When Danyang Zi came to his senses, he found that his left arm, which should have been severed, had grown back.

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He tried to move, but was horrified to find himself trapped on an iron bed, with tough cloth tightly binding his limbs, preventing him from moving at all...

Danyang Zi continued to recite spells and use other supernatural abilities, but found that they had no effect.

Now he had become a pig waiting to be slaughtered on a chopping board.

This feeling made him feel extremely ashamed, and he had never been in such a situation since he killed someone with a broken knife at the age of ten.

"Who is it! Who used this illusion on me!" Danyang Zi roared at the woman in front of him with a twisted expression.

"I don't care who you are! Just wait for me! When I return to my true form, you will all die!" Danyang Zi gritted his teeth and shouted at the woman in front of him.

Then he saw the little girl in front of him, frightened, running outside.

"Doctor! Doctor, come quickly! My son is in trouble!"

Search for the original.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Danyang Zi suddenly pulled with all his strength, but found that he could not move at all. He looked around at the chaos around him.

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"Zuowang Dao! Maybe it's them! There may be more than six of those scammers, and there may be a few waiting to ambush me!"

Soon, Danyang Zi saw the little girl come back with two men in white coats.

"Three people? They restrained me, but didn't do anything. What is their purpose?"

While Danyang Zi was guessing what the three people in front of him were thinking, one of the doctors spoke.

"Xiao Li, look at her, who is she to you?"

A doctor with round plastic glasses pointed to Sun Xiaoqin next to him and asked.

At this moment, Danyang Zi also calmed down. "Speak up, who sent you? When did you start following me to obstruct me from becoming a god?"

The doctor seemed not surprised at all by such absurd words, calmly nodded, and recorded something on the board with a pen.

"Do you remember your own name?"

Danyang Zi understood this, and began to change his strategy, saying in a heavy voice, "I am Danyang Zi, the master of Qingfeng Guan. How dare you lay hands on me without even knowing who I am? Which sect are you from?"

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"I have been alive for many years, and have traveled all over the world. I have met many people. Perhaps your elders are my friends. Let me go, as long as I can become a god in the end, you will benefit from it."

Upon hearing this, Sun Xiaoqin became anxious and quickly spoke up, "Son, what nonsense are you talking about? You are not Danyang Zi, you are Li Huowang!"

"Li Huowang?" Danyang Zi's eyes showed a hint of confusion, then he shook his head violently."No! There's no such person as Li Huowang! There's only Danyang Zi! They're all fake! It's all my demons, my three corpses!"

Sun Xiaoqin wanted to say something anxiously, but the doctor stopped her with his hand. "Ms. Sun, please control your emotions for a moment. Let us finish questioning first, okay?"

Hearing this, Sun Xiaoqin, who was clutching her bag tightly, nodded and retreated to the corner of the wall, suppressing her worries.

The two doctors looked at the young man in front of them, exchanged glances for a moment, and then began to determine their strategy by asking one question at a time.

They pulled a chair over and sat cross-legged beside Li Huowang's bed.

"Okay, Danyang Zi, can you answer another question for me? What is one plus one equal to?"

Seeing the doctor in the white coat, Danyang Zi felt a little confused. Why did he start talking nonsense?

But Danyang Zi was willing to listen to the other party's nonsense at the moment, as long as he could delay until his true body returned, he would win.

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After probing each other for a while, neither of them got the information they wanted.

The doctor, with a frown on his face, tapped his pen on the record book and looked a little puzzled. "Strange, the condition has been stable for so long, and suddenly there are new symptoms. Ms. Sun, has your son received any other external stimuli recently?"

"No! He's been good! He even talked to me on his birthday!" Sun Xiaoqin replied eagerly.

After considering it for a while, the doctor said, "If it doesn't work, let's transfer him to another hospital. Your son's fistula has been removed and he can defecate normally now. He can be transferred to a regular psychiatric hospital. The doctors there are more professional. Don't worry, I will record today's events in his medical records, it won't delay his treatment."

"But my son is already like this, how can we transfer him?"

"Ms. Sun, don't worry. It's normal for the condition to fluctuate. You need to give your son some time. I'll prescribe some Paeoniflorin, Olanzapine, and there won't be any problems on the way."

Soon, Danyang Zi saw two big men come to his bed and drag him away on a stretcher.

"Where are you taking me? Let me go! I'll kill you when I become an immortal! No one can bully me!"

Hearing this, the nurse couldn't help but chuckle, which made Sun Xiaoqin unhappy. "My son is a patient! What's so funny about laughing at a patient?"

After speaking, Sun Xiaoqin gently stroked her son's face with a look of heartache. "Don't be afraid, my son. Mom is here, no one dares to bully you."

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Danyang Zi, who was cursing angrily, suddenly froze. The soft touch on his face and the sincere look in the other person's eyes opened a distant memory that had been sealed in his heart.

Gradually, the face of the woman in front of him overlapped with a blurry face in his memory.

Looking straight at the round face in front of him with concern, Danyang Zi's chin trembled. "Mom?"As soon as the words fell, Danyang Zi saw everything around him rewind, the pristine surroundings quickly fading, and the bloody cave appeared in front of him again.

" going on?"

Danyang Zi looked around with an uncertain expression. He had seen many strange things, but he had never seen anything as bizarre as what happened today.

Danyang Zi quickly drew his sword and looked around vigilantly.

"Where did the real body go? Why hasn't it come yet!"

Feeling uneasy, Danyang Zi began to feel anxious.

Although there seemed to be nothing unusual, he understood that the illusion just now was not something an ordinary person could achieve.

The person who attacked him was definitely not ordinary!

"Master..." Suddenly, a familiar and creepy voice sounded behind Danyang Zi, causing his body to break out in a cold sweat.

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