There is a well in the village, and there is also a stove in the earthen building. You can cook by putting a pot on it. At least here, Li Huowang can finally eat hot meals comfortably.

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After taking a sip of the wild vegetable soup and a bite of the coarse grain steamed bun, Li Huowang felt that the blisters on his lips had shrunk a lot.

After swallowing the food in his mouth three times, Li Huowang looked up and asked Gao Zhijian, who was on night watch last night, "Did anyone come to probe last night?"

" one...there was no one."

Glancing at the steamed bun sitting under the table without any abnormalities, Li Huowang once again remembered the strange wedding banquet last night. Even though nothing unusual happened for the time being, he still felt that the man's eyes were a bit wrong. He didn't know when he started to be able to vaguely discern the meaning behind other people's gazes. That man's gaze was definitely not a kind and curious one, but rather one of caution and vigilance.

"Rest today, and continue on tomorrow morning. In the afternoon, Gouwa, you go to the village to collect some dry food. The main food on the car is running low. Gao Zhijian and Chun Xiaoman will go with you. Don't be careless."

"Okay, leave these small things to me, Cao Cao."

Glancing at Bai Lingmiao who was whispering with Chun Xiaoman, Li Huowang didn't say anything else and buried his head to eat.

In the afternoon, Li Huowang took out the "Firecoat Scripture" again to practice during his rare free time. However, he still didn't have a good way to gather compassion in his heart.

Just as he reluctantly condensed the white wax into a ball, he suddenly sensed someone staring at his place. When Li Huowang quickly put away the "Firecoat Scripture" and opened the window, he saw the villager he met last night standing outside with a runny nose and a smile.

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"Is it him? Can I get something out of his mouth?"

Li Huowang had a sudden idea, quickly went downstairs, took a few coarse grain steamed buns that he planned to eat at night from the kitchen, and walked towards the villager.

Li Huowang raised the steamed bun in front of him and shook it. The man's eyes stared at it. "I have a question for you. As long as you can answer it, I'll give you this steamed bun. How about it?"

"Okay~!" The silly villager nodded quickly.

"What's your name?"

"I don't know. My mother said my surname is Hua."

"Very good, this is your steamed bun."

Seeing that he could really get a steamed bun by speaking, the villager named Hua was suddenly overjoyed."What about him? The man who played the drum at the feast yesterday, who is he and what does he do?"

"He's Monkey, Monkey Second Brother. He's a soldier. When Monkey Big Brother got married, he came back."

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"A soldier?! Is he a soldier of the Later Shu? That means he's a government official?"

Li Huowang had been in this world for a long time, but apart from the soldiers guarding the border, he had never had any contact with anyone in a position of authority. He was somewhat puzzled by this. In the face of this crazy world, the inexplicable cults, and the officials who maintained order and solved problems, how did they do it?

Faced with this question, Hua Fool stopped talking and looked longingly at the steamed bun in Li Huowang's hand.

As soon as he received the steamed bun, his words flowed again, "I don't know what kind of soldier he is, he's just a soldier. He has a big iron spear. I can't lift it, it's very heavy."

Li Huowang frowned slightly and looked along the path, gazing at the stone lions at the entrance of the Hou family's house in the distance. "Where is he now?"

"He's gone. When Monkey Big Brother got married, he left."

Li Huowang felt a little relieved when he heard that the man had gone. As long as he wasn't one of those messy cults, it didn't matter where he came from. And he shouldn't have any dealings with the man in the future. If he wasn't mistaken, the current ruler should be in a panic over the disappearance of the corruption.

Just then, Li Huowang turned slightly and an old voice came from behind him. "Hanyer, are you eating someone else's bread here?"

Li Huowang recognized the person as the father of the groom from last night, with a watermelon hat on his head and a silk robe on his body that he hadn't taken off. "Greetings, sir."

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"Oh, everyone came to my house for the feast. Don't be polite, Dao Ye. It's very awkward."

As the two talked, the village guard beside them saw that there was no steamed bun left and turned around with a bow-legged gait.

Looking at his dirty back, Li Huowang asked the old man beside him, "Sir, this village guard says he can ward off disasters. Can he really do it? Has he helped you with any disasters in the past?"

Although Gao Zhijian only mentioned it briefly, anything was possible in this world.

"Oh, what disasters? If there really was a disaster, could a fool like him stop it? When the drought came two years ago, he didn't go hungry either."

"The village just has this saying, so that this fool with no relatives or friends won't starve to death. Anyone with eyes can see that."

"You are a benevolent man, sir.""What kind of righteousness and unrighteousness? The rules passed down by our ancestors state that a village can only support one idiot. Even if there are more, they won't produce enough food. That Taoist priest, are you going to pass through Jicheng on your escort mission?"

Search "pawread dot com" for the original.

Li Huowang was surprised by the sudden change of topic and realized that the man was not just coincidentally passing by, but had come specifically to find him.

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"My eldest daughter also lives there. Can you give her a message? It's nothing important, just tell her that her older brother has taken a wife and their family will soon have a new addition. How much silver do they need?"

"You're too polite. If I eat a meal at your home, then I'm your guest. I don't need any silver to deliver a message for the main family."

Hearing this, the old man didn't refuse and told Li Huowang the location of his daughter's home.

After writing it down, Li Huowang suddenly remembered something. "Didn't your second son just leave? Why didn't you let him escort us? He can ride a horse much faster than this caravan."

"He's already back to the camp. He can't go to his sister's place. He's been begging for a few days off, but who knows if they'll start another war."

"What position does your son hold in the camp? He must be a high-ranking official."

Li Huowang clearly hit a sore spot with his question and spoke louder, showing off his knowledge. "That's amazing. He's in charge of short weapons in the camp."

"What are short weapons?"

"Well... you don't know? I didn't either until my son told me. He said that short weapons are the guards next to the general."

"You know the saying 'short weapons clash'? Do you understand? It means when two generals collide."

"Think about it. How small can the officials be next to the general? Look at my big house, my ox cart, and the two stone lions at my door. My son made them all."

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