Looking at Bai Lingmiao in front of him, Li Huowang hesitated. He didn't know if he should bring her with him.

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The other party's ability to jump and dance could indeed help him to some extent, but he didn't want her to be in danger.

At this moment, others began to persuade him.

"By the way, Senior Li, let us go with you."

"If something happens, we can also help. You said those nuns are not dangerous, right?"

"That's right. Besides, what if... what if you have an episode again? There will be someone to take care of you."

Gouwa's last sentence made Li Huowang feel relieved. "Baolu, you go and put the carriage in the inn, we'll go up the mountain."

The ability of Black Tai Sui to suppress hallucinations was quickly disappearing. He could fall into a hallucination at any moment, and he couldn't be alone now.

Upon hearing this, the others smiled and followed.

The dirt road up the mountain was winding, but for Li Huowang and the others, they had already gotten used to it.

After resting halfway up the mountain, they finally arrived at the gate of An Ci An before dark.

Looking inside from here, An Ci An was still as dilapidated as before. The gaps between the stones on the ground were filled with weeds, and the roofs of the temples in the distance still had holes that no one had repaired.

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Looking at the couplet on the gate of the mountain, Li Huowang's heart began to beat faster.

He had worked so hard for this day.

Thinking that he could finally get rid of that strange master, Li Huowang couldn't contain his excitement.

Standing still, Li Huowang turned around and gave everyone a briefing.

"An Ci An is very dirty and messy inside. The nuns inside are also very fat. Don't be surprised when you get inside, understand?"

After getting everyone's accurate response, Li Huowang held the eyes of Lamyue 18 with one hand, took a deep breath, and walked inside.

As soon as he entered the gate of the mountain, a putrid smell like a wall hit him in the face.

"What are these nuns doing? It's even smellier than before."

Li Huowang couldn't help but cover his nose with his hand and rushed in despite the smell.

At this moment, the other medicine gatherers began to regret it. This was not dangerous, but it was worse than being dangerous. It was too smelly.

In the first temple of An Ci An, Li Huowang's right foot felt soft as soon as he stepped in. When he quickly lifted his foot, he found that he had stepped on a soft peach pastry.

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"Be careful where you step. The people here don't like to tidy up."

After looking up at the dusty Buddha statue, Li Huowang circled around the back of the Buddha statue.

As expected, there was a towering small flesh mountain behind the Buddha statue. The fat nun had a large helmet on her head and was eating vaguely while gnawing.

"Wow, is this... a person?" The other people following Li Huowang were shocked by this scene.

After the last experience, Li Huowang didn't plan to wake her up. It was unlikely that she could be woken up anyway.

The group passed through a side door on the wall and officially entered the interior of An Ci An.

But as soon as they entered and took a few steps, they found that there was nowhere to step.

Looking around, the ground and roof were full of various rotting foods. On their right, there was even a moldy steamed bun mountain, with flies and white maggots crawling up and down.Unfortunately, all the food they brought was vegetarian, with no meat at all.

Looking at the food, Li Huowang immediately understood that it was bought with the gold he had given them.

Stepping on the rotting food, Li Huowang slowly made his way forward, as if walking through a swamp.

The others looked uncomfortable, especially Bai Lingmiao, who was a clean freak.

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But when she saw Li Huowang's back in the distance, she gritted her teeth and followed him.

"Why did these nuns buy so much food just to let it rot? What a waste! This is a disaster year, and this food could save many lives!" Yang Xiaohai, a former beggar, spoke up.

"Because they are greedy," Li Huowang glanced at the young boy, and he fell silent.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from "pawread dot com".

After walking for about an incense stick's worth of time, Li Huowang led the others to where the nuns were eating and saw more nuns.

"Ugh~" A fat nun vomited in front of Li Huowang, spewing out the contents of her stomach.

Ignoring the sweat on her face, she used her hands to scrape the rotting food into her mouth, using her stomach as a table to continue eating.

"Master Miaoyin, how are you?" Li Huowang greeted the fat nun.

Miaoyin sprayed Li Huowang's face with food and saliva. "Oh, it's you. Do you need me to lead the way? This time, it will cost at least one or two gold."

"No need, is Master Jingxin still in her old room?" Li Huowang tried to back away, standing as far away from her as possible.

Seeing that he had no gold, Miaoyin's extreme greed turned into disappointment. "Of course not, she's too fat to walk. Where could she go?"

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Li Huowang nodded and turned to continue on the previous path.

The others followed him tightly, walking through the swamp of rotting food.

When Yang Xiaohai walked past the gluttonous nun, he couldn't help but speak up. "You're wasting so much! Do you know how many people are hungry outside, even starving to death? Do you know how painful it is to be hungry?"

Miaoyin replied matter-of-factly, "Yes, that's why we can't waste it. Can't you see that it's all rotting? We won't have another chance to eat it."

After speaking, she turned her head and vomited again, continuing to eat greedily.

Following the original path, passing through the pigsty, Li Huowang finally arrived at Mrs. Master Jingxin's house. Only in this relatively remote place were there not so many rotting foods on the ground.

As Li Huowang walked in with a fluorescent stone in his hand, he saw Mrs. Master Jingxin stuffing something into the folds of her fat.

"Ah, it's you, kid. Have you found Lanyue 18?" Mrs. Master Jingxin asked with a serious expression, nodding her head as she opened the lacquer box in Li Huowang's hand.

Although she had no eyes, Mrs. Master Jingxin seemed to sense something. Her loose face suddenly revealed an extremely greedy smile.

As the folds of Mrs. Master Jingxin's sagging fat began to move towards Li Huowang, the whole house seemed to tremble.

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