"The clanging sound of coins hitting each other rang out, and the coin mask was put on Li Huowang's face.

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Smelling the unique smell of burning on the coin mask, Li Huowang felt an unprecedented sense of security.

"When we get to An Ci An, let the nuns take a look. If they can't see through it, then this thing is valuable."

Li Huowang, wearing the mask, stood up and shouted excitedly to the others behind him, "Let's go! Hurry to Henghua Mountain!"

The iron carriage wheels started rolling again and headed towards Siqi.

As they approached the Hu Duo River, the vegetation on the roadside began to come back to life, and even the air became humid.

However, the road back was not smooth sailing, and the border of Siqi became more and more guarded.

Fortunately, the border between Siqi and the Later Shu was already long, and the defense of the border troops that had been transferred was inadequate.

Taking advantage of the gap in the rotation of the border troops, Li Huowang and the others returned to Siqi from the Later Shu.

One morning, Li Huowang was tied to a tree with a lock chain the size of a bowl, and the other disciples watched him babble silently.

After experiencing so many times, they had already become accustomed to it and were not as surprised as before. They knew Li Huowang's illness very well.

After a while, Li Huowang's eyes gradually cleared, and he looked up at the sunny sky above and the lush trees on the roadside, breathing a sigh of relief.

No matter what they had experienced on the road, they were almost there.

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"Let's have lunch, and then we'll leave. We should be able to reach Henghua Mountain before dark." Li Huowang said to Bai Lingmiao, who was untying him.

Looking at Li Huowang's left sleeve, which had not changed at all for so many days, Bai Lingmiao's eyes flashed with sadness.

She turned around and picked up a piece of wood to fetch water from the nearby river.

The clear river water was very clean, and the wooden bucket and Bai Lingmiao's tears fell into the stream together.

"Do you feel sorry for Senior Li?" Chun Xiaoman whispered as she followed them.

"He's disabled now! His arm will never grow back!" Bai Lingmiao said, choking back tears.

Chun Xiaoman seemed to want to say something to comfort her, but found that she didn't know where to start.

Seeing how sad she was, it was clear that she had completely regarded Senior Li as her man.

"This time it's just an arm, but what if there's a next time? Why is it so difficult for us to just want to go home? Waaah..."

Watching her best friend Bai Lingmiao become more and more sad, Chun Xiaoman couldn't help but empathize.

Although Li Huowang didn't explain anything to them, after spending time with him, Chun Xiaoman could tell that the red bamboo slip at his waist was used to exchange for supernatural powers through sacrifices.

As long as that thing was with Li Huowang, the trouble on his body would certainly decrease.

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Chun Xiaoman looked at the increasingly sad Bai Lingmiao in front of her and softened her heart, hugging her in her arms.

In the end, the main reason was that they were not strong enough to handle this situation easily. If they had the strength, this situation would not have arisen.

But persuading Senior Li to throw away the bamboo slip was almost impossible. Although it was costly, it was also very powerful.

She made up her mind and thought to herself, "If all else fails, I'll ask Senior Li to teach me how to use that bamboo slip."

Since anyone could use that thing, why not use it herself? "Both Bai Lingmiao and Senior Brother Li care about each other, and they have someone to worry about when they get hurt.

As for oneself, I have decided not to get married anyway, so it doesn't matter.

"If it's my hand that's cut off..." Chun Xiaoman looked at the sad Bai Lingmiao, then looked at her own hand covered in black hair. "It's fine!"

After comforting each other in a low voice for a while, the two of them started to fetch water again. The others were waiting to eat and didn't want to delay their journey.

The wooden bucket was put back into the cool water and began to be filled.

"Wait." Chun Xiaoman dipped her furry hand in the water and gently wiped the corner of Bai Lingmiao's eye. "There's a bit of dirt here, let me wipe it for you."

"Thank you, Sister Xiaoman."

"Don't mention it, we're sisters. In the future, I'll be your child's godmother."

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Chun Xiaoman had just finished speaking with a smile when she saw Bai Lingmiao's expression become more and more frightened. "Sister Xiaoman! Look behind you!"

Chun Xiaoman quickly pressed the hilt of her sword with one hand and turned around. She saw the bodies floating in the clear river water.

Soon, everyone gathered by the river and silently watched the bodies floating on the surface.

Judging from the clothing of these bodies, they were soldiers from Sizi. There must have been a battle upstream.

Under the chaos of war, the people naturally did not live well. Among the soldiers' corpses were also many ordinary people, their eyes full of despair.

"There are so many bodies floating, how many people must have died?" Gouwa, who was leaning against a tree trunk, said with emotion.

"In the future, perhaps we can no longer drink water from the river, only well water."

Compared to the worries of other senior brothers, Li Huowang was thinking about something else.

"You've all seen a lot of dead people, don't you think these bodies are too fresh?"

Li Huowang's words made everyone pay attention to the details of these bodies.

As long as they weren't dead on the same day, under normal circumstances, the bodies in the water would be very terrifying and definitely not like they are now.

"Yeah, look, these dead people still have blood on their faces!"

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"If they weren't motionless, they would be no different from living people."

Looking at everything in front of him, Li Huowang narrowed his eyes slightly. These bodies gave him a strong sense of unease.

"Is it because they were killed by some special ability that they became like this? Are there any other sects involved in the secular war?"

"Or maybe I'm just thinking too much. In this world, it's normal for some strange sects to join wars."

After thinking for a while by the river, Li Huowang left with the others.

Perhaps because there were too many dead people, everyone's mood was a bit heavy, and no one spoke until they reached the small town at the foot of Henghua Mountain.

This novel is available on "pawread dot com".

"When it's so late, Senior Li, are you still going up the mountain? Or should we eat breakfast tomorrow and then go?"

"No rush." Li Huowang walked into a bakery that was emitting a fragrant smell.

When he came out, he was already carrying a large stack of pastry boxes. With these goods, he almost emptied the shop.

"I'm leaving. You guys can stay at the same inn as before. I'll find you later. Oh, where's Gouwa? I just saw him."

"He went to the outhouse."As soon as the words fell, a contented-looking boy walked out of the alley.

"Hey, this outhouse is pretty clean. I didn't even see half a fly or maggot."

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