Deposed Empress General 39- Ruler and Subject

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When Zuo Canglang returned to Wen estate, Wen Xingye was in the middle of watering the flowersm and seeing that she had returned, said, "Daxi Qin, this person, how knowledgeable he is, I am not familiar, but no matter what, he was still someone who fell into a subject from northern Yu. Although currently his majesty does not blame him, but it is obvious that he also doesn't plan on using him. Having Yixuan and Yirong become his pupils, would it incite his majesty's ire?"

Zuo Canglang said, "Daxi Qin is northern Yu's think tank, and although northern Yu was destroyed, but it was not his fault. Currently, in Great Yan, it is exactly the time to rely on him, as he will desire more than anyone for Yixuan and Yirong to achieve some success. As someone like him who has no position, his majesty wouldn't mind much, so you can relax."

Wen Xingye nodded, "You are their mother, and the arrangements you have made for them, I normally also should not have fretted over."

Saying thus, he continued watering the flowers. The birds within the cage continued chirping beneath the tree.

The next day was Chinese Memorial Day, and every year, on that day, there would be a grand ancestral worship ceremony taking place within the palace. And this was the first year after Murong Yan had ascended, so it needed to be even more extravagant.

But the Bai Yu sect that had always managed the ritual, didn't actually come. The holy maiden Ah Fei and the sect guardian, used the excuse that "the sect leader has not yet been determined" and rejected the order. Murong Yan assigned the imperial ritualist to manage the matter, and also invited Fa Cang temple's old monk over to read sutras and run assist the affair.

The slight topic this event revealed, once again could not prevent people from overthinking the matter.

At Gu She mountain, Yang Lianting could hardly hide his worry, "Ah Fei, right now, is not the time to be stubborn. Even if his majesty has some parts where he is wrong, but currently, Great Yan is ultimately still in his control. If Bai Yu sect continues to hold the attitude of just observing, I'm afraid there will be danger."

Ah Fei hadn't opened her mouth, before Nie Shan said, "Doctor Yang was previously not in the sect, so some matters, you are not familiar with. The former sect leader, when he was alive, had never had any interactions with Murong Yan. But why would Murong Yuan receive Murong Yan and his correspondence? Murong Yan had long held the desire to cause the sect leader's death! This type of scoundrel, how could my Bai Yu sect serve him?"

Yang Lianting said, "Guardian Nie, I know that towards the former sect leader's death, you have always held suspicion. However, please think it over, when former sect leader exposed my identity as the sole survivor of Yang family, what was his ultimate goal? He didn't intend only to serve king Yan, but was moreover doing that for the sake of protecting everyone!

Right now, the former sect leader is no longer around, but Bai Yu sect still has hundreds of sect members, so are you planning on bringing them to head towards death?"

Nie Shan was immediately enraged, slamming on the table, "Yang Lianting! You've always been persuading us to serve Murong Yan. What end goal are you plotting? Back then, if you weren't at Gu She mountain recovering, how would Murong Yuan make the determination to kill former sect leader?! Murong Yan getting the opportunity to start the rebellion, was also because of your Yang family's case! Additionally, after Murong Yan ascended, he immediately helped Yang family to overturn the case. As I see it, you are just Murong Yan's dog!!"

Yang Lianting said, "Guardian Nie, I see the sect members as my own brothers and sisters, and have no intention of harming them!"

Nie Shan turned over to look at Ah Fei, saying, "Holy maiden, could it be that you also want the sect members to continue serving Murong Yan? When the former sect leader was perishing, I was present. The Murong Clan entirely does not have a single good person!"

Ah Fei said, "Based on what guardian is saying, what should we do?"

Nie Shan said, "Bring the tribe members, and leave Gu She mountain."

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Yang Lianting objected, saying, "Guardian Nie, how many sect members of Bai Yu sect know martial arts? A group of doctors without strength, along with their wives and children, how would you bring them out of Great Yan?"

Nie Shan said, "Our black Gu insects instill fear into everyone, so I don't believe Murong Yan could really do anything to us!"

Yang Lianting said, "Although black Gu insects are frightening, but they are ultimately, not unmatched. Sect leader Mu perished to Cangjian sect's people, so you should know, if our black Gu needed to counter Cangjian sect's Cang Tianqi, how much confidence do you have? Even if you can harm him with your Gu techniques, how many lives could you protect?"

Nie Shan thought of Cang Tianqi, and the hatred in his eyes grew stronger, "But within the martial arts world, there aren't many people like Cang Tianqi! Even if there are, all of us, together, could also kill him."

Yang Lianting saw that he was being unreasonable, and turned to look at Ah Fei, "Ah Fei, you must convince the tribe members, not to act in anger!"

Ah Fei also couldn't make a decision in a short period of time, and Nie Shan said, "Enough. Yang Lianting, you're just persuading us this whole time, isn't it just for the sake of becoming the sect leader? After we bring our tribe members to leave, those spies that the imperial court sent, would still stay here at Gu She mountain with you. At that time, wouldn't it entirely fulfill your wish?"

Yang Lianting was angered from his heart, but he also knew that at this time he shouldn't act in anger, and said, "Nie Shan, I cannot just watch as you send the tribe members to their death."

Nie Shan said, "Tribe members? You are a Yan person, and Bai Yu sect has never had your tribe members!"

Ah Fei finally said, "Enough! You two stop bickering!" She turned to look at Nie Shan, saying, "Guardian Nie, although you are a guardian, but I have always looked upon you as an elder brother. Although Lianting opposes your suggestion, but what he said is not without reason. Currently in Great Yan, we have so many people, so how could we escape? It would be better to first bring a small group of people to study, so as to escape the imperial court's attention, what do you think?"

Nie Shan thought it over, and said, "Okay! I will first bring a small group of people to leave Great Yan, and after they are settled, I will come back to retrieve you all."

Ah Fei nodded, and Yang Lianting wanted to say more, but ultimately didn't open his mouth.

Deep into the night, Nie Shan was in the middle of contacting a merchant convoy to leave the land, and thirty to forty sect members disguised themselves, mixing into the convoy, planning on heading out through the east and circling around to Yu Hou pass. Yang Lianting wavered for a long time, and Nie Shan, this person, actually was not a bad person. His loyalty towards Mu Qing Xie was unquestionable.

If it was left to this person to bring the Bai Yu sect members out of Great Yan, Murong Yan would definitely fall into a great rage. He would be convinced that Bai Yu sect was not within his control. And at that time, how would he act?

He thought for a long time, and finally still passed a message to Murong Yan. When Murong Yan received the letter, he only took one glance at it before turning his head to give Leng Feiyan an order.

Leng Feiyan first ordered people to keep sight of that merchant convoy. She had a scarily calm degree of patience, following the merchant convoy for a whole month, and right as they were about to get to Yu Hou pass, she set up an ambush, and when the hundred people went into it, tens of thousands of arrows filled the sky, slaying everyone within the convoy. And then, she poured burning oil, burning the entire scene until it was absolutely clear.

Although black Gu was scary, but when encountering a prepared ambush or an absolute martial arts master, the art of controlling Gu was ultimately still too weak.

Thus Nie Shan's group of people just disappeared like this, their living persons were missing, as were their deceased bodies. Yang Lianting slowly no longer dreamed of him, but only persuaded Ah Fei, "Since guardian Nie has already searched for another route, you might as well temporarily cooperate with his majesty. No matter if it is truthful or false, at least you can also guarantee the safety of everyone on Gu She mountain."

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Ah Fei thought it over, ultimately still agreeing. Not many days later, Bai Yu sect began openly supporting Murong Yan. Not long later, because no news came from Nie Shan, Yang Lianting became the sect leader with Ah Fei's support.

The day he became sect leader, both Leng Feiyan and Zuo Canglang didn't head there. Zuo Canglang didn't go because Bai Yu sect's sect members still had a suspicion towards the imperial court members, and as Biao Qi general, she didn't need to appear to cause more problems. Leng Feiyan didn't go, because she was still in Yu Hou pass.

Yu Hou pass was land that belonged to Donghu's, and produced jade. At the local area, she had bought many beautiful jades, but after playing with them, she lost interest, tossing them all to Wu Gu. Wu Gu had reminded her many times to quickly return to Jinyang, and Leng Feiyan was restless, and thus had hurriedly rushed him back.

After Wu Gu left, she became acquainted with another young man that was a hunter. The young man looked pretty strong, and was capable of hunting both tigers and bears. Leng Feiyan played around with him for a few days, before finding it a bit boring. But when the young man was preparing the tiger skins and the bear galls to marry her, she prepared to leave Yu Hou pass.

But right when she had entered the pass for not long, suddenly behind her, someone chased her. Leng Feiyan turned around, and saw a handsome face.

"Yan Yan! It's really you!" The person that came turned out to be Cang Ge! He jumped off his horse, grabbing Leng Feiyan, "Where have you gone these past days? I've been looking for you!"

Leng Feiyan sighed, and the worry in his eyes were impossible to fake, these days, perhaps he really was worrying about her. She pulled her hand back, saying, "Weren't you going to marry the princess? Not staying in your good old Cangjian sect, what were you doing searching for me?"

Cang Ge quickly said, "I've never thought of marrying any princess, as that was just my father's decision. I've already told him to reject this marriage arrangement. Return with me."

Leng Feiyan said, "You said not to get married, and your father just agrees to not let you get married, hmm?"

Cang Ge said, "Whether he approves or not, I will definitely not change my plan. Yan Yan, the words I said to you, every single one counts."

At that time, his expression would cause fear in others, Leng Feiyan said, "Cang Ge......"

Cang Ge pulled her into his embrace, saying, "Believe me, I will be that one, who is worthy for you to rely on for you whole life."

Leng Feiyan slowly hugged him back, saying after a long time, "I've never suspected that."

Cang Ge currently already could not return back to Jinyang city, as Murong Yuan was just fifty miles away from here, at Fang city. Cang Tianqi had also always followed him, and if it wasn't for Cang Xiao's death, he also wouldn't have summoned his own son over here.

He said, "I'll bring you to meet my father!"

Leng Feiyan said, "At this time and place, it would probably be extremely inconvenient for sect head Cang. It would be better for me to continue living outside, and after the political situation has been settled, it would be fine to meet him then."

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Cang Ge thought it over, and ultimately still worried that Cang Tianqi would be mean to Leng Feiyan, so he also agreed. Leng Feiyan said, "I heard, Murong Yan's troops are almost already at Fang city. Heading there right now, won't it be dangerous?"

Cang Ge led her hand, lightly touching it, he was soothing and comforting, "I will find a good place to settle you, so for now, don't enter Fang city. Just live at Yu Hou pass."

Leng Feiyan thought it over, saying, "Cang Ge, have you ever thought, that actually Cangjian sect is only a martial arts world family, so why do they have to get involved in this ruler's family matters?"

Cang Ge spoke as he walked, "My father and the queen are cousins, and in the past, his majesty had taken a lot of care of Cangjian sect. Currently, he is facing difficulty, so how could Cangjian sect ignore the matter? Although we are just members of the martial arts world, but the grace of one bowl of water, we should repay with an everlasting fountain. Since antiquity, has loyalty ever cared about the distinction between the martial arts world and the imperial court?

Leng Feiyan no longer spoke. For as many people as there were in this world, there were equally as many reasons to be stubborn.

Leng Feiyan began living in Yu Hou pass, and sent a letter to Murong Yan. When Murong Yan received the news, he summon Zuo Canglang to enter the palace.

When Zuo Canglang entered the palace, it was already dark. The rainbow colored lanterns were hanging up high, but the light they shed actually made the darkness even more mysterious. She walked within the confines of the palace, suddenly thinking of Memorial Day two years ago. The queen intentionally sought to press him down, and within the palace feast, there was no seat for Murong Yan. She and he left Nong Hua hall, and Murong Yan had said, "I have passed by this place countless times, but this time, has been better than any former time. This time, at least there is still you."

She was slightly lost in thought, and the small eunuch behind her softly rushed her, "General, his majesty is waiting in Ning Cui garden, so we should quickly head there, right?"

Zuo Canglang affirmed, and increased her speed.

Ning Cui garden, Murong Yan had buried his head into reading the reports and memorandums, and hearing her enter, he only waved his hand, signaling her to approach, saying, "Since Wen Xingye is unwilling to head to Fang city, the matter of Fang city, ultimately still needs to be resolved."

Zuo Canglang said, "Currently, the political situation is slowly stabilizing, and Fang city is actually already in lord master's pocket. It's just that..... just that based on the current way things look, it looks like king Yan still doesn't have the intention to give up. If your majesty goes to war with him, no matter what the result is, I'm only afraid you would still receive the reputation of being neither loyal nor filial."

Murong Yan said, "That's why, I actually don't wish to fight with father king." Zuo Canglang was startled. Murong Yan said, "I only want to bring her back. Ah Zuo, she has been away from me for too long."

Zuo Canglang lowered her head, a long time later, saying, "Lord master has a very deep relationship with miss Jiang, which everyone in the world recognizes and knows. It's just that this subordinate believes, even if we engage in battle, as long as king Yan has even a single breath left, he definitely would not hand over miss Jiang."

Murong Yan raised his head to look at her, slowly saying, "That's why, I want you to bring her back."

Zuo Canglang was startled, and Murong Yan said, "I will personally go to meet father king. And seeing me personally head over, he will definitely spend all his effort on guarding against me. But he will put all his attention on me, and on other respects, he will ultimately overlook something. Fang city's underground is small, so you can bring a few people to infiltrate it, and bring her out."

Zuo Canglang said, "Infiltrating the city is easy, but miss Jiang doesn't know martial arts, so why doesn't your majesty send Feiyan on the assignment? If she makes her move, wouldn't it be easier to succeed?"

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Murong Yan stared at her eyes, lightly saying, "Right now, Feiyan is at Yu Hou pass, but the person must be saved by you. Ah Zuo, she is very important to me, so I can only hand her over to the person I trust the most."

Zuo Canglang pursed her lips, bowing to say, "This subordinate will definitely bring back miss Jiang without a single hair on her head harmed."

Murong Yan nodded, and turned to say, "It is late now, so just stay in the southern hall."

Zuo Canglang was put in a bit of a difficult spot, saying, "But...... marshal Wen has passed for not that long of a time, and if this subject in the period of mourning, stays for long in the palace, I'm afraid it will cause rumors among the people."

"Rumors?" Murong Yan came close to look at her, the distance was too close. Zuo Canglang could see the texture of his eyes. She was a bit awkward, and then quickly stepped back, "Lord master."

Murong Yan laughed, "You're still planning on abiding by the period of mourning for Wenqi?"

Zuo Canglang lowered her eyes, "No, this subordinate just doesn't want to make the deceased look bad. And your majesty abolishing the crown prince, wasn't it also exactly because the crown prince seized a subject's wife? Your majesty is performing a righteous duty, and the abolished crown prince's loss of integrity was a matter that everyone witness, and suffering defeat the whole way, your majesty should not at this time......"

She wanted to continue speaking, but Murong Yan was impatient, "Enough, you actually have a bunch of rational arguments. But Ah Zuo, you're not Wenqi's wife. And though you are Madam Wen, it is but an empty name."

Zuo Canglang lowered her head, "I know."

Murong Yan said, "And right now, you are, for the sake of this empty name, opposing an order."

Zuo Canglang knelt down, "This subordinate knows her wrong."

Wang Yunzhao personally sent her to the southern palace hall, saying, "Don't know what silk screens general Zuo likes, what windows, so this servant made the decision on his own. General take a look, and if there is any place that is not pleasing to the eyes, this old servant will order people to redo it."

Zuo Canglang said, "Chief steward Wang, back when we were in the estate, we all treated you like an elder. Right now, you call yourself old servant, I will feel like you want to kick your guest out."

Wang Yunzhao smiled, but answered, "General also said that it is in the past. After all, right now, it is no longer the Qian Yi Marquis estate. His highness has become his majesty, and you are also a general that commands large armies. Ruler, subject, and servant, ultimately still has a difference."

He suddenly stopped here, and Zuo Canglang asked, "Chief steward Wang, is there something more you wanted to say?"

Wang Yunzhao looked left and right, and seeing that nobody was present, finally lightly said, "General, since antiquity, the ruler's heart is difficult to surmise, ah. You actually, for the sake of Wen family's reputation, rejected his majesty having you stay in the palace's edict. General, right now he is king Yan, and a king does not make light statements 1, ah!"

Zuo canglang was startled, and Wang Yunzhao cupped his hands at her, and turned, leaving the southern palace hall.

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