"Xi Shen?" This was the first time Li Huowang had heard this term.

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"Is there a connection between Single Happiness and Double Happiness?"

"Well, if you have to compare them, the Happiness God is like the fingernail of the Xi Shen."

"Hiss..." Li Huowang couldn't help but imagine the terrifying appearance of the Happiness God. He found it hard to believe that such a being could only be the fingernail of another.

"Wait, Master Jingxin, please wait. My mind is a bit confused right now."

The sudden news caught him off guard. "So the Happiness God isn't a larger evil spirit?"

"How is that possible? The Happiness God could never be an evil spirit. They are completely different things."

Li Huowang took a deep breath and asked, "So Master Jingxin, whether it's the Happiness God or the Xi Shen, what exactly are they?"

"What else could they be? They are gods."

"Uh... what kind of gods?"

Mrs. Master Jingxin's fat face was full of surprise. "You don't even know this? How have you survived until now? I thought you knew."

Li Huowang continued to explain helplessly, "As I have said before, I am not from this world. I really did come here through a transmigration, although I don't remember how I came."

"Ah... here we go again." Mrs. Master Jingxin looked at Li Huowang with regret.

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"Master Jingxin, I really did come through a transmigration!" Li Huowang's voice grew louder as he saw that the other party didn't believe him, and he couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Okay, okay, I believe you. Let's continue. Have you heard of the Five Realms of Buddhism?"

"The Five Realms of Buddhism?" Li Huowang remembered the temple in Zhengde Monastery with its five great Buddhas.

"I have heard a little about it. The abbot of Zhengde Monastery once mentioned that there are five different Buddhas in five different worlds."

"In the center is the Vajra Realm, in the east is the Fragrant Realm, in the south is the Happy Realm, in the west is the Pure Land Realm, and in the north is the Lotus Realm." Mrs. Master Jingxin repeated the words of the old monk.

"The Happiness God and the Xi Shen are wandering gods of the Happy Realm. Of course, there are more than just them there. There are also Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats."

Li Huowang's mind was a bit confused. These concepts were all new to him.

He knew that there were some strange things in this world, but he never thought that there were five different worlds above this world.

We are, find us on google.

And in these five different worlds, there were even more terrifying things.

"So, when you said the Immortal Realm before, you were referring to these five worlds?" He subconsciously asked Danyang Zi, who was against the wall.

"Hmph! What bullshit Five Realms of Buddhism! A bunch of bald donkeys who are fools and believers! They don't know anything! They haven't even seen the Southern Heavenly Gate. What do they know?!"

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Danyang Zi's six eyes were full of disdain. This was the first time his hallucinations had reacted.

"These people don't know anything. They just believe whatever is written in books! If I knew where the Five Realms of Buddhism were, I would have become a Buddha and wouldn't be stuck here!"

Mrs. Master Jingxin was a bit bored and picked her nose, wiping a large booger on her fat flesh.

"Become a Buddha? Is that what you want, Master Jingxin?""I'm too lazy. Even though my son is crazy, he's still alive. What will happen to him if I become a Buddha?"

After learning this news, Li Huowang seemed to connect everything he had experienced before and seemed to understand something.

"Which world is the world where Bahui is located?"

He remembered the eerie place behind the background when Bahui appeared in the world before.

"I don't know. I'm not from the Jingjiao sect."

"Swish!" Danyang Zi's three terrifying heads drilled out of Mrs. Master Jingxin's belly.

"She's lying to you! She doesn't know anything! Only when you truly see the fairy world, will you understand how wonderful it is!"

"As long as you take a look at the fairy world, you will feel that nothing in the mortal world is worth it!!"

Li Huowang looked at him, his mouth trembling, and continued to ask Mrs. Master Jingxin, "Master Jingxin, do other sects have different views on the so-called five realms of Buddhism?"

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"Of course, some cultivators say that there are no five realms there, it's just a place called Penglai. Some people say that there is no such place at all, it's all made up."

"Anyway, no one can convince anyone, and I don't want to argue with them."

Mrs. Master Jingxin said, unable to help but take out a mung bean cake from her fat, just about to put it in her mouth, but then stopped and put it back.

"Okay, okay, these things are not from the mortal realm. I just said it, and you just listened to it. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not."

"There's nothing else, hurry up and leave. It's already late, and you've kept me from sleeping."

"Remember, stay away from the Taoist sects that deceive beings. If you really encounter them and want to break their formation, you need to understand their thinking and then go against it."

After giving this last sentence of advice, Mrs. Master Jingxin raised her neck and started snoring loudly.

Li Huowang looked at Mrs. Master Jingxin with a complicated expression, and performed a Qingfeng Guan Dao ceremony again, picked up the sword in his hand, and left.

This trip gained too much. Li Huowang needed to sort it out.


Yang Xiaohai squatted on a stone, enviously watching Xiao Man practicing sword in the yard.

With a clang, accompanied by a light sound, Xiao Man's green sword was unsheathed halfway.

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The sword edge reflected a cold light. A certain kind of misty and invisible pressure made Yang Xiaohai sit back again.

The sword dance was like a swimming dragon, and the silver light flickered constantly, with clothes fluttering in the wind.

Yang Xiaohai didn't understand, but he felt that Xiao Man senior sister in front of him was very powerful.

This was natural. For so many days, as long as she had free time, she practiced sword. She even hugged the sword manual when she ate.

"If I'm so powerful, they won't bully me in the future." Yang Xiaohai said with longing in his eyes.

"Hmph, what is this? It's useless. If you really want to become powerful, you have to learn from Senior Brother Li."

As soon as Yang Xiaohai turned his head, he saw the dog squatting against the wall with his arms crossed.

Thinking of Senior Brother Li's terrifying appearance, he suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck.

"No, I won't learn that kind of magic. It's too painful."Just then, Yang Xiaohai saw Xiao Man, who was practicing sword dancing, stop and walk outside.

"Sister Xiao Man, where are you going?" He quickly followed her.

"I'm going to the escort agency in town to see if I can find someone to spar with. I've been practicing for so long, but it's just been dead practice."

"Sister Xiao Man, why do you need to find someone else to spar with? You can spar with me. Why bother going through all this trouble?" Gouwa patted the sword hanging from his waist.

"You call that practice? Just practicing one move of hacking and slashing is considered practice?"

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