"It's dangerous inside. Don't follow me, I'll go alone," Li Huowang turned his head and said to Bai Lingmiao and the others before walking inside alone.

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But this time, the others were not happy about it. Gouwa spoke up, "Senior Li, how can you go alone? If you run into trouble, we can help you."

Li Huowang looked at his skinny body impatiently and said, "What help can you offer? You're not even as useful as a steamed bun! If you follow me, I'll have to take care of you too!"

Gouwa hung his head in embarrassment, "How can you say that about me? I worked hard to say that, and besides, I've been practicing with a knife. At least, if you have an attack, I can help tie you up..."

"Senior Li, Gouwa is useless, but we can be of use. If you want to go in, we have to follow!" Bai Lingmiao's rare serious expression appeared as she held a whip in one hand and a drum in the other.

Although Bai Lingmiao had always appeared soft and weak, she was actually tough on the inside and had her own ideas about certain things.

At this time, Gao Zhijian also stood up. The big and honest man did not speak, but his clenched fists showed his determination.

"Senior Li, since Black Tai Sui can help you get rid of your hysteria, we are willing to help you. We have more people to take care of things. And we're not like Gouwa." Chun Xiaoman, who held a Dao bell, explained logically.

Looking at their serious faces, Li Huowang's heart warmed slightly. "Okay, let's be careful. If anything goes wrong, we'll retreat immediately."

After saying that, he led the others towards the cave. However, this time, Sun Baolu once again blocked his way.

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"Are you done yet? Move aside," Li Huowang's face turned cold.

Excited, Sun Baolu's pupils dilated as he stood there trembling, loosening his belt and starting to take off his clothes. "Senior Li, I've been inside before. If you don't mind becoming like me, then I won't stop you!!"

"Senior Li, didn't you ask before why we all look strange? It's because I'm different from you all! You are still human no matter what, but I am completely a monster!"

As he pulled his shirt open, Li Huowang saw a thumb-sized pit under his neck.

"What is that...why does it look like a belly button? Wait, that is a belly button, but why does Sun Baolu's belly button grow under his neck?"

With a splash, Sun Baolu opened his shirt and showed himself naked in front of Li Huowang.Except for Chun Xiaoman, who turned her body because of gender differences, and Bai Lingmiao, everyone who saw Sun Baolu's body gasped in horror.

"Old Sun, what...why do you look so messed up?" Gouwa said in shock.

Looking at the body inside Sun Baolu's clothes, Li Huowang finally understood why he had to avoid them whether he was paying respects or taking a bath, because Sun Baolu's body was completely messed up, with various organs growing randomly.

His butt was in the position of his belly button, and his belly button had moved to his neck. Some hair grew in places it shouldn't have been. His body was like a defective clay figure made by a child.

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Looking at their terrified expressions, shame, repression, sadness, and guilt weighed heavily on Sun Baolu's heart.

He had dreamed countless times of his defects being discovered by others, so he had been hiding, hiding, and hiding again, but he didn't expect to show himself in front of them in the end.

Li Huowang exhaled and limped over to help Sun Baolu pull up his pants and put on his clothes.

"How did this happen?" Li Huowang whispered in his ear.

"Something touched me inside the hole, and I became like this. It was too dark, and I couldn't see what it was. I just felt like it was a big brush."

Thinking back to some past events, Sun Baolu's face showed fear, and he instinctively hugged his shoulders with trembling hands.

"I was still young that day, only seven years old. When the sheep ran in, although the adults said it was dangerous here, I followed four other children and thought we were just looking around outside. As a result, only I survived out of the five of us."

After speaking, the frightened Sun Baolu looked at Li Huowang urgently again.

"Senior Li, you saved my life and sent me home. You have shown me kindness, and I cannot watch you jump into the fire pit!"

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Even in this situation, Sun Baolu was still persuading Li Huowang.

Li Huowang sighed lightly. He could feel the other's concern. "Do you know? There may be Black Tai Sui inside, do you know what Black Tai Sui means to me now?"

He calmly explained to Sun Baolu why he had to enter the cave, "So I have to go in, otherwise, I will really be driven crazy by those illusions. It is my only medicine."

"I know you have done so much for me, and I appreciate it, but Baolu, if you really want to do good for someone, don't force your kindness on them, let them choose for themselves."

"Also, thank you for your information, it is very useful to me."

Li Huowang patted him on the shoulder and leaned on his crutch to walk towards the cave. There was a hint of determination in his eyes.After glancing at each other, the others quickly followed.

Sun Baolu watched their figures gradually disappear into the dark cave. He tried his best to control his trembling legs, with a hesitant and struggling expression, and finally gritted his teeth and followed.

"Since you insist on going, I'll go with you! I've been there before and can lead the way for you!"

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With several people holding fluorescent stones, one after another entered the circular hole. Everything around them instantly quieted down.

The wind of Qingqiu, as well as the warm sunshine in the sky, disappeared completely.

"Phew~" Li Huowang exhaled lightly, and white mist sprayed out from his mouth.

"Baolu, has it always been this cold inside?" Li Huowang's voice startled Sun Baolu, who was highly tense.

He nodded quickly. "Yes, it was this cold last time I came. It gets hotter as you go further inside."

He walked a few steps quickly and came to the front of the crowd. "I'll lead the way. You must follow closely. It's not far ahead. One of my playmates disappeared suddenly."

Sun Baolu's words made everyone nervous, and they all held onto their weapons.

The cave was quiet, except for the sound of their footsteps.

The environment inside the cave was not a limestone cave, but some kind of rock cave. The entrance gradually sloped downwards, and as they walked further in, they became further away from the surface. They were walking down all the way.

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