When Li Huowang heard Yang Xiaohai's voice, he came back to his senses and found that they were already on the edge of the small town. In front of him were several stone-built bungalows, and in front of the bungalows was a large and spacious horse farm. Camels, sheep, and horses were each kept in different enclosures, and the pungent smell of various livestock hit them. The people inside seemed to have noticed Li Huowang, and they all looked over at him. From their attire, it was not difficult to see that this family specialized in this business. This also indirectly showed that the female Taoist was not sold, and her family was well-off.

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Taking the bone ash urn from Yang Xiaohai, Li Huowang took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and walked over. When he approached, a burly man pushed the horse next to him and came up to him. "Buying livestock?"

"No, delivering something." Li Huowang looked at him and estimated from his age that he should be the father of the Taoist. Faced with Li Huowang's sudden visit, the strong man obviously did not trust him directly, but when Yang Xiaohai said the name of the Taoist and some details about her, they finally believed him. The news of their daughter's death was like a bolt from the blue for them, and the whole family cried around the bone ash urn.

Looking at the sad scene in front of him, Li Huowang thought he would be infected by their emotions, but he wasn't. He had seen too many dead people, and he was a bit numb. The monk next to him also saw this and his face was no longer smiling. He walked over with a pious expression and began to perform the last rites for the bone ash urn.

Because they were asked about the details by the Taoist's father, when Li Huowang and the others returned to the inn, it was already late. "Let's go, meeting is fate. I'll give you an upper room so you don't have to secretly sleep in the toilet like before."

"I have money." The monk shook his robe, and the sound of copper coins clashing came from him.

"Also, when did I ever sleep in someone else's toilet?"

After hearing this, Li Huowang finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Where are you going? If it's on the way, let's go together in the future."

In this broken place, it was not easy for a person like this to survive, so he could take care of him if possible. "As long as I can do good deeds, I can go anywhere. I'm not picky. I'll go first tomorrow, or the dormitory will close."

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Watching the monk's gradually disappearing figure, Li Huowang smiled and turned and walked into the inn. As soon as he entered the lobby, he saw Lv Zhuangyuan, whose face was red, arguing with his son. "Master Lv, what are you doing?"

Lv Zhuangyuan pushed his son aside and gestured excitedly in the air. "Those jumping puppet show performers are shameless! They dare to say that their show came from us. Their show is the ancestor of our show!!"

"Dad, forget it, why are you arguing with them? This is someone else's territory."

"Forget it? Other things can be forgotten, but not this! If we don't argue at this time, how can we face our ancestors? They are all actors in the bottom nine streams. Am I afraid of them? Let go of me!"

After understanding that it was Lv Zhuangyuan who was arguing with the puppet show performers, Li Huowang was too lazy to get involved and turned to walk to his own bedroom. "Miao Miao, do you remember that old monk?" Li Huowang's words stopped abruptly when he entered the room.

Bai Lingmiao was obviously exhausted, and after washing up, she had fallen deeply asleep in bed. Li Huowang walked to the side of the bed and gently stroked her face. Feeling Li Huowang's breath, Bai Lingmiao, who was still half-asleep, habitually hugged him.Seeing her like this, Li Huowang held back the desire to share.

Blowing out the oil lamp, Li Huowang lay down and stared blankly at the ceiling.

"Phew...finally a few peaceful days."

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Li Huowang wasn't actually that greedy. He just wanted to maintain this kind of life quietly.

"Except...for those two." Li Huowang slightly turned his head and looked at Jiang Yingzi and Danyang Zi beside him.

In the quiet bedroom, those two things were still in the distance, with a smile that was not quite a smile on their faces.

"Hmm?" Li Huowang was surprised and sat up. He realized that he could actually see things in the darkness.

"My perception abilities are getting stronger." Li Huowang murmured to himself, unsure if it was good or bad news.

"Senior Li...?" Seeing that Bai Lingmiao was about to be awakened, Li Huowang quickly patted her gently. "Sleep...sleep..."

As Li Huowang spoke, he slowly closed his eyes.

Perhaps due to years of traveling, Li Huowang fell asleep quickly and didn't dream for once.

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While Li Huowang was sleeping, he suddenly felt a tightness all over his body and sensed that something was approaching.

The next moment, a severe pain in his fingers woke him up instantly.

Instinctively raising his hand to look, he found that his finger was turned inside out.

Looking around, Li Huowang did not find the woman with the red veil on her head.

Suddenly, Li Huowang looked down and saw three pairs of shoes by the bed, one of which was a pair of red embroidered shoes.

As Li Huowang looked, the embroidered shoes slowly retreated under the bed.

Glancing at Bai Lingmiao sleeping beside him, he frowned and whispered to the bed, "What are you doing?"

"Something..." A sweet voice suddenly sounded in Li Huowang's ear.

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Li Huowang grabbed the hilt of the sword under his pillow with one hand and held his breath to sense the environment outside the room.

Li Huowang's perception was very keen at the moment. In theory, if someone really came, he should have sensed it, but he did not feel anything abnormal.

Just as Li Huowang thought that Twin Soul was playing tricks on him, there was a sound outside the window, a crisp metal collision.

"Da~!" A projection that looked like a shadow puppet show was suddenly pasted on the wall.

It was difficult to say what the shadow puppet represented. It looked like a spider, with an old man's face. It had six arms with spikes and solid tentacles with complex patterns like window decorations that shrunk and expanded inside.

This unknown shadow puppet show was quickly crawling behind Li Huowang's window.

"Hmph, Xin Su? And it's from the Al-Jing religion, really rare."

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As soon as he heard this, Li Huowang, who was holding his sword with one hand, turned over and got up from the bed.

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