Detective From the Future

Chapter 335: 335

Han Bin naturally came out through micro expression analysis.

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Human communication is not limited to language.

Manner and action are the most basic communication methods.

Although the meeting time is not long, but through some small actions between Yang Deqi and Qiao Enhui, Han Bin can feel that the relationship between the two people is absolutely unusual.

"We've done a lot of investigation before we came here, so don't lie to me, or it's against the law." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Ha ha." He Yujiao gave a dry smile: "how can it be?"

Han Bin habitually turned his pen: "do you often go to bars?"

"No, just once in a while."

"Did you see who took weinana?"

"I..." He Yujiao pursed her lips.

"To be bold, there are no other people here except three, and your notes will not be seen by outsiders." Han Bin comforts.

He Yujiao nodded slightly: "see."

"Do you know who they are?"

"Brother Tian."

"Do you recognize it?" Han Bin was a bit surprised.

"I don't know. I heard from Yang Deqi. This Tiange is a rich second generation, and his family is very rich. If he could be his girlfriend, he would have no worries about food and clothing in his life." He Yujiao said.

"When did Yang Deqi say this to you?"

"After Tiange left with weinana, Yang Deqi told me."

"What was the state of weinana at that time?"

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"Weinana was a little depressed that day. As soon as she entered the bar, she drank a lot. When she met Tiange, she was already a little drunk."

"When Tiange took weinana, you three were all present?" Han Bin frowned.


"Then why don't you stop it."

"I I'm not familiar with weinana. I had a drink at that time. I asked Jon if weinana would be OK. She said it's OK. Weinana came here just to be rich. She also said that I was stupid and didn't seize the opportunity. " He Yujiao recalled.

Han Bin's keen sense, which seems to have something: "brother and Yang Deqi, Jon hye know?"

"I don't know."

"Have they ever communicated?"

"It seems that when I saw Tiange, Yang Deqi went to offer me a drink, and they bowed their heads and said a few words. Later Tiange came over. First, he talked to me and invited me to drink, but I declined. Then, he invited weinana. They sat at the bar for a while, looking very happy." He Yujiao recalled.

"When did the two of them leave the bar?" Han Bin asked.

He Yujiao recalled: "about ten o'clock in the evening."

"When did the three of you leave?"

"I'll be at 10:10. I've had almost enough to drink. There's class the next day and I'll leave."

"What about Yang Deqi and Jon Hui?"

"I don't know. They were still in the bar when I left."

Han Bin wrote in his notebook: "thank you for the clue. You can go out and let Jon in."

"Well He Yujiao answered, got up from the chair, hesitated and asked, "what's wrong with Wei Nana, this police officer?"

"She called the police this morning and said she had been beaten."

He Yujiao grew up and was stunned for a long time.

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"After you go out, don't reveal the contents of the notes." Han Bin exhorted.

After watching he Yujiao leave, Li Hui couldn't help saying, "there may be something wrong with Yang Deqi and Qiao Enhui. Why don't you remind him of that?"

"I said what happened to Wei Nana, and I was already reminding he Yujiao. As for whether she is willing to listen, it's her own business. An adult should be responsible for herself." Han Bin is sincere and sincere.

A moment later, Jon pushed the door and came in: "two officers, you call me."

"Sit down." Han Bin pointed to the chair opposite.

After Jon hye came over, Han Bin's mobile phone suddenly rang. Han Bin took his mobile phone to the corner of the classroom and began to communicate in a low voice.

Jon was embarrassed and asked Li Hui, "officer, what can I do for you?"

"Wait, there's a phone call." Li Hui glanced at each other, took out his mobile phone and looked at it selfishly.

Han Bin's phone call took about ten minutes.

After calling, Han Bin came over and said, "did you ask?"

"Ah." Li Hui answered, as if by accident.

"Ah, what, you didn't take notes for her?" Han Bin asked with a straight face.

Li Hui squeezed out a smile: "yes, yes."

"Then go out and call in Yang Deqi." Han Bin said.

"Ah Jon was a little confused and turned to look at Li Hui.After she came in, a policeman called, a policeman played with his mobile phone, and didn't ask a word at all.

Li Hui glared back at Jon Hui, as if warning him not to talk too much.

Jon hesitated for a moment, in line with the idea that more is better than less, he went straight to the classroom.

In the other classroom, there are two men, one is president Cao, the other is Yang Deqi.

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Seeing that Jon went into the classroom, Yang Deqi rushed up and asked in a low voice, "what did the police ask you?"

"I didn't ask you anything. I asked you to take notes." Jon shrugged.

Yang Deqi frowned, thinking that the police came all the way, even the vice principal looked for it, how could he not ask anything: "stop it, you tell me, I have a bottom in my heart."

"I really didn't ask anything." Jon said truthfully.

Yang Deqi's eyebrows tightly wrinkled together, with suspicious eyes looking at Joe Enhui.

"Yang Deqi, come and take notes." There was a shout outside the classroom.

"Yang Deqi, I didn't hear the police call you. Hurry up." Principal Cao urged.

Yang Deqi had no choice but to put down his doubts and anxieties and left the classroom.

When Yang Deqi knocked on the door, he heard a voice full of Zhongqi.

"Come in."

Yang Deqi opened the door and bowed slightly to Han Bin and Li Hui: "Hello, two police officers."

Seeing that they didn't reply, Yang Deqi closed the door and walked to them.

"Yang Deqi, do you want to do this, or go back to the police station with us?" Han Bin said coldly.

"I don't know what you mean, officer." Yang Deqi forced out a smile.

"Jon hye has told us the whole story. She is willing to be a tainted witness. It's no use pretending to be stupid. If she doesn't cooperate with the police investigation, she will only make her own crime heavier." Han Bin said coldly.

"Jon How could she... " Yang Deqi didn't believe it, but the thought of Jon's attitude made her feel cold.

It's no wonder that when Jon asked, the woman betrayed herself and naturally refused to disclose the content of the inquiry.

The more Yang Deqi thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, and in his heart he turned over the nineteen generations of the ancestors of the Jon family.

"Ha ha." "Since you don't want to say it here, let's go to the police station and say it, but when you get there, you can think of it again..."

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Yang Deqi was startled: "no, comrade police, I said, I said everything."

"Well, let me hear if it's consistent with what Jon said." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Women can't believe it!" Yang Deqi muttered and took a deep breath: "I know Tiange."

"Xiao Tianchen?"


"Say your full name."

"I know Xiao Tianchen. He asked me to help him introduce his girlfriend. He likes college students and the kind of intellectual beauty. Together with Jon Hui, I think he Yujiao and Wei Nana are good, so I want to introduce them to Xiao Tianchen as girlfriends."

Yang Deqi said, and added: "this matter, is Qiao Enhui and I plan together, he Yujiao and Wei Nana is also her help me to persuade to go, this woman is worse than me."

"Why should I introduce my girlfriend to Xiao Tianchen?"

"Xiao Tianchen is still the prince of Gufeng company. His family is rich and powerful. My family's conditions are not so good. It's not easy to find a job after graduating from university. I just want to make a good relationship with Xiao Tianchen, and then I can work in Gufeng company." Yang Deqi bowed his head.

Han Bin touched his chin, deliberately cheat: "for this reason, more than that, Jon hye does not say so, it seems that she is a tainted witness, it is very necessary."

"No, no, I'll do it all." Yang Deqi quickly changed his words and blinked his eyes: "I also received Xiao Tianchen's money. He said that he would introduce a girlfriend and give me 2000 yuan as long as he could see it. It was his own business whether he could succeed or not."

"What is success or failure?"

"Even if he talks to the girl himself, I don't know very well." Yang Deqi shook his head.


Li Hui slapped the table and yelled: "Yang Deqi, you are a college student. How can you do such immoral things? Is this to introduce a girlfriend? You're obviously in raptio! "

"My family's condition is general. It's not easy to bear my tuition. I have another girlfriend. The money given by my family is not enough. I also want to help my family share it." Yang Deqi began to cry.

"Come on, don't pretend to be poor here. I'll find you a free land. Even the tuition will be saved." Li Hui sneered.

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