walked over before the other girl, lightly cutting open the skin on her leg.

The blade of the knife slide along the young girl's skin, the sound chilling other's skin and bones.

No matter who was the ruler, peoples' lives would all be categorized into the noble and the worthless. A child like this, for fifty pieces of silver, people would compete to send her over.

He pursed his lips, quickly peeling apart the muscles wrapped around her leg bones, and then pulled out that complete and unharmed bone. Jiang Xing just watched him calmly, and the time that had passed actually wasn't very long, but he was already no longer that young man that would puke when watching him dissect living people.

When facing living people's flesh, he started becoming numb.

Yang Lianting passed the leg bone to him, attacking it to where Zuo Canglang's leg had been broken. Jiang Xing sighed as he praised, "Very good, ah. It fits very well."

Yang Lianting shook his head, "No...... it cannot."

The next day, when Zuo Canglang awoke, it was already ten past midnight. Her two legs felt like jelly, and around them, was wrapped a thick layer of bandages. She touched it a bit, and felt that it was entirely boneless inside. Yang Lianting walked in from outside, and Zuo Canglang said, "Yang Lianting, what are you ultimately doing? How come it seems like my bones are all gone."

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Yang Lianting fed her a bowl of porridge, saying, "The bone shards need to be cleaned first. Just relax, as I know what to do."

Zuo Canglang said, "If it's impossible......."

Yang Lianting fed her another mouthful, saying, "I'm the doctor here, so whether it's possible or not, I'm more clear of it than you. You're not allowed to speak."

Zuo Canglang ate some food, and Yang Lianting waited for her to rest, and once again began searching for a replacement bone. Young girls' legs weren't difficult to find, bu the important part was the area around the knee, which did not permit any mismatches.

But...... it wouldn't be impossible, as I have practiced medicine for two years, saved countless lives, so how can I permit you to spend the rest of your life stuck on a bed?

Half a month later, finally on this day, when Zuo Canglang awoke, she finally discovered that where here two legs were, there were bones again. She used her hands to press them, and lifted her head, and saw that Yang Lianting was asleep by her side. This half a month, he was either flipping through medical books or boiling medicine, and then spent a lot of time cleaning her shattered bones, practically not having any time to rest.

Zuo Canglang rested her head on his shoulder, and she lightly pat him, signalling him to continue sleeping.

Having his personal care, Zuo Canglang's leg injuries quickly healed. During the second half of the second month, she already could begin walking and moving. Yang Lianting would help her change medicine personally every time, and Zuo Canglang asked, "How is Bai Yu sect currently?"

Yang Lianting stooped on the ground, checking her two legs, while saying, "The injured soldiers lord master had sent over, currently have slowly mingled with the sect members. Most have begun practicing medicine, and have already begun marrying into and among the Bai Yu sect members."

Zuo Canglang nodded, as these injured soldiers and the former members of Bai Yu sect were different. They could grow into Yang Lianting's confidantes, and the original sect members, would be very difficult to accept an outsider.

Yang Lianting rebandaged her legs, suddenly asking, "A few days ago, lord master came over before, and you were asleep, so I didn't wake you."

Zuo Canglang asked, "What are you trying to say?"

Yang Lianting said, "Next time...... don't be so stupid."

These past days, Murong Yan indeed visited Deyi hall a few times. The court was filled with busy matters, but he didn't mind them. Wenqi's family members had actually come to Jinyang, and it was naturally impossible to return them back to Hua Tai. Murong Yan set up another estate to invite them to live in in Jinyang, and the stewards and servants were not lacking in number.

The Wen family members didn't object, as Wen Xingye knew, the would be unable to leave.

Wenqi's old subordinates, Yuan Xi, Zhuge Jin, Zheng Chu, and Yan He, although they were sorrowful, but Wenqi's death, in addition to Suye city's fall, caused them to be ashamed to face his majesty---- everyone felt this way. That's why the ones that ultimately had to bear the responsibility, was exactly them who had lost the city.

If the fault was because of others, they could seek revenge. But being the source of the fault, was actually the most difficult thing to bear. Murong Yan released them from prison, and they all volunteered to guard Wenqi's tomb, which Murong Yan also permitted.

Wenqi's old soldiers, were all once again reassigned to new duties, and he fulfilled his promise to Wenqi. After Wenqi died, no matter whether it was the Wen family or his old subordinates, nobody was dragged in to suffer a death penalty by association.

This was also for the sake of him attaining even more of the peoples' hearts, as the literati who used to criticize him also slowly lost their voices. Those who had avoided civil service and advancement, also slowly began to seek official assignments.

Murong Yan began pushing forth new policies, and couldn't spare attention on extraneous matters.

Seeing that the political situation was pretty much settled, Bi Cheng Jing and the old officials began mentioning old matters again, still hoping to bring his old majesty back. Murong Yan also made a show, still stalling. Actually, everyone's worry was very obvious---- after all, Murong Yuan had been in power for more than twenty years, and many old officials were still worried that he wouldn't give him a living way out.

After court was adjourned, Murong Yan finally once again visited Deyi hall. Zuo Canglang and Yang Lianting were currently in the middle of eating. Four dishes and one soup, the two spoke and laughed, making it actually a quite lively scene.

Once he entered, Leng Feiyan and Yang Lianting both stood up to pay respect. Murong Yan took a glance at Zuo Canglang, finally asking, "Nothing left to worry about?"

Yang Lianting answered first, "Responding to your majesty, Ah Zuo's leg wound is already recovered, and if she rests for another eight months, it can recover to its original state."

Murong Yan sat by the table, saying, "You have done very well."

Yang Lianting said, "Thank your majesty's praise, Lianting has only performed his own duties."

Murong Yan nodded, saying, "Rise, sit."

Yang Lianting rose, and Zuo Canglang also got up. Murong Yan said, "You, keep kneeling."

Zuo Canglang kept kneeling, but Yang Lianting actually exhaled a breath. Murong Yan acting this way, was actually stating that he didn't wish to continue blaming Zuo Canglang.

Yang Lianting bowed on one side, and Murong Yan asked him some matters regarding Bai Yu sect's condition. Yang Lianting answered truthfully. But when he asked about Bai Yu sect's current attitude, he had a bit of hesitation, saying, "Sect leader Mu Qing Xie's death, has caused trauma to them. Wanting them to entirely submit to your majesty, would probably require some more time. But this subordinate guarantees, that I will definitely persuade them quickly."

Murong Yan said, "Mu Qing Xie died, and Bai Yu sect's holy maiden is naive and romantic. You have lived at Gu She mountain for so long, and yet you still haven't attained their hearts? I only want to know, how much longer you need to take to become the sect leader?"

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Yang Lianting was startled, saying, "Sect guardians, elders, won't easily agree with an outsider becoming the sect leader. Currently, they intend on having Mu Qing Xie's disciple, the guardian Nie Shan to take the position as the sect leader."

Murong Yan said, "No matter what, Bai Yu sect's sect leader position can only be your position, understood?"

Yang Lianting lightly pursed his lips, paling, "Yes."

Murong Yan finally looked at Zuo Canglang, who was still kneeling, saying, "You can also rise. Don't kneel until you're crippled again." Zuo Canglang rose, and Murong Yan re-evaluated her, saying, "All of you, not a single one of you lets me be relaxed."

The two of them both lowered their heads, and Murong Yan said, "Since your wounds are recovered, just return to the palace. Yang Lianting should also not stay long in Jinyang city. If there's no matters, just return to the place you should be going to."

Yang Lianting bowed, "Yes. But Ah Zuo's leg wounds still have some places that need attention paid to it. If we're planning on handing it over to the imperial doctors in the palace to take care of, this subordinate wishes to discuss a bit of it with them."

Murong Yan affirmed it, and said, "Continue eating."

The two sat by the table, eating, and Murong Yan didn't let the servants add additional bowls or chopsticks, and with Zuo Canglang at the same table, he would still eat some, but if all three were at the same table, even if they added bowls and chopsticks, he wouldn't eat.

The next day, Zuo Canglang once again returned to living in the south extension of the palace. Yang Lianting explained some matters to the imperial doctors, and once again returned to Gu She mountain. In the morning, Zuo Canglang was rushed by palace servants to attend morning court.

Within court, all the important officials all knew the matter of her legs being wasted, as Murong Yan didn't have many generals in his command, and everyone had kept trying to suggest their own people. Within the army, Wenqi's old subordinates, Murong Yan was afraid to use, but if he entirely didn't use them, he would definitely receive criticism from people.

Bi Cheng Jing's faction he was afraid of using, as Bi Cheng Jing had originally stood on Murong Yuan's side, and once his people entered the army, it could potentially cause unmeasurable problems.

Gan Xiaoru's people were lacking in ability, so he was afraid to use them. Currently Great Yan was just embroiled in internal conflict, and if it wasn't for Wenqi stopping the Western Jing at Suye for several months, wasting their rations, Western Jing's people would long have invaded. Tuhe, Gu Zhu were currently fighting over Yu country's old lands, but how would they not set their eyes on Great Yan as a fat piece of meat?

If it wasn't for the difficulty of invading, then how could Great Yan have its current peaceful situation?

But seeing the current Great Yan, on the surface it was calm and peaceful, but actually, it was in mortal danger. If within the military, no new able person took command, once they suffered their first defeat, it was possible that they would with a single defeat, lose thousands of miles of territory.

Currently, who was to replace Wenqi, was an important matter. Right as everyone was bickering over it, Zuo Canglang once again appeared in court. Practically everyone stared at her two legs, and it was still Gan Xiaoru's faction that came forwards to greet her. Zuo Canglang nodded, but still walked to her own place to stand.

Bi Cheng Jing's faction pretty much had their ears all shot up---- Murong Yan chose this time to have her attend court, what was his goal?

He wouldn't be thinking of having this seventeen or eighteen year old girl take Wenqi's place as Marshal, right?

When Murong Yan began attending court, he first asked, "I heard that subordinate Zuo had suffered heavy injuries a bit ago, but currently, has it gotten better?"

Zuo Canglang hurriedly bowed, "Responding to your majesty, this subject rested for a few days and has completely recovered, thanking your majesty for your concern."

Murong Yan said, "That is good. Currently Great Yan has been filled with great worry, and within the military, it is the exact time when there are not many generals in the military. As beloved subject is fine, then I am relieved."

Within court, the various officials began speaking, as what he had revealed with this set of words was obvious favoring, but also didn't mention the main topic of discussion, so who could comment on it? 
Murong Yan turned, looking at Wen Xingye, Yuan Xi, and the others, saying, "Speaking of it, beloved subject is also Marshal Wen's old subordinates, General He Yuan, General Zhuge, and the others all came from the same source. Currently, Marshal Wen's parents, wife, and children are all in Jinyang, so you all are all one family, and need to take particular care to take of the old and the young."

Once this word was said, everyone was greatly shocked, as though at this time, people finally recognized, that Wenqi had taken Zuo Canglang as a concubine!

But at that time, the meaning of the concubine, who couldn't tell what it meant? And currently, Murong Yan was speaking lies with his eyes wide open, forcing others to recognize this relationship. What exactly did he mean?

None of the officials even dared to comment. Even after court was dismissed, nobody dared to say anything.

When Wen Xingye returned to the Wen estate, he didn't even eat his lunch. Madam Wen knew that his mood was bad, so she brought a bowl of food over, and wanted to comfort him with a few sentences. Wen Xinye suddenly said, "Summon Qiushu over."

After Wenqi's wife, Yu Qiushu entered, Wen Xingye slowly said, "These years, Qi'er spent most of his time out, and within the estate, the large and small matters were all managed by you, which has been difficult for you, child."

Qiushu's eyes were still red, and her voice was a bit hoarse, "Father-in-law, what are you saying this for? From the day when I married into Wen estate, I already became a member of the Wen family. Serving the father-in-law and the mother-in-law, managing household affairs, was originally my own duty."

Wen Xingye also rose, his voice held a certain exhaustion that was difficult to say, and painfully said, "Qiushu, Qi'er marrying you, was his fortune. It was also our Wen family's fortune. But I have to do something that will wrong you."

Qiushu raised her eyes to look at him, "Father-in-law, please speak. Now that it has come to this, what is there left that this daughter-in-law cannot accept?"

Wen Xingye said, "Previously, when Qi'er took Zuo Canglang as a concubine, I originally didn't approve. But now I know, before Murong Yan, she is important. And Murong Yan seems to have the intent to use her heavily. Now, forced by circumstance, his majesty will definitely award Wen clan, and might even give us a title and make us a Marquis. But nobody within Wen family is of the appropriate age to take the title. That's why this title will definitely become empty. Wen estate is descended from a line of generals, and has received glory for many years, so how many people are envious and hateful towards us? Once the power falls to others, within five or six years, when Yixuan enters the army again, who would be willing to return it again?

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He might never have an opportunity to achieve merit in his lifetime, and this would still be the best possibility. The most likely event, was that they would send this young child to be the vanguard, and plot to have him killed. There was no cleaner or easier result."

Qiushu's body shook, and Wen Xingye's eyes fell, with determination, "But with Zuo Canglang's support, this title will not be empty. Within the army, Qi'er had the peoples' admiration, which would continue. If she does not die, after Yixuan and Yirong have grown up, Wen family's influence would still be preserved, and thus, Wen estate would not end up in ruin."

Qiushu gripped her two hands tightly, then slowly released them. Wen Xingye lightly said, "There is no medicine for sorrow, but people ultimately still have to look forwards."

Qiushu bit her lip, saying in two sentences, "I understand now, father-in-law wants to have her become Wenqi's official wife, right?"

Wen Xingye clenched his teeth, "Only this way, can she represent Wen family. Yixuan and Yirong could really be protected by others. And her personality, would not be as venomous or cruel as Murong Yan's. Qiushu, I am already a cripple, and old. An old man that doesn't die, may have the heart but not the strength, and cannot block away the wind and rain."

Qiushu knelt on the ground, her tears already flowing, but when she opened her mouth again, she still lightly said, "I am willing...... to give up the position as the official wife...... as long as Yixuan and Yirong are fine and nothing happens to them......" her sorrow made her silent.

Wen Xingye's expression avoided her, looking out the window. He was someone who's will was made of steel, but his eyes also showed the glimmer of tears.

The next day, in court, Murong Yan, along with Bi Cheng Jing and Gan Xiaoru, announced the court gifts to the Wen clan, saying, "Marshal Wen's military accomplishments are well known, but unfortunately, perished in combat. I am sorrowful to lose such a subject. The Wen clan is loyal and upright, so I am establishing Wen Xingye as The Country Stabilizing Gong, to receive five thousand caddies of land. The gift of gold......"

Before he finished, Wen Xingye suddenly spoke, saying, "Your majesty, this old subject has a request." Murong Yan nodded, signaling him to speak. He shut his eyes, and when he opened them again, he calmed his mood down, speaking, "When Qi'er was alive, he was very doting on beloved concubine of the Zuo clan. Many times, he sought to establish Concubine Zuo as an equal wife. His death was sudden, and didn't have an opportunity to report it to your majesty. Currently, Qi'er has perished, and official wife of the Yu clan wished to leave. Qi'er probably had difficulty speaking, but this little wish, this old subject wishes to accomplish for him."

Zuo Canglang was startled, and then understood Wen Qingye's intent. She said, "I......" right as she said this one word, she heard Murong Yan speak the following words, "Since it is marshal Wen's intent, we should naturally abide by it."

Wen Xingye said, "This subject is old and tired, and is unable to be used greatly. This lifetime, has followed the ruler's road, and being unable to continue along for the rest of it. But my daughter-in-law, miss Wen of the Zuo clan, is well versed in military tactics, so I beg your majesty, to give the gift that would have been given to Qi'er to those that could benefit the nation. It would also be counted as the Wen family continuing to aid the nation."

In the moment, Murong Yan immediately understood his intent, and he looked over the court officials, lightly saying, "It is approved. Assign Wen Xingye as Country Stabilizing Gong, and give him five thousand catties of land, and ten thousand pieces of gold. Wen clan establishes Zuo Canglang as official wife, capable and able in the arts of war, to assist the nation in battle, and will temporarily take over the general's old subordinates, and is given the rank as Biao Qi General."

Once this move was made, everyone was startled. Dou Imperial Emissary, Bao Zhengshu said, "Your majesty, general Wen's loyalty could move the heavens and earth, and the Wen clan should definitely be awarded. However, madam Wen is ultimately young, so I'm only afraid it will be hard for her to take up this heavy responsibility......"

Murong Yan looked at him, and he immediately felt that things were wrong. He looked left and right, and saw immediately that the vehement minister, Bi Cheng Jing had not made a sound, and the old and crafty minister, Gan Xiaoru had also lowered his head, immediately realizing he had made a mistake...... where was I wrong?

Gan Xiaoru finally came forwards, saying, "This subject believes, heroes are developed in their youth. Although this one is not a disciple of Confucious, but madam Wen is intelligent beyond most people, and whether in stratagems or tactics, or in her dealings with the various soldiers, she is capable. Of course, she would be able to take up military matters."

Bao Zhengshu begged for aid by looking at left minister Bi Chengjing. Bi Chengjing didn't move at all, seeming to acknowledge matters. After leaving court, Bao Zhengshu chased Bi Chengjing, and when nobody was around, asked him, "Minister Bi, his majesty is using a seventeen or eighteen year old girl as Biao Qi General! Just a moment ago in court, why didn't you step in?!"

Bi Chengjing softly spoke, "First, because she is his majesty's person, and his majesty believes in her. Second, because his majesty wants to use this to prove, he doesn't plan on purging the court. For the sake of appeasing the other members of King Yan's faction, if it wasn't--, Wenqi's old faction....... even our hearts. Thirdly, General Wen's old subordinates are even more willing to use this person, based on emotional ties, this person is General Wen's wife. Based on ability, this person has accomplished a lot within the army. On the basis of reason, she would not harm Wenqi's old subordinates to establish her own power base. Because Wenqi's old subordinates are her forces."

Bao Zhengshu was enlightened.

That day, madam Wen, Yu Qiushu left the annals, and at Yun Shui yard, left her family, becoming a nun, taking on the name Xuanji. Zuo Canglang was in the southern palace hall, and servant girls helped her groom. She sat in front of a bronze mirror, looking at her blurry face within it. Murong Yan walked in from outside, and just as Zuo Canglang was about to rise, he signaled her to sit down, and stood behind her, looking at the her within the mirror, also.

That blurry mirror, suddenly had the reflection of two people. Zuo Canglang said, "Lord master, I......"

Murong Yan said, "After marshal Wen died, his old subordinates and his close ones were unsettled. Currently, you married him, and on one hand, you can appease the peoples' hearts, and secondly, you can also legitimately lead the three armies. Everyone would be satisfied, which is very good, ah. Within the whole Great Yan, from the past to the future, other than you, there will never be someone who could get to such a height at the age of seventeen."

Zuo Canglang exchanged gazes with him, and Murong Yan's smile was comforting and attractive. Her eyes were a bit red, but Murong Yan didn't speak.

Just don't mention those...... matters that would make me difficult, ah. By my side, those who use their tears to solve their problems, it's enough to have just one. If another one comes...... then, there would be too many.

Zuo Canglang took her gaze back, and then smiled, "That's right, I...... I also think that...... it's very good."

Thus she had publicly left home, was paired with the phoenix crown, and bowed to the heaven and earth. Murong Yan had personally presided over the marriage ceremony, and all the court officials had received the invitation.

Zuo Canglang wore the bridal clothes, her red veil blocking her view, and she only saw the wobbling motions. The matchmaker brought her, and suddenly someone said, "I'll send her."

That voice carried a mature man's compassion, as though it could draw in someone's soul. The strong but clean hand grasped her hand, helping her taking her steps forward, out of the gate. She slowly followed along, holding on to her warm personal thoughts.

The firecrackers went off, but nobody arrived to congratulate her. After all, nobody would be able to quickly have descendants with a tomb plaque.

When they entered the hall, Murong Yan's hands slowly released hers, and the coldness entered through the sudden opening. She bowed to the heaven and earth with the tomb plaque, and when she was brought into the bridal chamber by the matchmaker, she suddenly looked back.

If you are drunk, you wouldn't feel miserable, but ultimately, it was still only a single person's departure. 

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