"Heart's illusion?" Li Huowang stared blankly at Jiang Yingzi and Danyang Zi who were still there.

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One was a three-headed abnormal flesh monster with a fairy silk around its body, and the other was a naked girl with scars all over her body.

They stood in place, staring at him with hatred and amusement in their eyes.

They looked so real that Li Huowang couldn't tell if they were real or illusory.

He trembled and lifted his right foot towards them, but soon realized he couldn't do it.

Every step he took, the two in the distance moved back synchronously.

They were not moving themselves, but they were supposed to be far away from Li Huowang.

"Young friend? Xuan Yang?"

After calling out several times in the cave, Li Huowang finally came to his senses.

A voice came from a cave, and Li Huowang remembered that it was Shen Benyou's voice. There was a hint of complex emotions in his voice, "Young friend, you look pale."

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Li Huowang replied subconsciously.

But he stopped talking after a few words.

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He immediately realized that he was wrong.

How could he be okay? He had a lot of problems now.

Not only Danyang Zi and Jiang Yingzi in the distance, but also what he was now.

Before figuring out this problem, no one dared to guarantee that there would not be another one or several more.

"Young friend, are you okay? Heart's illusion is always unable to distinguish reality from illusion. Isn't it natural?"

"Since you can survive the Crown Year, you should have already been accustomed to it. Why are you still surprised?"

Li Huowang swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, took a deep breath, and stabilized his mind.

After thinking for a long time, he waited until he had barely digested this information before asking again, "Elder, I heard that Jingxin Master's son also came here before. Was he also suffering from this symptom at that time?"

After hearing this, Shen Benyou's voice paused for a long time before coming back.

"Oh, it's really hard to guess. Generally speaking, Heart's illusion is crazy. I only heard that he called himself a ship."

Before Li Huowang could ask again, a rough voice came from another black hole on the wall.

"I know about this. That person often wakes up in the middle of the night, shouting that Sanqing is watching him, and soon he went completely crazy.""What is Sanqing? What is it?" Li Huowang's question was quickly answered by the person next to him.

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"If you don't see it, it's called Yi. If you don't hear it, it's called Xi. If you can't catch it, it's called Wei. Yi, Xi, Wei, three become one, and one becomes three, which is Sanqing."

"Taoists from different schools in the south all worship Sanqing. I've only heard of it, but never seen it, let alone heard that Sanqing can read people."

Upon hearing these words, Li Huowang was a little confused. The other person's symptoms seemed to be different from his own.

At this time, the person in the cave spoke again.

"He came here by himself, but Mrs. Master Jingxin of An Ci An always thinks that we drove him crazy. It's really an undeserved disaster because we had some conflicts."

"Little friend, you've been watching us all these days. Have we done anything wrong? Bad rules are taboo in the world."

Li Huowang didn't pay attention to what the other person said afterwards. His head was buzzing and in a mess.

" there a solution to my situation?"

"Hehe, little friend, you're joking. If we had a solution, that would be great."

"Heart Essence is self-discipline and fate, and there is no solution, no one can solve it. If someone claims to have a way to cure it one day, then you have to be careful, as that person probably wants to harm you."

"You should know that, right? In many people's eyes, Heart Essence is a treasure. Many people come to seek Heart Essence, to refine pills or use other methods to enhance their cultivation."

Upon hearing these words, Li Huowang realized that he was very unfamiliar with his own body.

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The name Heart Essence contained too much.

After thinking about it for a long time, he looked up at the two people in the distance and then at the silent Ao Jingjiaozhong around him.

"At least Danyang Zi won't assimilate me again, that should be a good thing, right?" Li Huowang comforted himself with a bitter smile.

Then, Li Huowang clasped his fists and bowed to the cave in front of him. "Thank you for solving my doubts, elders. We'll meet again if fate allows."

After that, Li Huowang reached out and touched the steamed bun that followed him, and with Danyang Zi and Jiang Yingzi, he began to return the way he came.

When he returned to the dead town in a daze, Li Huowang stood still and stared at the two people in front of him. Two kinds of illusions began to speak at the same time.

"Child, I have truly become immortal. As long as you continue to help me achieve enlightenment and become a Buddha, everything in the past will be forgiven."

"Why don't you go die! Why are you alive! You murderers!"No matter what they said, Li Huowang had no substantial contact with them no matter how close they were.

"Hehe... at least it's lively now, I'm not alone anymore."

Li Huowang didn't know if the current situation was better or worse than before.

The only thing he knew was that he had to keep moving forward no matter what.

Li Huowang picked up the long sword that was stuck in the soil and began to dig up graves again, burying the other bones in the town.

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Jiang Yingzi dragged her broken body to Li Huowang's side and screamed with endless hatred in his ear: "Do you think burying them will make this go away? You killed them!"

"If you really want to atone, you should kill yourself!! Otherwise, everything you do is meaningless!!"

"Li Huowang, why don't you just die!! Stop pretending to be a good person! Go die!!"

Silent Li Huowang tightly pursed his lips and continued to dig one pit after another under Jiang Yingzi's harsh curses.

In the cave of the Aojing sect, the voice of Sheng Benyou came from inside the cave again. "Hand San, Head Qi, you can leave now. The next time this person comes, block him outside the mountain gate. Our previous actions have nothing to do with him."

"Yes, Elder Sheng Benyou." Hand San, who was burnt all over, respectfully bowed and led the other members of the Aojing sect to gradually leave the place where the elder meditated in silence.

Not long after, the whole environment became quiet, leaving only the walls with six caves.

Suddenly, a sharp female voice broke the silence.

"Hehe... Xin Su really believed, he believed it all~! San Tiao, your method really works!"

This voice seemed to open some kind of switch, and the walls of the black cave, which were densely covered with caves, seemed to come alive in an instant.

Sharp laughter, rough laughter, teasing laughter, all kinds of joyful laughter flowed out of the cave, filling the entire cave.

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