"Hey! You little girl!"

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Gouwa cursed as he saw Chun Xiaoman using him as a laborer.

But he only dared to curse quietly, afraid that if he spoke too loudly, the other party would pull out a knife and attack him.

At this point, Chun Xiaoman had already arrived in front of Li Huowang, who was sitting cross-legged. "Senior Brother Li, why are we in such a hurry today?"

Li Huowang reached out and patted his side, saying, "There's a bit of a hidden danger. Although it's just a guess, it's better to leave early just in case."

He turned his head again and looked in the direction of the Women's Mountain. From what he could see now, regardless of whether those Lion Dance Palace members were like the Zhengde Temple, they probably hadn't noticed him.

"Should we contact them and ask about Beifeng from the Taoist sects that deceive beings? No, it's too dangerous to contact them rashly. If we want to get rid of Xin Su, we must start from somewhere else."

Mantou walked over, wagging his tail and looking at Li Huowang, and put a piece of stone from his mouth next to him.

"Senior Brother Li, there's no need for you to keep things to yourself. You already have an illness, and if you keep it to yourself, you'll really get sick. If you tell us something, we can come up with a solution together."

Li Huowang patted Mantou's head with his hand, turned his head to look at Chun Xiaoman who said this, and calmly told her about his experience last night.

"Did your hallucination next to you tell you that the lion dancer had more hands than feet? Then you remembered that the lion dancers did indeed have more hands than feet?"

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Chun Xiaoman suddenly felt that what Sun Baolu had just told her might be correct.

Li Huowang keenly sensed the other party's distrust, but he wasn't angry. He just sighed disappointedly and muttered to the various illusions of different heights in front of him.

"You see, this is why I always keep things to myself and don't want to tell others. Some things, when you say them out loud, don't increase others' understanding, but make them think you're really crazy."

"It's okay, Taoist. They don't understand, it's okay. Just tell me, we're on the same side."

Li Huowang completely ignored him, slightly turned his head, and looked at the empty cuffs of Chun Xiaoman next to him. "Now that I've lost a hand, are you still used to it?"

Chun Xiaoman's expression changed slightly. "If I can use it, Senior Brother Li definitely wouldn't hide it from me. You're not that stingy."

After speaking, Chun Xiaoman seemed hesitant to say something, but in the end, she didn't speak and turned to walk towards Bai Lingmiao, who was picking wild vegetables in the distance.

She came to Bai Lingmiao's side, squatted next to her, and picked out some weeds from the basket with her hand.

"If you're really going to live with him in the future, his hysteria must be cured. It's impossible to continue like this. It's affecting normal life."

Bai Lingmiao was still reminiscing about yesterday's events, smiling and nodding her head.

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Chun Xiaoman lightly bumped her shoulder with hers. "Did you hear me? I'm talking to you."

"I heard you. Actually, whether he has this illness or not, I don't care. As long as he's Senior Brother Li, it's fine."

Chun Xiaoman looked at the girl next to her with frustration. "You don't listen to advice. If it were someone else, I wouldn't bother."Smiling, Bai Lingmiao opened her arms and hugged Chun Xiaoman lightly. "Thank you for your concern, Xiaoman. I understand."

Looking at the delicate face in front of her, Xiaoman's heart softened. "Alright, it's so sunny out, cover your eyes quickly."

"I'm just digging wild vegetables with my head down. As long as I don't look up, it's fine."

It was almost summer, and many wild vegetables had sprouted on the grassland.

Half of them were put into the rolling pot, and the remaining vegetables were put into the ox cart for tomorrow's meal.

Although the wild vegetable barley noodles were a bit rough on the throat, everyone still ate them very deliciously, after all, the soup was floating with lard.

After dinner, many men went to the river to take a bath together. The weather was getting hotter, and it was uncomfortable to be sticky with sweat.

When the men finished bathing, it was the women's turn.

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This novel is available on "pawread dot com".

Bai Lingmiao and Chun Xiaoman supported Luo Juanhua, who was pregnant, and walked towards the river with the women who were saved from the bandit's nest.

So many women bathing naked undoubtedly stirred the hearts of other men.

But thinking of Li Huowang was like a needle in the sea, making others afraid to even turn their heads.

At this time, the scene on the other side of the river was completely different. The setting sun dyed the entire river red.

The gorgeous red water was lifted by slender jade hands, and then slid off the delicate, fair skin like condensed milk. Leaving behind sparkling and translucent water droplets.

Even Xiaoman, who was also a woman, was slightly lost in this scene.

Luo Juanhua next to her also saw it and exclaimed, "Tsk tsk, such smooth skin. Won't your man rub it raw in bed?"

Bai Lingmiao blushed and covered her body, squatting in the not-so-deep water. "What are you talking about, Luo sister..."

"If there's no man, why be shy? When you reach my age, you'll know that being shy is just for men to see."

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Then she hugged her belly and leaned over like holding a watermelon, her eyes shining. "Hey, how is your man in bed? Is he effective? Can he last long?"

Seeing that Bai Lingmiao was almost burying her head in the water, Xiaoman came over to resolve the situation. "Luo sister, the young girl has thin skin, don't embarrass her."

Luo Juanhua looked regretful. "I think she doesn't know about these things, so I wanted to teach her. If she doesn't want to listen, forget it."

"Besides, this is nothing. In the pond at the head of our village, all the women wash clothes and talk dirty at the same time. They talk much more than this. When the men hear it from afar, they turn around and leave."

After speaking, she hugged her belly and walked like a crab towards her daughter who was being held by another woman in the distance.

Xiaoman reached out to support Bai Lingmiao's smooth arm and helped her up from the water. "Alright, she's gone, get up. Be careful not to drown yourself."

Bai Lingmiao patted her chest, still frightened. "I've never seen Luo sister so open before. She scared me."

"When she reaches that age, she's like that." Xiaoman picked up the towel and helped Bai Lingmiao wipe her body.

"When we reach her age, will we become like her? It's so embarrassing... How can she say such things."

Bai Lingmiao's face was crimson with shyness as she looked at Luo Juanhua, who was laughing heartily while holding her daughter in the distance.

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