Wang Wei's words were spoken in segments, and his tone began to gradually become heavier.

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"Of course, besides your mother, there's also your girlfriend! They will eventually grow tired of you, because no one wants to stay by a madman's side."

Seeing Li Huowang lying on the bed staring at him, Wang Wei continued, "Do you know how long it takes for her to come here by train? How many transfers does she need to make? How many excuses did she make to avoid her parents? No, you don't know, you only care about yourself."

"That girl named Yang Na has been sacrificing for you, but what about you?"

"You have always been passive in treatment, preferring to hide in your comfort zone and refusing to take a step for her, Li Huowang! What kind of man are you?!"

Veins bulged on Li Huowang's forehead.

"Li Huowang, you are not worthy! Yang Na should have given up on you and found someone better! The final outcome is that she will have children with someone else, and you will only lie in bed, imagining their scenes on the bed!"

This novel is available on "pawread dot com".

"Shut up!!"

The sound of "creak" rang out, and the cloth strip that bound Li Huowang's body was broken and swayed. He stared at Wang Wei with his cannibalistic gaze.

Wang Wei saw the hostility in his eyes, but he was not afraid at all. Instead, he walked directly to the bedside and untied all the restraints on him.

With a "whoosh," Li Huowang rushed up, grabbed Wang Wei's nurse uniform with one hand, and punched him.

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"What do you know! You're just an illusion! Do you know what I've been through! You don't understand anything!!"

Wang Wei began to fight back, punching Li Huowang in the face, and his nose started bleeding.

At this moment, his expression seemed to become as crazy as Li Huowang's, and he stared at him with gritted teeth.

"I'll tell you, Li Huowang! I really do know! Do you think you're the only one in the world who's trapped in an illusion? Wrong! I used to be too, but I got out, and now I've become a qualified doctor! So I'm stronger than you! You coward!"

Just as the two of them were fighting more and more fiercely, a syringe was injected into Li Huowang's arm from the side.

Li Huowang then felt as if his brain was rusted, everything was slow, and he couldn't use any strength in his body.

Wang Wei, with his student, helped Li Huowang up and re-tied him to the bed.

Then, gasping and disheveled, Wang Wei put his finger in his mouth and rubbed the loose tooth.

"This kid hasn't exercised his muscles for so long, but he still has so much strength.""Teacher, this... " Dr. Hou beside him looked uneasy. Although he had heard about the unique style of the other party's work, it was still outrageous to start fighting with a patient as soon as he came up.

Wang Wei stood by the bed, looking down at Li Huowang's youthful face torn by bullets from above.

Li Huowang looked dullly at the person in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

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Gradually, the two people in front of him changed, becoming very tall and large. Their voices echoed, indistinctly, as if there was a drumbeat helping to play.

"His condition is quite special, and his psychological defense is very high. His emotions are almost self-closed. So our first step is to increase his interaction with the real world. Let him interfere with this world with his own feelings."

"But... isn't that what the book says?"

"The book didn't write it? Are there still such cases in the book? Don't just read the book, some things need to be flexible. Double the dose of sedatives."

Li Huowang didn't know what happened afterwards. He only remembered that it was very chaotic. When he woke up again, he found that the world in front of him was upside down, with a large round moon hanging under him.

After judging for a while, Li Huowang finally realized that the moon did not fall, but he was upside down.

He seemed to have unconsciously used his newly acquired ability.

After slowly returning his body to its original position, he began to walk back step by step along the messy traces on the ground.

Not long after, Li Huowang saw Gouwa peeking behind a rock.

"I told you to bury me. How come I'm still running around?"

Upon hearing this, Gouwa's face was full of innocence. "Brother Li, we buried you, but the problem is that you walked out of the soil."

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"Walked out? What do you mean?"

"It's like when we cried at your grave, and you crawled out of the grave."

Gouwa's words made Li Huowang's face look a little ugly. He hadn't really considered this aspect before.

Having that kind of new ability did indeed make him much stronger, which might be a good thing for others. But for himself, it might not be. Because Li Huowang knew he was a madman.

If there was anything more dangerous than a madman, it was a martial madman with a knife.

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. That was for others. For him, the greater the power, the greater the harm.

"No, no matter what happens in the illusion later, I must remain calm and peaceful."

Li Huowang thought about these things quietly as he walked back.On the way, Li Huowang saw other people holding torches, all of them came to find him, it seemed that he had gone a long way.

Li Huowang saw the fear in their faces towards him. He didn't say anything and continued to walk back.

When he returned to the previous location, he found that everyone else had arrived.

Li Huowang said to Bai Lingmiao's back, "I'm back."

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Bai Lingmiao trembled and slowly turned around, showing Li Huowang the bruised face on the right side.

When he saw this scene, a strong self-blame instantly enveloped Li Huowang's heart, making him unable to breathe. It was obviously his own doing.

Bai Lingmiao rushed over with tears in her eyes, holding Li Huowang tightly. "It's great, Senior Brother Li, I thought I would never see you again!"

Li Huowang hugged Bai Lingmiao with trembling hands, as if he wanted to stuff her into his own body.

After the self-blame eased a bit, a strong sense of fear surged up again. This time, it was just a punch, but what if he had a knife next time?

Some desperate scenes appeared in Li Huowang's mind, making his pupils tremble slightly.

Although Li Huowang didn't say a word, Bai Lingmiao clearly felt that he was thinking about something, and she reached out her fair and delicate hand to gently stroke his back.

"Senior Brother Li, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it. It's just a bruise, it will go away in a few days."

The words didn't make Li Huowang feel much better. He whispered in her ear, "Promise me, if there's a next time, you... stay away from me as much as possible."

"Okay." Bai Lingmiao obediently nodded, but only he knew what she was really thinking.

Li Huowang's gaze slowly moved forward over Bai Lingmiao's shoulder, and his emotions became more and more firm.

Finally, his gaze fixed on the line of words he had carved on the ground with a knife.

One of the high-level members of the Taoist sect that deceives beings, also known as Xin Su, he has lived for one hundred and ninety years and completely rid himself of illusions. (?)

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