High Zhijian seemed a little impatient. Zhao Wukai, who was driving the carriage, said, "Don't tease him, or I'll give you a beating if he really gets angry."

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"Senior Li, it seems like there's a wedding going on inside. Shall we go and take a look? The people in the village should be there."

Li Huowang looked up at the fiery sunset sky and nodded, leading the group towards the village.

"The folk customs of Houshu are really strange. They even have weddings at dusk."

"Senior Li, we have weddings at this time too!"

"Really? Why?"

"No reason, it's just a habit."

As Li Huowang chatted with them, he slowly explored the village.

It wasn't hard to find the wedding house. Some villagers carrying buckets of rice and eggs directed Li Huowang towards it.

Not only were there rice and eggs, but some more affluent villagers also carried baskets of live chickens and lambs.

Compared to the former, the latter had more radiance on their faces and walked deliberately slowly. Their carrying poles also swayed more violently, as if showing off to others.

Following these people, Li Huowang quickly found the wedding house.

Theft is never good, try looking at

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The two stone lions at the door proved that this house was different from the others in the village.

The two smiling men at the door welcomed Li Huowang and his group and said, "You can leave the carriage at the door. We'll watch it for you."

When they learned that Li Huowang and his companions were escorts and saw the escort list, the two men were not suspicious at all. Instead, they warmly invited them to sit down.

It seemed that the more people who came to the wedding, the more face they had.

Li Huowang felt that he had made the right choice to escort the goods, especially since their appearance seemed normal. To resist the sandstorm, most of the people here wore bamboo hats and veils. If they were in Sizhi, there was no way they would invite a group of people wearing black veiled bamboo hats to the banquet.

Sitting at a small table, Li Huowang picked up his chopsticks and discreetly passed a small piece of each dish to the steamed bun under the table.

Although this was a bit unsightly, Li Huowang didn't care. He was more afraid that this village was a bandit's nest and that there was a sleeping drug in the food.

After enduring all sorts of other things, it would be interesting if they failed at this point.

After a while, when the steamed bun licked its face and wagged its tail, wanting more food, Li Huowang nodded towards the others. "Go ahead and eat."

After the long journey, seeing this table of delicious food, everyone forgot their manners and wolfed it down.

Li Huowang didn't eat, but instead picked up the thick tea beside him and drank it.

The water in his mouth, like a knife, was constantly stimulating his enhanced senses. He just wanted to calm down as soon as possible.

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However, the dishes in Houshu were very different from those in Sizhi. There were very few vegetarian dishes, and most of them were meat, milk, roasted buns, and zao mo.The only thing that could be considered as a vegetable was the dried fruit and tea in the beautiful plate, Li Huowang had few choices.

"Zhao Wu, try this roasted bun! It's really good! Crispy on the outside and fragrant on the inside! It's delicious!"

Not everyone cared about food, Bai Lingmiao stretched her long, white neck and curiously looked towards the door.

Watching the bride, covered by a red veil, descend from the wedding sedan.

At this moment, a handsome young man with sword-like eyebrows beside him vigorously struck the copper gong in his hand and shouted, "The bride enters the door! May wealth come pouring in!!"


Seeing everyone else stand up and applaud, Li Huowang nudged Gao Zhijian next to him, who was wolfing down his food, and also stood up.

"Bang~" The gong rang again.

"The bride collapses~! Red and fiery~!!"

"Great! Well said!" The festive atmosphere in the entire courtyard became even more lively.


"The bride falls off the saddle~! Good fortune and peace~!"

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Looking at the smiling faces around him, even Li Huowang's mood couldn't help but improve.

Then he saw the intense envy in Bai Lingmiao's eyes.

He reached out and pinched her soft hand, and Bai Lingmiao turned around and smiled at him reassuringly.

"Li Shixiong, everyone else has given gifts, should we also give a gift? This way we won't be rude."

"Okay, it's up to you."

"We can give some local specialty dried fruits from Sizhai. They don't have that here, and it represents our intentions and won't cost much."

Just as she was saying this, the fourth gong sounded again. "Bai~Xi~Shen~!!"

"What!?" Li Huowang could hardly believe his ears. "Did he just say Bai Xi Shen?"

In his view, the lively and warm atmosphere around him had disappeared without a trace in an instant, and a bone-chilling cold enveloped Li Huowang's whole body.

"Li Da Shixiong, they just said Bai Xi Shen." Sun Baolu, his mouth full of lamb, repeated.

In Li Huowang's shocked gaze, the newlyweds were welcomed into the hall by their relatives' cheers and laughter, and kowtowed to the round red "Xi" character on the wall.

The young man holding the gong with a smile on his face was about to strike it, but he saw Li Huowang in the crowd and his expression turned a bit ugly.

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"Second Brother! What are you looking at? Hurry up and strike the gong!" Hearing the groom's urgent reminder, the young man lifted the red cloth-covered gong hammer in his hand and struck it heavily.

"Bang~~" The harsh sound of the gong rang out again.

"In the future, Hou's eldest son Hou Qiao will be greatly blessed!! He married Luo Tian as his daughter-in-law! The bride is virtuous, intelligent, and dignified. May the Xi God bless the prosperity of the family, and have many children and grandchildren! "

"Hehe! Great!!"

The atmosphere reached its peak at this moment, and everyone applauded with smiles on their faces.

Seeing the groom and bride enter the side door, the others gradually sat down and began to discuss while eating.

This made Li Huowang, who was standing alone, seem particularly abrupt.

Feeling someone tug on his sleeve, Li Huowang, whose face had turned a bit ugly, sat back down.According to the information he had received before, the God of Joy was a more terrifying existence than the God of Happiness. Maybe He was one of the things hidden behind Baiyu Jing.

Such an existence has become a god who blesses weddings, which is undoubtedly ironic.

Although he didn't know how this custom came about, it can be certain that these worshippers have no idea what they are worshipping!

"Senior Brother Li, what's wrong? Nothing happened, why do you have that expression? Are you... having an episode again?"

Li Huowang glanced at the speaking Gouwa and pointed to the huge round red object on the wall. "Do they have to worship that thing everywhere they get married?"

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