The Guild Update

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(Bersleid: Only one for today too, still not feeling well. On another note, you will see style change in this one, again. Me and GPT are trying to figure out who said what, and these upcoming chapters will look closer to a light novel in style and form, though still not as professional (since this is just an AI assisted MTL), though don’t expect much. Anyways, enjoy.)

“The [Area Master Registration System] has been unlocked.”

“The [Video Streaming Function] is now available.”

“We finally made it…”

“Master, I didn’t know it would be this far…”

“Haha, good job to both of you.”

They had climbed up to a hill that overlooked the black forest [Schwarzwald], which even for Crim felt nostalgic. There, Crim praised the exhausted Hinagiku and Licorice, the two young members.

“But seriously, how did you manage to play solo in such a remote place?”

“The enemies were strong… my HP decreased quickly and it was tough to cast healing spells for everyone…” complained Freya.

Crim looked back with a wry smile at the amazed Frey and the now completely healed Freya, who was doing everyone’s healing so far. And then…

“…Welcome everyone to [Izumikirigo Navel]!”

And with a beaming smile, Crim welcomed everyone.

— Almost a week had passed since the guild was formed.

This morning, an announcement was made about the release of the [Area Master Registration System] and the fast-moving guilds had already begun their activities in various places.

In this world where previously, unoccupied areas were being swallowed up by someone’s dominion and the stagnant power structure was rapidly changing every minute, Crim and her guild [Lua Cheia] had managed to cross many areas and reach [Izumikirigo Navel] without losing any member.

“Is Crim’s house here?” asked Freya.

“Yeah, it should have been completed by now…”

As they looked down from the hill, they quickly found the roof of the building they were looking for.

(Good, it’s completed!), thought Crim.

Suppressing the desire to run out of control, she leads the way for everyone.

“Are you sure this is okay? You built this house all by yourself, but you turned it into our guilds, [Lua Cheia]’s, house.” Frey asked Crim.

“Of course. Living together under one roof seems like it would be fun, doesn’t it?” replied Crim with a smile, happily answering Freya and Frey’s questions.

“…I know, but your smile with that appearance has a destructive power,” said Frey, raising a deep concern.

“Huh? Is there something wrong, Frey?”

“Well…I feel like it’s about three seconds before the launch,” said Frey with a cryptic statement.

“What does that mean–“

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At that moment, Crim tilted his head in confusion at Frey’s enigmatic remark.

“Crimmmyyy, I’m looking forward to it too!!” exclaimed Freya.


“Let’s cook together and wash each other in the bath like we used to!!” said Freya excitedly.

“Th-that’s…probably a problem…guh…”

Encouraged by Crim’s happy smile, Freya launched herself at Crim and hit her with her soft weapons, burying her under her on the ground. From then on, Crim continued to receive affection from Freya until she was afflicted with a suffocation negative status.

“Ha… I thought I was going to die again.” said Crim with a sigh.

“Uu, I’m sorry.” said Freya apologetically.

“No, it’s fine. More importantly, let’s go see the house quickly…”

As they began to walk, a small figure came running up the hill they had just descended, accompanied by another figure watching over her.

“Oh, is that…”

“A girl? Do you know her, Crim-chan?”

“Yeah, she’s from a family we became friends with in this town…”

As they explained, the little girl approached them rapidly without slowing down, causing Crim to slightly crouch and brace herself, thinking “Here we go again.”

“Big sis, welcome back!”

“Juna! It’s been a while, are you doing well?”

She caught the small Juna who jumped into her with all her might and skilfully slowed down her momentum, spinning her around once before gently setting her back on the ground.

“Um… what was it again? Welcome back, Crim.”

“Yup, George too. We’re back, everything the same as usual?”

“Yeah. Dad has something to talk to you about, so he wants you to come to the mayor’s house when you have time. He said it’s not urgent, so you can drop off your luggage at home first if you want.” said George.

“Okay, got it. I’ll go later.”

“Alright. And, uh…”

George glanced at the members of [Lua Cheia] behind Crim.

It was due to his wariness towards unfamiliar groups, but at the same time, his eyes shone with the admiration of a boy towards the mechanical parts of Licorice’s body.

Feeling a warm sentiment towards the boy’s admiration, but also feeling sorry for Licorice, who was shrinking behind Hinagiku, I steeled myself.

“Hey George, don’t stare too much at girls.” Crim reproachingly to George.

“Huh, oh, sorry… Are these guys the friends who said they were coming to pick you up?”

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“Yeah, George and Juna, please get along with them.”

Juna energetically replied with a “Sure thing!” while George…

“Listen up, if you do anything weird in this town, I’ll kick you out myself!”

So spoke the boy who was still not very obedient, causing everyone to smile wryly.

On the way to Crim’s house, Junna, who was not shy, immediately went to talk to Hinagiku and Licorice, who were close to her age, and pestering them for stories about from the outside world.

As everyone watched this scene warmly, they soon arrived at their destination.

“This is… our house.”

The lakeside house, which had completely lost its appearance as a ruin. The exterior walls of the red log house, made of the dark-coloured wood specific to the “Black Forest”, had a slightly darker shade of red. As expected of a wealthy man who had laid the foundation, the two-story building was quite spacious for six people to live in with ease.

Outside, the grass was mowed and the rocks were removed, creating a spacious yard. As if to show their commitment, one of the corners of the garden had already been ploughed and furrows were made.

-Their home.

Suppressing their excitement at those words, they all entered together.

“Wow, this is amazing, the living room is so spacious!”

The one who exclaimed in surprise happened to be Hinagiku, who was walking just behind Crim. As soon as they entered, they found themselves in the entrance hall and living room, which had a high ceiling and a view of the doors to each of the individual rooms on the second floor accessible via the staircase at the edge of the living room.

“Oh, with a table big enough for everyone to sit at, we could have meetings here,” Frey calmly surveyed the area, while Crim, Freya, and Licorice went around opening the doors.

At first, they found themselves facing a wooden bathtub, apparently the bathroom.

“The bath is spacious too…,”

“Yeah…maybe three of us could get in together?”

“Hey, Crim, why don’t we all get in together like we used to?”

“I’m not getting in with you guys, okay!?”

After Freya said something outrageous while sober, Crim blushed and refused her proposal.

And so, after confirming the inside of the house, Crim went to the house of the town’s mayor, which she had never visited ever since she arrived in this town a month ago.

There, she saw Rudger, who looked serious, and an elderly man with a similarly grave expression – the mayor of this town, Nebel.

“Oh, Crim, you’re here. Long time no see,” said Rudger.

“Yes, it’s been a while. What did you want to talk about, Rudger-san, Mr. Mayor?” Crim replied.

“Well, that’s something the mayor will explain,” Rudger said, urging the elderly man to speak.

“Crim, you know that there have been unsettling movements throughout various regions recently, right?” the mayor asked.

“Well, yes…” Crim replied, hesitating.

“Even merchants who occasionally visit have been saying that there’s an increasingly unsettling atmosphere. If another war breaks out, even this remote area could get caught up in it, even if there are few people here with military strength or experience,” the mayor continued.

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At Rudger’s words, Crim nodded as well. Although the town was a natural fortress due to its location, it had no sturdy outer walls or strong soldiers. Once an invader reached this point, there was little they could do.

“You see, we have no one else to rely on… After what happened the other day, we decided to form a self-defence organization in the town.”

“A self-defence organization?”

“Yes… and we would like you, Miss Crim, to lead it. We know it’s a rude request, especially considering that you could expect better opportunities elsewhere.”

Then he paused and frowned. His expression seemed to show the frustration of having to rely on a young girl who had come from another place.

“Please lend us your strength… please help us,” said the mayor, bowing deeply. At those words, Crim…

“I understand. Please raise your head,” she said gently. When the mayor looked up, Crim nodded clearly.

From the beginning, the answer was already decided.

In this world where war will spread once again, they will protect this peaceful town where they can live without worries. Their determination, firmly rooted within Crim, will never fade.

“We, the [Lua Cheia], will protect the lives of the people in this town.”

With a clear nod to the mayor, Crim showed her determination once again.

And at this moment, the game called “Destiny Unchain Online” truly began…

“Area [Izumikirigo Navel] has come under the jurisdiction of the guild [Lua Cheia].”

PC name: Crim
Race: Noble Red

Affiliation: Guild [Lua Cheia]

■ Basic Ability Base Skill

HP: 2110
MP: 824

Vitality (VIT): 56/100 (+15)
Mental strength (MND): 58/100 (+30)
Strength (STR): 64/100 (+35)
Magic power (MAG): 70/100 (+50)

■ Possessed Skills

・Mastery Skill

One-handed weapon mastery: 40/100 (■: Growth stopped)
Two-handed weapon mastery: 62/100
Armor mastery: 21/100 (■: Growth stopped)

・Weapon Skill / Magic Skill

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Dagger: 40/100 (■: Growth stopped)
Two-handed axe: 55/100 (■: Growth stopped)
Katana: 35/100
Scythe: 70/100
Throwing: 15/100
Claws: 37/100
Fangs: 12/100

Shadow Magic: 72/100
Dark Magic: 62/100
Blood Magic: 53/100

・Production Skill

Gathering: 40/100 (■: Growth stopped)
Lumbering: 42/100 (■: Growth stopped)

・Daily Skill

Fall resistance: 48/100
Natural recovery: 40/100 (■: Growth stopped)
Sprint: 65/100
Stealth: 30/100 (■: Growth stopped)
Observation: 30/100 (■: Growth stopped)
Revival: 12/100

・Support Skill

Magic proficiency: 40/100
Transformation: 49/100

・EX Drive

■■■■■■■[Not yet disclosed]

Total: 1158/1200
Production: 60/60

■ Characteristics

“×: Weak to silver”
“×: Weak to the Bible and the cross”
“×: Weak (strong) to fire attribute”
※ Fire resistance is fixed at -100, and cannot be adjusted by anything other than equipment.
“×: Weak (strong) to light attribute”
※ Light resistance is fixed at -100, and cannot be adjusted by anything other than equipment.

(Bersleid: Well, I tried, and I’m tired. Hope you enjoyed.)

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