His body moved. This sentence is easy to understand, but it became exceptionally puzzling when it happened to Li Huowang.

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Li Huowang straightened his waist and looked at the red figure in front of him, who was also straightening his waist.

Then he raised his right hand above his head, and saw the red figure in front of him making the same movement.

This was his body, there was no mistake.

Li Huowang lowered his head and looked at his empty body again, there was nothing there, but he could touch himself.

He touched his arm and the copper coin mask on his face with his hand, and the virtual image of Li Huowang in front of him did the same.

Now Li Huowang was like playing with shadow puppets, and the thing in the distance was the shadow puppet in his hand.

Compared with what this thing was, Li Huowang now wanted to figure out how this thing came about and how to solve it.

"Right, I remember now. My hand was nailed to the ground before. When the woman attacked me with a long spear, my body appeared to be dislocated!"

Li Huowang also recalled that when facing his attack before, the woman was always attacking elsewhere, so she exposed such an obvious flaw.

He didn't have time to think about it then. Now it seems that she was attacking his virtual image.

"What's going on? How can I have this ability, as if there is a bug in this world. Could it be that this world is fake?"

This thought made a look of fear appear on Li Huowang's face, and this fear became deeper and deeper.

Looking at his body next to him, he felt more and more fake.

Breathing heavily, he quickly hugged his head and kept talking to himself, trying to stabilize his shaking heart.

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"No, this world is definitely real, it cannot be an illusion in my mind!! I must have awakened a special ability of heart essence!"

"Yes, that's right! It must be like this! I have been unlucky for so long, and it's time for me to have good luck! This is normal, Li Huowang! Don't be suspicious! That world over there is fake, this world is real!"

Seeing Li Huowang's painful appearance, Bai Lingmiao walked over and reached out to hug him.

However, her hand hugged nothing and passed through the virtual image.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Li Huowang, who had calmed his breathing, stepped back.

Lv Zhuangyuan said with a timid expression, "This is not okay. You can't even touch your body. This is a ghost! Master, when did you forget that you died?"

In this situation, others couldn't help Li Huowang, he could only digest it slowly by himself.

After two sticks of incense, Li Huowang gradually regained his calm.

"I'm not dead, I just have some extra abilities in my body."

During the break time for everyone, Li Huowang briefly told them about what had happened.

"Oh, I see. So this is Master's magic power." Lv Zhuangyuan showed a knowing expression and nodded.

Bai Lingmiao explored and touched Li Huowang's invisible body, showing a trace of worry on her face.

"Master Li, will you be like this for the rest of your life?"

"I...wait. Let me try." Li Huowang tried hard to recall the feeling at that time, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

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"Move back, move back quickly! Stack together again!"

After thinking hard for a while, Li Huowang suddenly opened his eyes and was surprised to find that his body had returned!But Li Huowang didn't have time to be happy before he discovered another problem.

His feeling and body had indeed overlapped this time, but the position was not right. His lower body was stuck in the soil.

Although his body was stuck in the soil, Li Huowang felt like he was standing on the ground.

His body was out of sync with this time and space.

"I know this, I know this magic. Senior Li, this is the Earth Escape technique!" Gouwa exclaimed with joy at his discovery.

Li Huowang ignored him and closed his eyes to continue trying.

When he opened his eyes again, his body had indeed come out of the soil, but his perspective had shifted from first-person to third-person. He felt like he was playing a game, controlling the red-robed Taoist below him.

"No, this won't do. I don't believe I can't go back!"

Li Huowang began a new round of attempts to control the position of his body.

Moving was not as simple as just thinking about it, but required a strong feeling of movement. It was like seeing things through a fog and was difficult to grasp.

After an hour of struggling in place, Li Huowang finally managed to return to his original position.

It was a struggle because his visual perception was slightly higher now, standing on his forehead.

Almost there, Li Huowang didn't want to try again. They were still fleeing for their lives.

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"We've rested enough, let's go. We need to leave Shu as soon as possible, this place is getting more dangerous."

Everyone nodded and picked up what little luggage they had left.

"Boss... I can't run anymore, I'm still pregnant," Luo Juanhua whispered, which Li Huowang heard clearly.

He looked up and saw Lv Juren, who had been silent, bend down and pick up his wife.


The once-smoky town was completely destroyed, with ruins and broken walls everywhere. Some houses were on fire, but no one paid attention.

Dead bodies, stripped like pigs, were piled into small mountains.

During this time, the bandits sat in groups around a bonfire made from a large beam, drinking and eating meat.

A fat man in a hat with a handkerchief over his nose huddled among the corpses, trying to avoid them.

Suddenly, he felt his foot slip and looked down to see a piece of intestine! "Oh my god!"

Seeing the man's exaggerated reaction, the bandits around him burst into laughter.

"Cao Jianjun, want to try it? It's just been roasted." A charred thigh with blood vessels appeared in front of Cao Jianjun without warning.

"Ugh~" Cao Hai couldn't hold it in anymore and vomited against the broken wall beside him.

"Look at you, so timid. Don't worry, it's pork, not human meat. Can't you see the hooves?"

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Hearing this, Cao Hai felt a little better and cautiously pushed the pork leg away with two fingers.

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"I have urgent business to discuss with General Peng. Do you know where she is? I just went to the main camp, but she wasn't there."

"If a military officer like you doesn't know, how would I know? I was busy robbing money and women with those animals just now."

Just as Cao Hai looked helpless, a furry hand suddenly reached out from beside him and touched him below.Cao Hai hurriedly stepped back in panic, only to find that the owner of the hand was a young man with sword-like eyebrows, who was pretending to look surprised while looking at his own hand.

"Oh dear me~ I seemed to have touched something just now, Cao Gonggong, I didn't cut it clean~ Did I leave some for the Cao family's future generations?"

Upon seeing this person, Cao Hai ignored his teasing and quickly asked, "Hou Wen, you are General Peng's close combat soldier, where is she now? You must know, right?"

"Hehehe~ do you want to know?"

Hou Wen leaned in with a wicked smile on his face and lightly patted him on the butt with his hand. When the other side covered the back, he quickly hit the front.

"Oh dear, don't tease me, we really have something important to find General Peng! It concerns her future!"

"The General is injured and is healing over there. Be careful, she's not in a good mood now."

Cao Hai didn't care about anything else and pointed towards the few intact houses and walked towards them.


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