"Senior Brother Li? Do you need something from me?" Sun Baolu asked cautiously.

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Li Huowang lifted his chin towards the outside and leaned his crutch against his armpit, limping towards him. "Let's talk alone."

Sun Baolu hesitated for a moment before following him.

As night fell, the street between the tents became very dim, and the shadows became very rare.

A chilly wind blew up Li Huowang's hem and Sun Baolu's sleeves.

Sun Baolu's face looked ugly as he thought about how to answer Senior Brother Li's question. He didn't expect the lie he casually said to be discovered so quickly.

"Don't waste time. We still have to travel tomorrow. Why did you say that bone was a horse bone? How much are you hiding from us?"

After hesitating for a moment, Sun Baolu sighed lightly. "Senior Brother Li, I don't want to deliberately hide things from you. Junior Brother just thought that since you were only passing by, there was no need to explain some of Qingqiu's customs too much. If we told you, we were afraid you would think too much."

"Chopping up people and feeding them to vultures, then smashing the bones and decorating them on oneself. Is this really just a custom? I don't think so."

The scene Li Huowang saw this morning had a great impact on him.

Hearing the suspicion in Li Huowang's voice, Sun Baolu quickly explained, "Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is indeed shocking, but it is indeed a Qingqiu custom. Except for those who died of illness, after the people of Qingqiu die, they must have a celestial sacrifice."

"Burying people in the ground is just as rotten. It's better to let the creatures in the sky take them away, so that some people can be fed. After all, no matter what, the final decision is still made by Changshengtian, the cycle of life and death for all living beings."

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Li Huowang calmly looked at Sun Baolu, who was speaking. "Changshengtian? Is this the god that Qingqiu people believe in? Where is He usually?"

This was the second time he had heard this name.

Sun Baolu pointed to the moon in the sky with his hand. "There. Changshengtian cannot touch us, cannot find us, but He always has what we desire."

"Hmm?" Li Huowang looked up and followed him to look at the round moon.

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"That is Changshengtian's navel, the entire dark sky is Changshengtian's shadow, projected under the illumination of two candles!"

"The entire night is His shadow? What about during the day?" Li Huowang continued to ask.

"The sun during the day is the two candles held in Changshengtian's hands! Changshengtian silently watches us behind the candles. We can all survive thanks to Changshengtian."

Sun Baolu spoke decisively, as if what he said was the truth.

Hearing this, Li Huowang looked thoughtful.

The monks of Zhengde Temple's so-called Five Great Buddhist Realms, the big Nuo mentioned before, the White Jade Capital he had seen with his own eyes, and now the so-called Changshengtian mentioned by Sun Baolu.

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In this world, everyone's worldview is different, and some are even contradictory.

Li Huowang had seen some things with his own eyes. There was no Changshengtian, no big Nuo, and no Five Great Buddhist Realms. In his eyes, there was only a completely crazy world, where both humans living below and those unimaginable beings living above suffered together with the whole world.

He should be very firm in rejecting other completely irrelevant worldviews, but he tried to control himself from thinking that way."Maybe what I saw was an illusion, and what they said is true or not. After all, no matter how you compare it, those worlds are much better than the crazy world I see."

When Li Huowang stood there indifferent, Sun Baolu said with a bitter smile, "Senior Brother Li, you definitely don't believe it, do you?"

After thinking for a while, Li Huowang slowly spoke, "I believe you, what you said makes sense. But what about them using dead people's bones to decorate themselves?"

"This is a rule passed down from ancient times by the Qingqiu people. They say that human bones can store courage and strength, and wearing them can increase strength and courage. It can also ward off evil."

"Only those powerful people are qualified to be fought over, and those unknown people can only be buried underground."

"Is this the evil nature of your Qingqiu customs?"

"It's not evil, isn't this a normal thing?" When Sun Baolu said this, he was very natural.

After Sun Baolu explained the customs and myths of Qingqiu to Li Huowang, the terrifying scene before seemed to become reasonable.

But Li Huowang looked at Sun Baolu with a hint of suspicion.

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Sun Baolu felt this suspicion and his face showed a hint of bitterness.

"Senior Brother Li, we are all senior brothers who escaped from the Qingfeng Temple together. You have done so much to help me go home, I can't deceive you."

"If I really had bad intentions, wouldn't it have been better to attack you when you were still unconscious? You are so powerful, if you could move a finger, how could I beat you?"

Li Huowang nodded, "What you said makes sense. Since you trust me so much, can you tell me why your clothes are wrapped so tightly?"

There must be a story behind Sun Baolu's behavior, but Li Huowang had not been able to ask before. Now he wants to know what Sun Baolu is hiding.

Sun Baolu's face changed suddenly, and he hugged his clothes tightly and stepped back.

He didn't know how the conversation suddenly turned to this.

"What are you avoiding? What's wrong with showing it? We all have various defects, do you really think we will laugh at you because of your flaws? Even if you are worse than me, do I look down on you?"

Sun Baolu's face showed extreme humiliation, his eyes turned red and his voice trembled, "Senior Brother Li! I... I'm really different from you guys! I beg you, if you force me again, I can only die in front of you!"

Seeing the other party's strong reaction, Li Huowang came over with his crutch.

"You're leaving soon, and we probably won't see each other again. Do you still need to hide it?"

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Sun Baolu took a deep breath and said firmly, "Okay! I... I'll tell you when I get home, just you! You promise not to tell anyone else! Otherwise, I will die in front of you now!"

Li Huowang realized that Sun Baolu was not an enemy, but a companion. He didn't need to be so hostile.

Since being deceived by the Sitwang Sect, Li Huowang found himself becoming too suspicious.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it. I was just asking." Li Huowang, who temporarily believed Sun Baolu's words, walked towards the tent inn with his crutch.

Sun Baolu wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve and walked over to help Li Huowang.

When they were about to reach the inn, Li Huowang's right ear moved slightly, and he looked towards the dim street on the right. The light was moving towards them.Li Huowang was about to step into the tent, but he pulled back and stood still. "Wait, that light seems a bit off, too scattered."

Gradually, as the light in the distance approached, Li Huowang's eyes widened.

"Baolu, didn't you say there were no evil spirits in Qingqiu? Then tell me what this is?"

"This is not an evil spirit, this is lion dance. Li Shixiong, don't you have lion dance in your place?" Sun Baolu said, feeling surprised.

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