Ouyang Yufei let out a long sigh. “It seems like my own expectations were too high. I overestimated them.”

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How could they cook lobster well if they had never eaten it before? This wasn’t their fault. It was his fault. It was his fault.

“Let me try it.” LiuYue volunteered and picked up a meat roll. She popped it into her mouth before Ouyang Yufei could stop her.

“It’s not bad.” LiuYue nodded.

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Ouyang Yufei saw this and picked up a meat roll. “This is okay?” He then put it into his mouth.

The taste was top quality.

In the next moment, tears covered Ouyang Yufei’s face. His entire face was instantly distorted.

“Why are you crying? If it’s not good, then it’s not good. Why are you crying?” LiuYue was surprised. She hurriedly pulled on Ouyang Yufei’s clothing.

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But the smile in her eyes was almost revealed. Ouyang Yufei did not recognize the thing that was wrapped in the meat roll. But how could she not recognize it? That was wasabi.

It was such a thick layer of it that she only dared to put it in her mouth and did not actually eat it. Xuanyuan Che really wanted to kill someone.

“You’re an adult man. Why are you crying? If think that it’s delicious, this subordinate will make it for you again. You don’t have to be so touched. You don’t have to be.” YanHu walked over with a plate and spoke candidly.

“Delicious……” Ouyang Yufei felt his breath caught in his throat. He had a desire to kill someone for the first time.

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Damn it. What was this thing? It was so spicy and pungent.

His millennium iceberg-like image collapsed.

“That can’t be, gongzi [son of nobility].” A manservant from the other side of the ship came over and looked at Ouyang Yufei, who was crying with tears and snot all over his face. His gongzi was crying. Were his eyes blurry or was the sky red?

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All the guards on the ship were shocked and disdainful.

In the distance, Xuanyuan Che came out of the cabin and stood on the stern. He coldly smiled. Want to steal his wife from him? Hmph.

The sky was blue. The sea was gentle.

Seagulls flew over the sky.

Ouyang Yufei broke out in tears because of a meal and became a legend.

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