"Kill!" Li Huowang swept the sword forcefully against the ground, and the sword body seemed to emit a dark red blade aura.

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In the next moment, the black shadow in front of him, which had been split in half, let out a scream and turned into black smoke.

With a burst of energy, Li Huowang gritted his teeth and accelerated forward, and the distance between the two sides was rapidly closing.

Li Huowang thought there was only one shadow monster left and that he could easily deal with it. But unexpectedly, the bronze-faced man under his arms moved a few times and actually stretched out four more arms.

Each person held a different shadow puppet in their hands.

As the slender fingers flicked, under the moonlight, Li Huowang was instantly surrounded by a group of thin-as-a-wing shadow monsters.

"Senior Brother Li, we'll help you!"

"Don't come over! Stay away! Miao Miao, don't play the drum! I can handle these!"

Li Huowang quickly swept through with a sword move, forcing them back slightly.

"Clang clang," the red bamboo slip quickly swung, and Li Huowang, with a red face, bit his teeth and chopped his own fingers with the blade.

Two bloody fingers were cut off and fell towards the "Dacheng Record."

The intense pain almost made Li Huowang faint.

But the sacrifice was effective. The two fingers quickly swelled and tore apart before they hit the ground.

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The bones in the fingers grew wildly, and the curved spikes pierced through the flesh, rotating like two long darts towards the bronze-faced man.

The bronze-faced man tried to dodge, but he didn't expect the fingers to move in sync with him.

"Crack crack," the fingers pierced into his neck, and the shadow puppets around Li Huowang instantly froze and stuck back to the ground.

"You..." The bronze-faced man only said this word before stumbling and falling to the ground.

Li Huowang quickly walked over and looked at the strange six-armed man who had died in front of him.

"Is that it? That was so easy?" Li Huowang was very surprised, which was completely different from his previous encounter, which was like playing.

Li Huowang approached a little closer and gently lifted the bronze mask with his sword.

He wanted to see what the person looked like.

As soon as the mask was lifted, Li Huowang was shocked to see a wooden mouth underneath. This thing was a puppet!

"Watch out! The dwarf is still inside his belly. He's planning to ambush you!"

Just as the voice came, the bronze-faced man's belly was pierced, and a cold light stabbed towards Li Huowang's heart.

Fortunately, Li Huowang had an early warning and quickly blocked the attack with his sword.

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In the next moment, Li Huowang quickly lifted his sword and stabbed the bronze-faced man's belly with a sword full of killing intent.

With a scream like a duck, blood flowed from the bronze-faced man's belly.

A bald, big-headed, small-eyed, loose-skinned dwarf vomited blood and struggled painfully to crawl out from inside.

But his efforts were in vain. After a few struggles and wails, his large head slowly drooped down.

Having just killed someone, Li Huowang felt the sword in his hand roar, and he was lucky not to have lost his grip.

He quickly pulled out the sword, and it came out bloody. The long sword finally stopped being restless.However, Li Huowang couldn't care less about the sword at the moment, and turned his head directly towards the voice that just reminded him.

He saw a monk wearing patched clothes standing there, smiling at him.

"It's you again? Who are you?"

The monk lifted his toe-exposing monk shoes and walked forward, passing by the dead dwarf and even took off his copper coin mask on his face, putting it in his pocket.

"Run, and talk while running. Can't you see that those people are all coming?"

Li Huowang glanced at the enlarged black dots all around him and quickly followed.

"Everyone, keep up and don't fall behind!"

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Li Huowang came to the monk's side and asked him again, "Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

The monk smiled and looked at Li Huowang. "Don't be so aggressive, Li Huowang. Let me ask you, have I ever harmed you during the time we've been together?"

Before Li Huowang could answer, the monk began to ask and answer himself.

"Not only have I not harmed you, but I have also helped you in every way, helping you see through the conspiracy of Zhengde Temple and reminding you of those strange puppet shows."

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After looking at the pursuers behind them, Li Huowang took a deep breath, slightly calming his anxious heart and asked again, "Thank you for your help these few times, but I don't want to be kept in the dark. Who are you?"

The usually cheerful monk suddenly looked serious and looked at Li Huowang. "Who I am is not important. Who you are is the most important thing. Are you really Li Huowang?"

"What?!" Li Huowang's pupils shrank to the smallest in an instant, and for a moment, he wanted to stop the other person from continuing.

"The things I'm about to say may be very shocking, but you have to believe me because I saved you and so many others."

"I am not a monk, and you are not Li Huowang either. These are all other people's identities, just temporary replacements for us. In fact, you are called Peng Zhi, and I am called Peng Jiao. We are not real people, but the true identities of others' three corpses!"

"What the hell is going on?!" Li Huowang's mind was as chaotic as a paste. "I'm not Li Huowang? There is another Li Huowang?"

"Swish!" An arrow shot over, and the monk quickly pulled Li Huowang to dodge.

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Feeling the urgency of the situation, the speed at which the monk spoke began to increase.

"I don't know if you know about the Three Corpses in Taoism. Anyone who wants to become immortal in cultivation must cut off their own three corpses. We are the three corpses that were cut off!"

"Peng Hou is the upper corpse, which is Danyang Zi. Peng Zhi is the middle corpse, which is you, and Peng Jiao is the lower corpse, which is me!"

"Danyang Zi has already been cut off, and now it's just the two of us! So we must cooperate to have a chance to survive!"

" is this possible..." Li Huowang still didn't want to believe it. In just a few moments, his world had turned upside down.

"Taoist! Taoist, look at me, look at me!"

When Li Huowang looked over, he saw the extremely sincere gaze of the monk.

"The upper corpse insect is called Peng Hou, which is in the head, making people foolish and stupid, without wisdom.""The middle corpse insect is named Peng Zhi, residing in the human chest, causing annoyance and delusions, unable to be at peace."

"The lower corpse insect is named Peng Jiao, residing in the human abdomen, causing indulgence, wickedness, and obscenity."

"We all have our innate nature that we cannot escape from, but you see, I have completely rid myself of my nature. My nature wants me to do evil, but I insist on doing good deeds!"

"My nature wants me to indulge in luxury and obscenity, but I insist on being a poverty-stricken monk! My fate is in my hands, not in the heavens!"

"I know that Peng Zhi's nature is to be suspicious and delusional, but Taoist, this is also your nature. You must also rid yourself of your nature like me! Only then can we defeat that person who seeks to become immortal! And gain our freedom!"

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