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After saying that, Wang Deqiu hooked his right heel and directly picked up a single knife from the ground into his hand.

He held the knife and rushed towards Li Huowang without hesitation.


"Clang! Clang!" The sword and knife collided, constantly making crisp sounds.

A certain kind of thing kept pouring into Li Huowang's body from the right family sword in his hand, making it almost difficult for him to fight against Wang Deqiu's almost life-for-life fighting style. However, with a "clang" sound, the sound suddenly stopped and a blade rolled and fell to the ground, Wang Deqiu's knife was broken.

Li Huowang originally wanted to hold back and capture him for questioning, but the sword in his hand made his blood surge and he couldn't hold back. When Wang Deqiu stabbed Li Huowang's abdomen with the broken knife, Li Huowang's sword also pierced his chest.

"Who are you!" Li Huowang gritted his teeth and asked the person in front of him.

In the face of death, Wang Deqiu didn't seem to care at all.

He tried to spit on Li Huowang's face with all his strength, but the bloody saliva could only slide down his chin weakly. He almost roared with all his strength, "You right family bastard, you can't touch the Later Shu. As long as we are here, the Later Shu will not give up an inch of land!"

"How many times do I have to say it! I am not from the Siqi Right Family! This sword was given by someone else!"

But Wang Deqiu couldn't hear it anymore. As the hot blood continued to pour out of his chest, his body gradually softened and fell to the ground.

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Li Huowang, gasping for breath, gritted his teeth and pulled the broken knife out of his abdomen. Then he pressed his hand on the wound and took another look at Wang Deqiu's body, cursing silently before turning to help the others.

The whole village was in chaos, but with the head dead, the remaining children obviously couldn't hold on for long. Faced with Li Huowang and others, they retreated in panic towards the depths of the cave.

Just as Li Huowang and the others were about to completely slaughter the last batch of people, with a loud noise, a stone wall suddenly appeared between the two sides as the cave collapsed.

"Clang clang clang!" Gao Zhijian used his iron rod to strike the stone hard, constantly striking sparks.

"Okay, stop hitting, you can tell it was prepared in advance and the road is completely blocked."

After hearing Li Huowang's words, Gao Zhijian put his hand down embarrassedly.

With a "clang" sound as the sword was sheathed, Li Huowang felt his mind clear and took a deep breath before shaking his head vigorously.

Then he turned around and looked at the bodies scattered all over the hall of justice, feeling a little annoyed. In the end, so many people died again.

To be honest, he didn't want to kill people, but the blood debt in his hands was getting heavier and heavier.Li Huowang looked at Wang Deqiu's body again, reached out and tore a large piece of clothing from a nearby corpse, and wrapped his own sword from the Right Family again.

All of this was ultimately caused by this sword. Now, Li Huowang had already understood.

It was because of the marriage that Monkey Second recognized this sword and mistakenly thought that he was a member of the Four Qi Military Family.

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That's why he provoked people like Wang Deqiu, otherwise there wouldn't be this trouble.

"In the Later Shu, there must be many people who have grudges against the Right Family. This sword cannot be easily revealed again."

"And in the next period of time, we must hurry on the road. When the Military Family of Later Shu knows that Wang Deqiu is dead, they will definitely not let it go and will send more people. I cannot be caught by them."

Although Li Huowang won this time easily, he dared not confront the entire Later Shu country. This was undoubtedly a praying mantis trying to stop a car.

Chun Xiaoman walked around in the cave with her sword. Although her chest was still heaving, when she encountered someone panting, she directly used her sword to prevent them from jumping up and attacking.

Just as she walked in front of Li Huowang, a hand reached out. "Give it to me."

"Li Shixiong, give you... what?" Chun Xiaoman pretended to be confused.

"Don't pretend, bring out the Daqian Record. That thing is not something you can use."

Looking at her bleeding fingers, how could Li Huowang not know what she was using.

However, when Chun Xiaoman glanced at Bai Lingmiao, she covered her chest and took a few steps back, her eyes unusually determined.

"Li Shixiong, this is not your scroll, this is something I found on someone else. This is mine."

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As Li Huowang walked towards her, Xiaoman took a step back.

"You don't understand what you're dealing with. You can't use Chen Xi!" Li Huowang's tone became severe.

As she backed up against the wall, Chun Xiaoman instinctively drew her sword.

Seeing the sharp sword in front of him, Li Huowang couldn't help but laugh. "You've been through life and death, and now you're drawing your sword against me?"

Chun Xiaoman's eyes were a bit evasive, but she quickly became determined again. "Sorry, Li Shixiong, I must have my own sword."

"Okay! You're so capable, go out and challenge alone! Why stick with everyone else?!"

As soon as these words came out, Chun Xiaoman's body shook slightly, and tears almost fell from her eyes.

In her heart, this was the most important thing right now.

Bai Lingmiao quickly stood between the two, looking uneasy. "Li Shixiong, don't be like this. We're all family, let's talk nicely."

"I'll say it again! Give me the Daqian Record!!"

With red eyes, Chun Xiaoman gritted her teeth and took out the Daqian Record.Seeing Li Huowang focusing on the red bamboo slip, Bai Lingmiao quickly pulled Chun Xiaoman to a corner.

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"Sister Xiaoman, Brother Li is right. That thing is very dangerous. It hurts every time he uses it. You shouldn't take it."

Chun Xiaoman was immediately angered by these words and said indignantly, "You know that thing is dangerous, yet you're supporting your man? Are you stupid? Can't you tell right from wrong?"

"But Sister Xiaoman, Brother Li is different from you. Even if his hand is cut off, it can grow back. But you can't."

Chun Xiaoman looked disappointed and glanced at Bai Lingmiao before walking towards the cave with her sword in hand.

Seeing this, Bai Lingmiao became anxious and followed her.

"Sister Xiaoman, let's still be good sisters, okay? You won't ignore me, will you?"

Chun Xiaoman kept her head down and walked straight ahead in the cave, not wanting to deal with Bai Lingmiao's pestering.

However, under Bai Lingmiao's pleading, her heart gradually softened.

"I know you like him, but some things can't always be done his way. It will only make him go further astray and eventually harm him."

Just as she was about to say more, some sorrowful choking sounds faintly echoed, causing Chun Xiaoman to quickly draw her sword and stand in front of Bai Lingmiao.

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