"Maozhi Gate?" Danyang Zi looked at the three characters on the huge jade plaque in shock.

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The sudden appearance of these three characters made his head buzz with questions...

"Why is it Maozhi Gate? Isn't this Nan Tian Gate? Isn't the Immortal Realm behind it? Aren't the people behind it becoming immortals?"

He looked down at the stars under him and then up at the dark sky outside of the sky.

For a moment, he didn't know what to do next, as if everything had lost its meaning in this instant.

"Don't you understand? There's no such thing as the freaking Immortal Realm in this world! You've been fooled, and you've lived your whole life as a joke!"

A familiar voice suddenly appeared, causing Danyang Zi to turn his head abruptly, but there was nothing on the other side of the voice.

Just as he thought the previous illusion was about to come back, he found the source of the voice, which was one of his three heads.

One of his left heads had been replaced by Li Huowang's head, and he couldn't believe it.

"This is impossible! The three corpses have been severed, who are you?!"

Danyang Zi was startled and raised the flesh and blood copper coin sword in his hand, pressing it against Li Huowang's neck.

Li Huowang didn't care and chuckled, "Guess."

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"You traitor who disrespects your master and ancestors!" Danyang Zi was furious and was about to strike, but he found that he couldn't do it, as a force inside his body was obstructing him.

Suddenly, the hand that wasn't holding the sword slapped Danyang Zi's face.

Looking at Danyang Zi, who was almost exploding with rage, Li Huowang's face became even happier.

When he saw Danyang Zi, who had three heads, coming to suck him up, he made a decision to never let Danyang Zi get away with it!

When he was sucked into the body together with another Danyang Zi, a thought popped into his mind.

"How dare you hit me!" Danyang Zi was driven mad by the stimulation and fought Li Huowang with all his might.

After all, this was Danyang Zi's body, and gradually Li Huowang couldn't resist. The flesh and blood copper coin sword soon cut into Li Huowang's neck.

Li Huowang was not afraid at all, and he laughed heartily.

"Old baldy! Do you know what? For a while, I was always trying to find ways to kill you and get rid of you, but I couldn't find a way."

"But just now, I realized that I was wrong before. I don't need to kill you, I just need you to suffer."

"The torture and pain I've endured over the years have finally paid off."

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Before Danyang Zi could figure out what was going on, other voices appeared out of nowhere.

"Yang Danzi, you little bastard, you won't die a good death! Kill him, youngster! Avenge me!"

"You old bastard, why don't you just die?!"

"Taoist, kill him quickly, he's a bad person! You have to uphold justice!"

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At this moment, whether it was Li Huowang's illusion or Danyang Zi's illusion, they both gradually appeared.

Li Huowang's confusion appeared on Danyang Zi's body at this moment.In this pitch-black world beyond worlds, their bodies had turned into strange and elongated shapes, writhing around them like seaweed.

Li Huowang's heart followed his will and appeared once again on Danyang Zi's body, but this time it was his true form.

Seeing Danyang Zi's breath become erratic, Li Huowang continued to taunt the leper in front of him.

"Master, how is it? Do you like it? These things are my filial piety to you. Even if you kill me, you might end up bearing the suffering of this heart essence alone in the future!"

"You lunatic!" With these words, Danyang Zi hesitated to strike. Looking at everything around him, he inexplicably felt afraid.

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"I'm a lunatic? That's all thanks to Master's teachings!"

As the two continued to confront each other, the huge jade tablet beside them suddenly stirred.

Inside, the terrifying monsters that should have been feasting on something seemed to approach them through a veil, peering at the two of them through the jade tablet.

Then, without warning, the jade tablet disappeared into the darkness, revealing a series of strange and wondrous scenes reminiscent of a kaleidoscope.

Li Huowang and Danyang Zi saw a shocking and sinister sight based on horror and abnormality.

Immediately after, a faint breeze floated out of the strange scene, accompanied by a sigh, pulling Li Huowang and Danyang Zi towards it.

"Heavenly White Jade Capital, Five Cities of the Twelve Floors, Immortals caressing my head, hair tied for eternal life... Is this the Heavenly White Jade Capital? Is this the Heavenly White Jade Capital?!"

An ethereal and refined old Taoist in the illusion looked at everything there, excited beyond control.

Danyang Zi, who should have been filled with unwillingness, suddenly burst forth with immense potential upon seeing this scene. He was too lazy to argue with Li Huowang and madly rushed towards it.

"I want to go to the Heavenly White Jade Capital!! I want to become an immortal! I want to become a divine immortal!"

Of course, Danyang Zi couldn't let him succeed and used all his strength to pull him outside.

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"You can't stop me from becoming an immortal!! You can't!" Danyang Zi struggled, using all his might to rush inside.

After struggling for a while, the two got closer and closer, until they could see the so-called immortals waiting to caress their heads inside.

In the strange scene, the closest figure was a bodhisattva, whose movements were gentle and graceful. The "hem" of her clothes floating irregularly in the air gave people the illusion of being underwater.

A pale and eerie halo enveloped the back of her head, making it impossible for the two to see her face. But when they got close enough, they saw that the halo was actually composed of small and large white eyes.

This was just the most normal thing to look at. In terms of strangeness, there was only higher and no lower.

Looking at the bodhisattva in front of them, Danyang Zi inexplicably felt a sense of fear rising in his heart, and this fear grew deeper, instantly occupying his heart.

Everything in his body was suggesting to him that this was an extremely dangerous place and that he absolutely could not go in.

"No, this isn't the Southern Gate! This is the Miao Gate! There are no immortals inside!" Danyang Zi suddenly realized this after being deluded into thinking about becoming an immortal.

However, just as he was about to retreat, Li Huowang, who was one with him at the moment, suddenly spoke."Master! Are you ready? Your disciple will assist you in becoming a celestial being!"

Li Huowang, who was just pulling away, suddenly stopped and took advantage of the moment when Danyang Zi had not yet arrived, rushing towards the face of the Bodhisattva together with him.

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