Yang Xiaohai rubbed his sleepy eyes and opened them. When he saw that the paper window was slightly translucent, he lifted the quilt and started getting dressed.

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"Creak~" The kitchen door was pushed open, and he went to the water tank to check how much water was left. Feeling that it was not enough, he picked up the pole and carried two empty wooden barrels. He walked towards the door.

"After the senior brothers and sisters get up, they need to wash up, and then I need to cook porridge. This little amount of water won't be enough."

As a disciple of Qingfeng Temple, although Yang Xiaohai was only ten years old, he was proficient in cooking, laundry, and even had some knowledge of the medicinal properties of alchemy materials.

These were all forced out of him, and there were also some that were not forced out, but those who were not forced out had already died.

In that dark and gloomy temple, the only thing he learned was that people must be useful, and useless people were worthless.

If he was useless, and the senior brothers and sisters did not want to bring along a tag-along, then he should be kicked out first, even if the person was still snoring in bed.

But as long as he was useful, they would sell another disciple instead of him.

Yang Xiaohai actually had a secret that no one else knew, which was that the address he reported for his family was fake, and he didn't have a family at all.

He just hoped that this journey could continue forever so that he could always have food to eat.

He was different from the others. When he went to Qingfeng Temple, the other children were all sold or stolen, but Yang Xiaohai went willingly just because someone said that he could eat his fill there.

As soon as he left the hospital door, Yang Xiaohai bowed to the woman who was practicing swordsmanship in the distance. "Good morning, senior sister."

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But Chun Xiaoman didn't even spare him a glance, and was completely focused on the sword manual in front of her.

Yang Xiaohai was already used to this. Recently, this senior sister covered in black hair had been practicing swordsmanship all the time except for eating and sleeping.

With the company of the damp morning fog, he walked alone on the deserted path.

"Can I ask senior sister to teach me swordsmanship too? If I learn it, even if I go back to being a beggar, no one will dare to bully me."

"But does senior sister want to? Xiaoman senior sister is usually indifferent."

As he thought about it, Yang Xiaohai arrived at the village pond and started to fish.

Suddenly, a large group of black shadows emerged from the distant hazy morning fog, startling him.

But soon he wasn't afraid anymore, because those shadows were people, a group of ragged beggars, and he used to be one of them.

Seeing their sniffling and trembling appearance, it was obvious that they didn't start a fire when they slept last night.

Compared to Yang Xiaohai's reaction, the beggars were also startled.

After confirming that they were alive, the group of beggars pushed forward a little beggar.

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This little beggar with only one ear was very hesitant and slow, dragging his feet.Seeing that Yang Xiaohai was about to leave, an old beggar walked over and pushed the little beggar into the mud. He bowed down and asked Yang Xiaohai with a smile, "Little kid, can I ask you something? Is this Wujiacun?"

"There's no one you're looking for here. Everything's empty here, there's nothing left."

As soon as Yang Xiaohai spoke, the other person became even more excited. His red nose turned even redder.

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He pointed shakily around with one finger. "So these houses and the surrounding area have no owners, right?!"

Yang Xiaohai didn't want to talk to this person who kicked little beggars and turned to leave.

Back in the kitchen, he poured the water from the bucket into the tank, wiped the sweat from his forehead, picked up the carrying pole, and continued to walk towards the door.

This big tub wasn't enough for one trip. He had to make several trips.

When he came out again, he saw that the beggars had broken into the empty houses and were searching for something.

They wouldn't find anything valuable. The valuable things had been taken by the people who left or by himself and Dog Wa Shixiong.

But these beggars didn't care. Even if they found a piece of old clothing, they were happy and jumping for joy.

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On his third trip, Yang Xiaohai saw that some of the beggars were fighting, but he didn't know what they were fighting over.

"Don't stay here. It's dangerous here!" Yang Xiaohai reminded them, but no one listened to him.

By the fourth trip, Yang Xiaohai's face was pale with exhaustion, but he still managed to make it to the courtyard. He put down the carrying pole and waited quietly.

He waited until he heard footsteps inside, then he quickly picked up the carrying pole and rushed inside.

Not long after, he ran into other fellow apprentices carrying poles. "Good morning, Shixiong Cao Cao."

"Hey, little kid, you're fetching water again. You're so obedient. Let the idiots do this kind of work." Dog Wa patted his head and walked outside.

"Shixiong Cao Cao, the porridge is already cooking in the pot. We can eat breakfast soon." He shouted after Dog Wa's back.

"Okay, I'll go wake up the idiot."

When the sun rose and shone into the courtyard, everyone gathered in the hall.

Breakfast was simple, just white porridge with pickled vegetables that Dog Wa had dug up from the village cellar, as well as their own dry food and guo kui. But there was also meat, a small bowl with two eggs.

At this moment, they all sat quietly, waiting for something.

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Just then, Xiao Man, who was practicing sword at the door, walked in. Dog Wa teased her, "Shimei, how's your training going? You've been practicing in the winter and summer. Teach us some moves."

"It's okay, at least better than randomly waving around. The master of the escort said that there's no other trick to it, just practice. I sharpened two bamboo swords. After breakfast, will you practice with me?"Dog Wa's face instantly turned into a bitter melon face.

Xiaoman turned around and hung his sword on the wall, then sat down at the table with them, waiting together.

Hearing the sound of footsteps and smelling the pervasive smell of blood in the air, Yang Xiaohai instinctively became nervous, lowering his head and not daring to look over there at all.

It was Senior Brother Li Huowang.

He knew that Senior Brother Li would not harm him, and even he himself was picked up by him, but he was still afraid. Especially after seeing what happened on the way here.

Supported by Bai Lingmiao, Li Huowang sat down on the upper seat of the Eight Immortals and started drinking porridge. After he moved his mouth, the others began to eat.

Even Li Huowang himself did not realize when this rule appeared.

As they were eating, the sound of swallowing saliva came from outside the courtyard, and several beggars stood there, craning their necks to look inside.

"Why are there still beggars? Isn't there no one in Wujiacun?"

Hearing Li Huowang's inquiry, Yang Xiaohai stood up nervously and told him everything he knew.

"Hehe, these people are really well-informed. They even dare to fight for the chopping board on the 18th of the twelfth lunar month. I'm full, you guys eat slowly."

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