"Li Xian Di, see you later!"

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"Take care!"


Under the enthusiastic send-off of the group of escorts, Li Huowang and his companions left the Longteng Escort Agency.

As they gradually disappeared from sight, the smile on Wang Chengxing's face gradually faded, and he looked at Zhao Biaotou beside him.

"Master, did you see the sword on that person's back? That sword is not ordinary, it feels like it's filled with killing intent."

Zhao Qin, whose eyebrows slightly furrowed, nodded. "Of course I know, that sword belongs to General Zixiong."

"What? General Zixiong's sword? Then why haven't you done anything in the past half month?"

"What do you want me to do?" Zhao Qin turned his head to look at Wang Chengxing.

"Should I steal his sword, or inquire about the sword's origin, or secretly report him?"

Seeing that Wang Chengxing didn't speak, Zhao Qin continued, "Do you think I'm blind? Haven't you noticed anything strange about this person?"

"The red bamboo slip at his waist, the various iron tools on the hem, and that gourd. Not to mention those disabled people around him, but what does that have to do with me?"

"He helped cure Feng Xia and I agreed to help him find sword techniques and vouch for him. That's enough for everyone's face."

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"I didn't tell him that we were just cannon fodder in the past. This is called seeing through but not speaking out."

"Yes, yes, Master is considerate, it's the disciple's recklessness."

After staying in the stable for half a month, the horses pulling the carriage had clearly become bored. As soon as they left the city gate, they became excited and ran faster.

"Yoo-hoo~" Zhao Wuhao, who was driving the carriage, shouted, and the carriage slowed down.

He turned to Li Huowang and asked, "Li Shixiong, where are we going now?"

"To the border. We're done with everything in Sizhi, so let's leave as soon as possible. Besides, this place is a bit chaotic. The faster we get to Liangguo, the better," Li Huowang said.

As soon as he mentioned it, he became a little uneasy and turned to look at Bai Lingmiao beside him.

"Since there's a war going on here, won't there be turmoil in Liangguo? What about your family--"

Before Bai Lingmiao could answer, Lv Zhuangyuan walked over with a cigarette in his hand.

"Hey, little brother worries too much. Liangguo is bigger than Sizhi by five times, and their emperor is very powerful. Everyone calls it the Great Liangguo. If there really is a war, they will only fight against others, who would dare to fight them?"

Li Huowang then realized that compared to other countries, Liangguo was a big and powerful country.

Obviously, Lv Zhuangyuan had done his homework on their destination.

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Li Huowang nodded in understanding. This was good, as long as they arrived in Liangguo, there would be no worries.At this moment, Li Huowang keenly sensed that Lv Zhuangyuan was different. "Leader Lv, did something good happen?"

Compared to the old man with wrinkles all over his face before, he now looked several years younger, and couldn't stop smiling.

"Hehe, it's nothing, hehehe." Lv Zhuangyuan wanted to hold back, but his smile gave him away.

Overjoyed, he turned his head and climbed onto his own carriage, holding a big cloth bag and coming to Li Huowang. "Come, come, eat eggs, eat eggs."

The two eggs, dyed red, were stuffed into Li Huowang's hands.

Not only Li Huowang, but everyone else also received them. Giving eggs for no reason, this was not like Lv Zhuangyuan's stingy attitude.

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As soon as he got the red eggs, Zhao Wu was the first to react and understood the meaning they represented.

"Brother Lv, is your wife pregnant? Congratulations! I wish you an early birth of a noble son."

Facing Zhao Wu's congratulations, Lv Juren's smile looked very forced.

Lv Zhuangyuan next to him naturally took over the conversation. "Have you seen my daughter-in-law's belly? How is it? It's pointed, and she has been craving sour food lately. This time, there's no mistake. It must be a grandson!"

The rosy flower on the carriage raised her head proudly, and at this moment, she looked like a victorious general.

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"On the day of the full moon wine, everyone should come." Lv Zhuangyuan became happier as he spoke, and his eyes were so full of laughter that they couldn't be seen.

Li Huowang, who was eating eggs, switched his gaze between the father and son who had completely different attitudes. He felt like there was something else mixed in with the taste of the eggs he was eating.

But he wasn't a nosy person, and he didn't bother with other people's family matters. Li Huowang jumped onto the carriage and began to look for the name of the next country on the map.

"The name of the next country... the next..." Li Huowang looked at the two unfamiliar characters on the map and was stunned for a moment.

He used to think that not recognizing characters didn't matter, but now it seemed to affect all aspects of his life.

With a light sigh, Li Huowang leaned his head out of the carriage window. "Leader Lv, what is the name of the next country we will pass through on our way to Liang?"

"Um... it seems to be called the Later Shu Kingdom."

"Later Shu?" Li Huowang murmured as he looked at the circular pattern on the map in his hand.

"Leader Lv, do you know of any famous sects or dangerous cults in the Later Shu Kingdom?"

"Hey, young man, you're asking me this. Isn't it pointless? How could I know these things? I'm already impressive enough to know that the State of Si is next to the Later Shu Kingdom."

As a performer of big plays, Lv Zhuangyuan naturally couldn't know the specific affairs of other countries."Do you know about the Later Shu Dynasty?" Li Huowang asked the other senior brothers and sisters.

It's better to know more about the places they will pass through next.

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But to Li Huowang's disappointment, they all shook their heads in unison.

It seemed like none of them were captured by the Later Shu Dynasty.

"Senior Li, I remember there was a Taoist disciple from the Later Shu Dynasty, but he drowned that time," Chun Xiaoman said.

Li Huowang sighed lightly upon hearing her words.

Now they could only take it step by step, but fortunately, they were much better off than before.

He had no crisis like Danyang Zi anymore, and he had gained some self-defense skills since he left Qingfeng Temple.

As soon as Li Huowang jumped off the carriage, he saw Lv Zhuangyuan approaching with a flattering smile.

"Oh dear, I almost forgot about the Later Shu Dynasty. When I was younger, my blind uncle told me something about it," Lv Zhuangyuan said.

"My uncle said that the people of the Later Shu Dynasty didn't listen to our plays. They seemed to like...oh, I remember now, they liked to watch Nuo Opera."

"Nuo Opera?"

"Yes, it sounds strange, right? It's called Nuo Opera. My uncle also said that they don't wear stage makeup for the play."

"When they perform, they wrap the actor's entire head with red cloth and wear various wooden masks to sing."

Li Huowang stopped Lv Zhuangyuan from continuing.

They could watch whatever play they liked, it had nothing to do with him. He wasn't Lv Zhuangyuan, who had to go and steal their business.

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