Seeing that his daughter-in-law had stopped crying, Lv Zhuangyuan turned his head to look at his son, who was following behind the carriage with a pale face.

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"What's wrong, little one? Are you scared?"

Lv Xiucai forced a smile on his face, his head bobbing like a sick hen.

"Don't be afraid. Those stinky soldiers are nothing but paper tigers. If they had any real ability, why aren't they out there fighting the enemy?"

Although Lv Zhuangyuan's dry comfort was not helpful, Lv Xiucai's complexion did not improve in the slightest.

The marauding soldiers seemed to be right in front of him, holding knives to his neck.

"Dad... Dad, why are we leaving the city? Aren't we supposed to go home first?"

Lv Zhuangyuan lit his dry tobacco and smoked it, the white smoke covering his eyes.

"I think this is no ordinary military disaster. The world is about to be in chaos. So, we have to go out and hide."

"Dad, our emperor lost the war. Are we going to be slaves of the enemy?"

With a flick of his dry tobacco stick, Lv Xiucai's head exploded with sparks.

"What does the emperor have to do with us? Is that something you should be worrying about?"

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Seeing Lv Xiucai holding his head in distress, Lv Zhuangyuan sighed lightly and patiently explained.

"With so many defeated soldiers, there's probably going to be a change of dynasty. There will be chaos after the military disaster. So, we should go out and avoid the trouble."

"As long as we're alive, it doesn't matter if our money is stolen. We can go anywhere."

"But... but I've never been to Sizhi before, Dad... I'm a little scared..."

Seeing his son's pathetic appearance, Lv Zhuangyuan became furious.

"What are you afraid of? Aren't the people in Sizhi just like everyone else? Do they have more eyes or noses than us? Sizhi is just a little more river and lake than where we're from."

At this point, Lv Juren, who had been quietly listening, asked, "Dad, we're not familiar with this area... I actually think it's better to stay in our hometown. Maybe it's not as bad as you say."

"You think this is just a game we're playing during the military disaster? It's not that bad. I've eaten more salt than you've eaten rice. Can I be wrong?"

With that, he immediately explained to his son, "Don't worry, I've already figured it out. When the little Taoist was looking at the map earlier, I took a peek. They're going to Liangguo, which is a long way away. As long as we follow him, we'll be safe."

"Wherever he goes, we go. We'll do our own thing and not delay anyone. It's very comfortable."

"But will he let us follow him? We're not related to him," Lv Juren looked a little embarrassed.

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"Well, you see, the purpose of that jar of salted duck eggs has come in handy now."Speaking of this, a hint of pride appeared on Lv Zhuangyuan's face. "Do you remember what the Taoist said when we left last time? See you later, if fate allows!"

"Regardless of whether he was just saying that, since he said it, as long as we lower our stance when the time comes and you all act pitifully, plus the relationship we had with that jar of duck eggs before, can he bear to drive us away?"

Seeing the expression on his son's face, Lv Zhuangyuan's face was full of pride. "Hehe, old ginger is still hot, you guys should learn from him in the future."

"My dad is right. Anyway, we're all performers of big plays. We can sing anywhere. Maybe people from other territories will like to hear us sing, and we can earn more money."

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As Lv Zhuangyuan completely opened up the conversation, the atmosphere of the Lv family troupe improved slightly, and everyone was imagining their bright future.

As the carriage continued on its way, they suddenly saw several black balls rushing towards them on the road ahead.

When they approached, Lv Zhuangyuan realized that they were more than a dozen fat nuns following the carriage.

There were six carriages, and the tires left deep imprints. It seemed like they were carrying something heavy.

"These nuns smell so bad. Dad, let's hurry up." Luo Juanhua frowned and took out a handkerchief to cover her daughter's nose.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Can't you see that all the Sizhi people are following these nuns? They're following us too." Lv Zhuangyuan looked at the other travelers who were following the fat nuns.

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Rich experience told Lv Zhuangyuan that since the Sizhi people could endure the stench and still follow these nuns on the road, there must be a reason.

"'s too smelly..." Luo Juanhua muttered softly, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Following the nuns all the way, after less than an hour, Lv Zhuangyuan saw the nuns stop and start eating dry rations.

Seeing others eat, Lv Zhuangyuan and his group also ate. In fact, it wasn't that hard to accept staying with these nuns for a long time.

While eating, Lv Zhuangyuan suddenly stood up and walked towards one of the travelers with a bit of excitement.

The man with a black veil and hat looked like he had trouble walking and was relying on an old horse to eat.

When Lv Zhuangyuan walked over, the man clearly saw him, "Master Lv, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Lv Zhuangyuan's eyes lit up, "Oh, it's you. You're that Taoist's..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the man took off his black veil and hat, revealing Zhao Wu's plain face.

Meeting an unexpected acquaintance in a foreign land, both sides appeared particularly cordial.

After exchanging some information, when Lv Zhuangyuan learned that the man was looking for Li Huowang, his face immediately lit up.

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"Your legs are not good, it's too dangerous to walk alone. I'll take you to find him, it's on the way."

As long as he delivered this person, the Taoist owed him a favor, and if he refused him, he would definitely regret it.Moreover, this person is Little Dao Lord's junior brother. Maybe he also has some supernatural powers. There are new bodyguards on this road.

Lv Zhuangyuan warmly escorted Zhao Wu to the front of Lv Family Troupe to introduce them, and even kicked his daughter-in-law off the carriage to help him sit up.

Just as they were chatting warmly, a sentence from the side interrupted this harmonious scene.

"Zhao Wulang, didn't you hear that you went home before? Why did you come out again?"

Lv Xiucai's words gradually wiped the smile off Zhao Wu's face.

There seemed to be some strong emotions brewing on his face, but in front of outsiders, he finally restrained himself. "It's nothing, something happened at home."

Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit strange, Lv Zhuangyuan immediately raised the cigarette holder in his hand and smashed it towards his youngest son's head.

"You talk too much! I've taught you for so many years, and you've learned nothing? Why are you still called Zhao Wulang? Is that what you should be called? You're so disrespectful, call him Young Master Zhao!"

Watching Lv Xiucai being hit with tears in his eyes, Zhao Wu quickly intervened with some embarrassment. "Master Lv, there's no need for that. Zhao Wulang is fine."

Just as he reached out to stop him, a gust of wind blew over, blinding everyone's eyes.

When they just opened their eyes, everyone was stunned. The curtains of the fat nun's carriage were blown up, revealing a white and shiny scene in front of them.

Lv Zhuangyuan's eyes widened. "My god! So much silver!"

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