As Bai Lingmiao held the drum and calmed her nerves, Twin Soul silently stood behind her, gazing at the door with the bolt inserted in it.

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"I know we can't rely on Senior Li for everything. I didn't plan to rely on him, so stop talking about it," Bai Lingmiao complained softly.

"I know, you don't have to say it. Besides, he has nothing to do with you," Twin Soul replied.

As soon as Bai Lingmiao finished speaking, Twin Soul's sharp nails touched her neck.

"You know it yourself, it's very relevant..." Twin Soul said.

Hearing this, Bai Lingmiao's expression became slightly ugly, and she didn't say anything more.

As the hall quieted down, Bai Lingmiao felt a little uneasy and asked, "What will happen to me if I don't help the Immortal Clan?"

"It's not that I don't want to help them, but sometimes I may not have the time to spare," Twin Soul replied.

Hearing the words in her mind, Bai Lingmiao's expression became even uglier. "I see... is there any solution to this--"

Before she could finish her sentence, Bai Lingmiao was startled by a loud knock on the door.

"Bang!" The wooden door was slammed again, creating a crack. Bai Lingmiao looked through the crack and saw a pair of lifeless eyes staring back at her.

"She's here!" Bai Lingmiao quickly handed the drum to Twin Soul and covered her head with the red veil.

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A delicate female voice echoed into the dark night. "Pleeeease, God..."

"Bang!" The door was slammed again, and an old woman in red funeral clothes appeared in front of Bai Lingmiao.

Her mouth was bloody, her expression stiff, and her eyes dull, making her look like a zombie in the dark, which made people feel uneasy.

"Bang!" The old woman jumped over the door and into the room. Her shoes were tied together with black ropes, so she had to jump to move.

"The sun sets in the west, and the sky turns dark. Nine out of ten families lock their doors, leaving only one open..." the old woman recited the spell quickly.

Despite the urgent chanting, the old woman showed no reaction and continued to scan the room with her unblinking eyes.

When she couldn't find what she was looking for, she started to approach Bai Lingmiao by jumping.

"With the four incenses in her hand, Bai Lingmiao swung them forcefully. "The heavens are auspicious and the earth has the ghost gate of Fengdu. You were greedy for the sun in the past, but now you will get less!"

With the rhythm of the spell, the ignited incense heads flew towards the old woman, but as soon as they touched her funeral clothes, they were extinguished like water.

The old woman suddenly opened her mouth and bit Bai Lingmiao's hand. However, the skin broke, revealing black hedgehogs inside that pierced through her chin.

"Bang, bang, bang! Red Lord, send out your troops! Bang, bang, bang! The drums signal the battle! Bang, bang, bang! The swords are drawn! Hey! Bang, bang, bang! The fourth drum calls for the exchange of troops!"

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With the sound of the drums, soft white fur started to grow out of Bai Lingmiao's sleeves and veil. A fox tail began to emerge from under her skirt.

These furs acted like living creatures, drilling towards the old woman's seven orifices.Faced with this, the old woman still wanted to struggle, but she had no chance to fight back and became weaker and weaker.

Suddenly, the old woman's body softened, and a large black thing crawled out from under her shroud and quickly disappeared outside the door in the dim light.

"Boom boom boom! You want to leave? I won't stop you. The king's cauldron leads the horse, first untie the reins and then take off the saddle. The old immortal is going back to the mountain! Boom boom boom!"

White Lingmiao, who had returned to normal, took off the red veil and breathed a sigh of relief before laughing excitedly.

This was the first time she had dealt with this kind of thing alone and had successfully resolved it.

This gave her more confidence, and she could help Li Shixiong if he encountered any trouble in the future.

As a couple, she couldn't complain about Li Shixiong's troubles, and all she could do was to help him when he was in trouble.

"How can I become more powerful in performing exorcisms? I feel like it's not enough."

"Hmm? Why do I have to learn how to sing? You were the one who sang just now... Oh... okay, I'll try."

Seeing the old woman lying motionless on the ground, White Lingmiao squatted down and kindly tidied up her messy shroud.

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"After seeing this, I guessed right. Something was attached to her body. I ran too fast just now, so I didn't see what it was."

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After tidying up, White Lingmiao called out the two father and son from the backyard and received fifty coins as a reward before hurrying back.

However, as soon as she stepped out of the door, she was startled by a black figure next to her. "Who's there!"

The figure walked out and took her hand, walking towards their residence. "Notify me in advance if something like this happens in the future, so I can help you..."

Seeing that Li Huowang had been waiting outside for so long because he was worried about her, White Lingmiao felt as sweet as honey and leaned against him shyly. "Um..."

The two of them walked back along the muddy village road in silence, enjoying the peace.

However, this peace was soon broken by an old woman who walked towards them with a basket on her waist, a basket on her wrist, and a bamboo pole in her hand.

"Da da da" The bamboo pole swept across the ground, exploring the way for her. She was a blind old woman.

When she heard footsteps, the blind old woman stopped and asked them with her ear, "Youngsters, do you know where Qian Niusheng's house is? They have a haunting, and I'm here to drive it away."

"Ah? Granny, you're too late. The evil spirit in their house is gone."

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"What? Don't fool a blind person!"

The angry old woman put her hands on her hips and spewed vulgar words and curses against Qian Niusheng's ancestors. This caused the dogs around to bark.

Looking at the fierce old woman in front of him, Li Huowang became interested.

"You're so old, and you still come to exorcise? May I ask your name and which sect you belong to?"

Upon hearing this, the fierce old woman's momentum instantly softened.

"I'm surnamed Cui, you can call me Cui Xian Gu. Do you need my help?"

Just as she finished speaking, Cui Xian Gu looked puzzled. She put the bamboo pole under her arm and stumbled towards Li Huowang.

Li Huowang wanted to avoid her, but she followed him and slammed her bony eagle-like hands onto his face.

"What did you do in your past life to deserve this? It's really rare!"

"Other people may lack water or fire, or be unlucky enough to lack both. But you, young one, are missing all five elements directly!"

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