Li Huowang pulled the girl in front of him and said firmly, "Even if I die, I won't do such a thing!"

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"Ha ha..." A nearby member of the Ao Jing Sect couldn't help but laugh. "Don't be so sure. You have a guilty conscience."

"What guilty conscience? I may be crazy, but I'm not like Danyang Zi, who is a heartless beast! I will never do the same thing as him!"

Li Huowang looked at the believer with an unfriendly gaze. "Eyelid, is this funny? Can't you control yourself in front of outsiders?"

The believer seemed to want to say something, but soon his facial features and even the gaps between his palms and feet began to stick together rapidly.

In just a moment, he turned into a wriggling maggot.

"Wrap him up in a blanket and don't let him feel any pain for a month."

Li Huowang agreed with what Hand San said. They were very skilled in healing.

After the man was carried away, Li Huowang looked back at Hand San with a serious expression. "Find me a place to stay in the cave. I'll figure out how to achieve extreme pain on my own. Also, I need this woman to serve me."

"Hmph, you talk big, but I don't think you can come up with anything good." Although Hand San said that, he still agreed to Li Huowang's request and sent his men to do it.

Li Huowang was taken to a medium-sized cave. Although the walls were uneven, everything inside was complete, even including a toilet.

The girl was still following him silently.

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Li Huowang took off the long sword on his back and placed it on the stone table in the cave. Although he had just declared in front of Hand San that he would not do such a thing, he had no idea how to achieve extreme pain in his heart.

Without extreme pain, he couldn't summon Ba Hui.

Without meeting the conditions of the Ao Jing Sect, they wouldn't help him eliminate Danyang Zi. This seemed like a dead end.

Li Huowang kept turning around in the cave, and suddenly his eyes fell on the girl at the door.

Suddenly, Li Huowang had an idea. Some things didn't necessarily have to be done according to their thinking.

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you while I'm here. Come over here, I'll ask you something." Li Huowang patted the stone stool beside him.

But the girl standing at the door didn't come closer. Instead, she began to cry, her sobs getting louder and louder until she slowly crouched down on the ground.

Listening to the endless grievance in her crying, Li Huowang sighed lightly.

It seemed that she thought she was already a member of the Ao Jing Sect, but in the end, she was just a tool to be thrown away. It was normal for her to feel wronged, especially since she looked so young.

Li Huowang walked over, helped her to the stone stool, and said to her, "They don't see you as a person. Do you really want to stay in this ghost place? Why not help me? As long as you help me achieve my goal, I promise I won't abandon you when I leave alive."

Hearing this, the crying girl looked deeply puzzled.

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"After we leave, where can I go? My home is gone... everything is gone...""What happened to your family?" Li Huowang's voice became very soft, he could feel the girl's emotions deeply.

"That town down the mountain..."

Hearing this, Li Huowang's heart tightened. That ruined dead town, this girl was probably one of the few survivors.

"My parents...and my three sisters and two brothers all died...they all died..." The girl lowered her head, tears constantly falling on her tightly clenched hands.

"What happened in that town? Who or what destroyed the entire town?"

As soon as Li Huowang opened his mouth, he immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing. Bringing up this topic was like rubbing salt in her wounds.

"If you have nowhere to go, it's okay to follow me. I have many brothers and sisters, we can all find a way to survive together. You can join us later."

"Our family only has two girls, which is already too few. It's better to have three, which can balance things out."

After comforting her for a while and seeing that her emotions had stabilized, Li Huowang asked, "How long have you been here?"

They didn't trust Li Huowang, and Li Huowang naturally didn't trust them. He didn't want to repeat his experience at Zhengde Temple. This time, Li Huowang didn't plan to follow their routine.

If he could find a way to get rid of Danyang Zi's Ao Jingjiao, then he wouldn't have to endure the extreme pain and could solve Danyang Zi himself.

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Upon hearing Li Huowang's words, the girl nodded gently, still keeping her head low. "It's been four years..."

Seeing that the girl had spoken, Li Huowang decided to gradually approach the topic. "After such a long time, you should have some understanding of this place. Can you tell me about it? Anything is fine."

Rubbing her scarred hand against her clothes, she said, "Ao Jingjiao was originally two religions, one worshipping the God of Cattle and the other worshipping Ba Yao..."

"Later, the God of Cattle absorbed some of Ba Yao's power, and the two religions merged..."

"Hmm? Is this a fact or just a guess recorded in the Ao Jingjiao's book?"

At this moment, Li Huowang felt like he was listening to a myth, and this story felt very unreal to him.

"I don't know...I just heard it from others...When I came in, the two religions had already merged..."

The girl quietly looked up at Li Huowang, then lowered her head again, not daring to make eye contact with him.

"It's okay, you can continue. Oh, by the way, I haven't asked for your name yet."

" me Erjiu..."

Erjiu, Sanshou, and the previous Sishi, why do people in Ao Jingjiao always have a body part and a number? Li Huowang found it a bit strange, it didn't feel like a Taoist name.

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"What was your name before?"

"Jiang Yingzi..."

"Okay, from now on, I'll call you Yingzi. Yingzi, in these four years, have you seen anyone in Ao Jingjiao heal others?"

Yingzi nodded lightly. "Yes...I've seen it a few times."

"Did they succeed?"

"They should have, because they all left afterwards."

"It sounds like these people really have the ability." Li Huowang thought to himself.

This was a good thing. At least they didn't deceive him. It was highly probable that Ao Jingjiao could solve Danyang Zi."Okay, Yingzi, I have another question. Besides the self-mutilation ritual in the Book of Dachi, does the Ao Jing religion have any other techniques or supernatural abilities?"

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