Upon hearing this, Sun Baolu's face showed a hint of confusion, but he quickly returned to normal. "I don't know if those Luo Jiao lamas count, but my father and grandfather both respected them very much and said they could communicate with ghosts and spirits."

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"That's what I've heard, but I haven't seen them much. I've only seen them twice since I was young, when they came to our house to eat and my father entertained them."

Based on Sun Baolu's explanation, Li Huowang knew the basic appearance of these so-called Luo Jiao lamas. According to his description, they presided over all the weddings and funerals in Qingqiu, and were very secular, with no restrictions on meat and alcohol. And these lamas claimed that because of the protection of their Changsheng Heaven, Qingqiu was free from evil spirits.

"Free from evil spirits? Are you sure there's nothing here?" Li Huowang looked around in amazement. This place was so different from other places.

"Well... at least I haven't seen any, and neither have others," Sun Baolu said, not as decisive as Li Huowang had imagined.

"No evil spirits... should we try to contact those lamas and ask about Xinsu?" After careful consideration, Li Huowang ultimately dismissed the idea. It was too dangerous to contact other forces now, even though he had a copper coin mask on his face. If they recognized him as Xinsu, it would be a big problem.

After experiencing so many things, except for An Ci'an, there was no good force among the others. After Qingqiu, they would arrive in Liangguo, and it was more important to arrive there safely.

"I can't take these people with me. After I send them off, maybe I can go find them myself," Li Huowang quickly made up his mind.

"Go on, tell me everything about these so-called Luo Jiao lamas, and what is their reputation here?"

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"It's okay, at least the few times I've seen them were fine," Sun Baolu said, and Li Huowang carefully asked for all the information about the Luo Jiao lamas that Sun Baolu knew.

"Li senior brother, here, it's time to eat." A bowl of clear noodle soup was placed in front of Li Huowang, with some small white round roots floating on the soup.

"What is this?" Li Huowang picked up a chopstick and picked up one. "I don't know. Sun senior brother said this wild vegetable is edible. He used to dig it out from the grass as a snack when he was a child. He called it Ye Jing Tou."

Li Huowang put the Ye Jing Tou in his mouth and chewed it lightly. It tasted a bit like bitter potatoes, but it was fine.

Suddenly, the ears of the mantou lying on Li Huowang's body stood up, and it ran towards the grassland in the distance.

"Why did Mantou run away? Should we go and see?"

"Let it play. We're always on the road, and it's rare to have free time. Mantou is intelligent and knows when to come back."

Li Huowang started to eat, and Bai Lingmiao sat quietly beside him, watching. Li Huowang quickly finished the bowl of Ye Jing Tou noodles and asked Bai Lingmiao to serve him another bowl.

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Li Huowang's appetite was not inferior to that of Gao Zhijian and Bai Lingmiao. He gently patted the dust off Li Huowang's body with his right hand, and Bai Lingmiao said with some anticipation, "Li senior brother, when we pass Qingqiu, we'll soon arrive in Liangguo."

"When we get to the foot of Niutou Mountain and return to our village, we can settle down. We can buy a few acres of land with silver, and you can use oxen to plow the land while I weave silk at home. When we save enough money to build a house, we can split up from my parents.""Are you going to be a farmer and weaver for the rest of your life?" Li Huowang slurped up the noodles in his mouth.

Hearing the question, Bai Lingmiao's voice was cautious. "Senior Li, don't you want to farm? It's okay if you don't want to, we have cows."

"I can do anything, but there's a prerequisite. I want to cure my illness."

As soon as Li Huowang finished speaking, Bai Lingmiao grabbed his hand. "Senior Li, it's okay. It's fine like this. I don't care. When you have an episode, I can take care of you."

Li Huowang remembered Bai Lingmiao's swollen face from when he hit her before. He shook his head firmly. "No, I have to be cured."

Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to stay by Bai Lingmiao's side. He would be a ticking time bomb, capable of doing something regrettable at any moment.

Although he had Yang Na and his mother in his hallucinations, they were still fake and could never become real. He should have given up a long time ago.

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"Senior Li, I beg you. It's fine like this. Don't go looking for anything. Didn't you say that you couldn't even find that powerful nun?" Bai Lingmiao hesitated but ultimately stayed by Li Huowang's side in silence.

She was not only worried about Li Huowang's safety but also afraid that if he really cured his illness, he wouldn't need her anymore.

Li Huowang continued to eat his noodles, his eyes fixed on Peng Longteng, the monk, and the half of the golden mountain.

Thinking back to his speculation about the Taoist sects that deceive beings, his gaze became even more determined.

"No, I must completely solve the trouble of Xin Su. If Beifeng of the Taoist sects that deceive beings is really Xin Su, then there must be a way."

"Even if there isn't, I still have to go and find out. Otherwise, I won't be satisfied!"

At this moment, a bun came back with something in its mouth. When it walked closer, Li Huowang saw that it was a dead rabbit.

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The arrival of the bun broke the deadlock between the two. Bai Lingmiao reached out and patted its head. "Good boy, you know Senior Li needs to eat well now."

With that, she held the rabbit in her hands and walked towards the pot.

Li Huowang glanced at Bai Lingmiao's back and spoke to the excited bun. "I know she means well, but I really can't spend my life with her in my current state. To be honest, I'm afraid that I might accidentally kill her someday."

"Woof woof!" The bun barked at Li Huowang, sticking its nose to the ground and sniffing.

Li Huowang reached into his clothes and threw a piece of dead skin towards Peng Longteng in the distance. The bun immediately rushed towards Peng Longteng's crotch.

The rabbit was roasted by Sun Baolu and tasted really good.

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