Li Huowang slowly drank a cup of tea, not because he liked it, but because he had eaten too much salt for dinner.

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He covered the tea foam with the lid and took a sip, the strong bitterness filling his mouth.

"I should have guessed it, Wu Village Chief must have good tea." Li Huowang spat and put down the cup, turning to his bedroom.

He didn't sleep well last night because of the nightmare, so he wanted to sleep early tonight to save his energy for tomorrow's journey.

As he walked towards his bedroom, Li Huowang's mind was not idle, thinking of yesterday's nightmare and the two pieces of jade.

"When the hallucination appears again, should I try to bring something over?" Li Huowang didn't hesitate too long with this question.

"Try it! But not the jade, bring something that is absolutely impossible to appear here, like a drip bag, like handcuffs."

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"If I can't bring it over, it proves that the other world is fake, and I have nothing to cling to. But if I can bring it over..."

Lost in thought, Li Huowang unknowingly walked to the door of his bedroom.

"Creak..." The door was pushed open, but everything inside disrupted his thoughts.

Red candles on the table, red double happiness on the wall, and the red pillow and red blanket on Bai Lingmiao's head were all red, including the struggle on Li Huowang's face between the red inside the room and the night outside.

Li Huowang understood what his entry meant, not only that he had a wife, but also that he had heavy responsibilities and promises to fulfill.

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After hesitating for a moment, Li Huowang took a deep breath and walked in, locking the door behind him.

He then approached the bride and said, "Are you sure you have thought this through? You know what kind of person I am, and you can accept marrying a madman?"

"Well..." Bai Lingmiao's small hands gently held Li Huowang's calloused hand.

"Senior Brother Li, marry a chicken, follow the chicken; marry a dog, follow the dog. No matter what happens in the future, I am willing to spend my life with you."

Bai Lingmiao's voice was still soft, but it was filled with an unusual determination.

If the woman said so, and Li Huowang still hesitated, he wouldn't be a man. He reached out to grab the red cover, but the other side dodged and said, "Senior Brother Li...that kind of thing...I'm shy...can you blow out the candle first?"

Li Huowang turned around and blew out the red candle on the table with a flick of his sleeve.

That night, they consummated their marriage, and Li Huowang finally understood why they said women were made of water.

Two hours later, in the pitch-black bridal chamber, Li Huowang lay heavily on the bed, gasping for breath.

He gently stroked the girl's hair lying on his chest, savoring the wonderful feeling he had just experienced.

"Husband~" The word "husband" made Li Huowang's whole body tingle. "You can still call me Senior Brother Li, I don't like that."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. You're the head of the family, so I'll do whatever you want me to do."

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Bai Lingmiao leaned her ear against Li Huowang's chest, listening to his heart beating rapidly under his skin.Li Huowang took a deep breath and hugged the girl in his arms, kissing her between the hairpins in her hair.

"After Danyang Zi's matter is resolved, we will continue to go home and get married officially at your home."

"What about your hysteria? Is there really no way to cure it?"

"I don't know. I just heard from others that the nun at An Ci An has no reason to deceive me about this kind of thing."

Li Huowang's hand reached down and kept stroking the smooth skin. "But it's okay. I have you now. I have rooted myself completely in this world, and I absolutely cannot let the light and fluttering illusions over there control me again."

"Hehe..." Bai Lingmiao looked very happy, clinging to him tightly, rubbing her head lightly against Li Huowang's chest.

For some reason, Li Huowang found that the Bai Lingmiao on the bed was very different from the one under the bed.

She was shy before, but not at all now.

"Do all women behave like this?" Li Huowang, who was facing this situation for the first time, seemed inexperienced.

Feeling the other party starting to move again, Li Huowang held her down with his hand. "Wait a minute, I just discovered something."

"What? Do I have my period?" Bai Lingmiao's words were a bit nervous.

"I'm not talking about that. I mean my feelings are very different."

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"Feelings? What feelings?"

"It seems that all my senses have become much more sensitive, all of them." Li Huowang savored the soaring feeling just now, which was too abnormal.

It was not obvious before, and Li Huowang thought he had remembered it wrong. But after experiencing what just happened, Li Huowang confirmed that his body had not only improved its recovery ability, but also had comprehensive improvements in perception, including touch, smell, and even taste.

"Is this also Ba Gou's ability?" Li Huowang found that the two abilities it gave him were related to sacrifice.

While he was telling Bai Lingmiao about his discovery, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right index finger. "Hiss! Why did you bite me?"

"Does it hurt? Does it hurt more than before?"

"Of course! It's bleeding. How can it not hurt?"

"Well, Li senior brother, it seems you're right. It really can enhance pain perception."

The next second, Li Huowang felt his finger sinking into a softness, and Bai Lingmiao's gentle sucking quickly relieved the pain.

"You told me about You Lao Ye before. Have you heard of the legend of Ba Gou?" Li Huowang asked.

"Mm-hmm." Bai Lingmiao, who was still holding his finger, shook her head.

"Hmm..." Li Huowang opened his eyes and thought, looking at the dark room. "Why did Ba Gou give me these two abilities? What kind of existence is it?"

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Li Huowang couldn't help but try to piece together Ba Gou's appearance in his mind, but he ultimately failed. With normal human perception, he couldn't imagine what it looked like.

"Knock, knock!" In the middle of the night, the door suddenly knocked.

Li Huowang tensed up and quickly turned over, pulling Bai Lingmiao into his arms and tightly covering them both with the blanket. "Who is it? If it's not urgent, let's talk about it tomorrow.""Senior Brother Li, it's me. Can you let me in? I don't know how I ended up lying in the woodshed."

The voice was gentle and familiar. Li Huowang instantly recognized it as Bai Lingmiao's!

If Bai Lingmiao is outside the room, then who is in my arms?! Li Huowang felt a chill run down his spine.

"Hehehe, my dear..." Li Huowang felt the thing in his arms shrink and slip out from behind the blanket.

He quickly lifted the blanket and lit a red candle at the fastest speed possible, but he was the only one left in the small bedroom.

"What's wrong, Senior Brother Li? Did something happen?" Bai Lingmiao outside the door continued to call out.

But at this moment, Li Huowang's gaze had already shifted to his own fingers, which had turned pale from being sucked on.

The protruding and ferocious wound on it didn't look like it was caused by human teeth, but rather like it was gnawed by some kind of sharp beast teeth!!

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