In a guest room, Li Huowang sat naked in the bathtub, holding a triangular knife with his one arm, taking deep breaths and preparing for something.

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"Hoo...hoo...hoo..." Li Huowang breathed slowly, calming his nerves.

When he was completely calm, Li Huowang stuffed a folded towel into his mouth, then raised the triangular knife in his hand and stabbed himself in the abdomen.

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Like seppuku, the trembling knife slowly pulled to the right, and blood flowed from it into the bathwater, dyeing a large area red.

Li Huowang, with bulging veins on his forehead, ignored the almost fainting pain and trembled to reach into his own abdomen.

After finally finding his stomach, he wanted to pierce a hole above it to see what was inside. But he found it very inconvenient with only one hand now.

Just as he was struggling whether to call for help, a hand with long black pointed nails wiped his skin, stretched from behind his waist, and accurately pulled out his stomach.

"Thank you." Li Huowang trembled and raised the triangular knife in his hand, making a hole in his stomach.

Twin Soul's hand began to exert force, squeezing the things inside the stomach out slowly. Except for some mashed food, there was no Black Tai Sui or Danyang Zi's half-face.

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Seeing this scene, Li Huowang laughed. He guessed right. Those members of the Taoist sects that deceive beings did indeed solve the living Danyang Zi to deceive him in the cave that day.

Afterwards, they hid the immortal Danyang Zi to a point where even Master Tai couldn't detect it, just to play a trick on him and watch him step by step, defenselessly, being replaced by Danyang Zi and experiencing the fun of being played.

But this also inadvertently helped him. Sister Tai said that the reason why Danyang Zi was not solved was that one part of him was still alive.

Now that the living part of Danyang Zi has completely died, he just needs to return to An Ci An and find Sister Tai to completely solve Danyang Zi.

The blood-stained triangular knife fell into the water, and Li Huowang trembled to pick up the golden wound medicine beside him and poured it into the wound on his stomach.

At this time, the hand with black nails quickly turned over, and two red string heads were pinched by her and inserted into Li Huowang's wound.

The red threads quickly crossed and sewed up the wound, making Li Huowang almost bite through the towel in his mouth due to the pain.

"Thank you." When Li Huowang turned his head to look behind him again, he found that there was no trace of anyone.

Li Huowang, with a pale face, got out of the bathtub and began to put on his clothes.

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"Taoist, are you really just going back this time to solve your master? Do you care about those deceivers? If you do, you can't let them cheat people, how many people will suffer if they continue to cheat? Doing justice is also doing good deeds."

Li Huowang glanced at the monk's illusion in front of him, a hint of hatred flashing in his eyes. He didn't bother to answer and continued to put on his clothes.

Of course, he did not forget those disguised members of the Taoist sects that deceive beings.

Thinking of the two dead junior brothers and the things they did to him, Li Huowang felt a surge of anger.Li Huowang wanted to tear their hearts out and dig their bones, even if it wasn't Jiang Yingzi's wish, he still had unfinished business with them, which was almost as important as dealing with Danyang Zi.

"But they're powerful, can you fight against them, Taoist?" The monk looked worried.

"I have my own ways, can you please be quiet!"

The five Taoist sects that deceive beings couldn't be solved by Li Huowang alone, but when he thought about it carefully while rushing, he realized that he didn't need to fight alone.

Firstly, it could be seen from Jiang Yingzi being deceived by the Taoist sects that they controlled the members of the Ao Jingjiao in the mountains by deception.

The members of the lower level of the Ao Jingjiao, led by Shou San, were also deceived by the Ao Jingjiao, and as long as they were made aware of being deceived, they could become allies.

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Secondly, Jingxin's son was also a heart su like himself. Why did he become like this in the first place?

It was obviously related to those Taoist sects, and as long as the truth was explained, Master Jingxin would definitely be willing to avenge her son.

Li Huowang, dressed neatly, took out the translated version of the Fire Ao Scripture and struggled to read the words on it. He now knew even less than before.

He had always thought that his ability to read characters was taken away by Danyang Zi, but now he realized that it was not the case at all, it was because Danyang Zi was not dead.

"According to the number of characters I can read, I should be able to return to Siqi before being completely assimilated by Danyang Zi." Li Huowang said, closing the book and leaving.

As soon as he left, everyone looked at him with concern.

"I need to ask the masters of An Ci An something." This was Li Huowang's reason for returning to Siqi.

After several trips to An Ci An, everyone clearly knew that Li Huowang's words were problematic, but they didn't ask anything.

Perhaps they had other thoughts in their minds, but now they could only follow along and dare not have any objections.

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Saving everyone's lives was one aspect, but the increasingly terrifying aura emanating from Li Huowang was another.

"Are you okay, Gao Zhijian?" Li Huowang asked the tall man with his head wrapped in bandages, holding his stomach.

"I...I...I'm fine..."

"It's good that you're okay. Take good care of yourself and eat well to replenish your body during this time."

Li Huowang was also very surprised that Gao Zhijian was still alive, as he had watched the iron dice enter his temple.

But when the others were cleaning up the battlefield, they found that he still had qi, and with the help of Bai Lingmiao's invitation to the White Immortal of the Bai family, he woke up.

The same thing had happened when he was drowned before. Li Huowang couldn't believe that it was a coincidence.

But he had seen more bizarre things in this place, and after asking Gao Zhijian himself, even he didn't know what was going on, so Li Huowang stopped asking.

Anyway, being alive was better than being dead.

However, the iron dice in his head was still buried there, and Li Huowang didn't expect too much about it.

"Has the new carriage been bought? I'll go take a look, no need to support me, I can walk."Watching Li Huowang's gradually disappearing figure, Doggie couldn't even catch his breath and shuddered suddenly. He cautiously said to Zhao Wuxiao across from him, "Hey, do you feel like Senior Li is becoming more and more like that leper? Do you guys feel it too?"

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