"Nice to meet you, let me introduce myself, I am Li Huowang."

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"As for the fact that you wanted to ambush me earlier, I have already let it go. After all, I am a Heart Substance, just like the long-legged ginseng fruit. It's only natural for you to want to take me."

"I came to you this time for another reason. In short, I am very unfamiliar with this world and I want to gain more knowledge through you."

"Of course, there is another reason. As you know, I am a Heart Substance and I am also looking for a way to get rid of it. If you know how, and tell me, I will really appreciate it."

Li Huowang sat on the chair and spoke seriously to Han Fu in front of him.

The two bloody and fleshly heads hanging in front of him were not Li Huowang's conversation targets. He was talking to the small brain about the size of a fist on Han Fu's neck.

Bai Sui's ability had also not spared it, and its face was completely unrecognizable. It was supposed to be a head, but it was just a twisted lump of flesh with distorted features.

This thing was really strange. Even though the main body was completely dead, it was still alive and well. I don't know how Luo Jiao practiced their techniques.

"What's your name? Also Han Fu?"

Faced with Li Huowang's question, the small brain sneered and didn't say a word.

"Clang clang..." Various shiny torture instruments were lined up in front of it.

Li Huowang picked out a half-spherical iron tool from among them, carefully holding the small brain and extending the torture instrument in his hand.

"Ah ah ah~!!" The sharp screams were extremely piercing.

Opening the nearby tent, Li Huowang threw the small eyeball in his hand onto the Black Tai Sui.

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"You still won't talk?"

The one-eyed small brain looked at the rows of strange torture instruments, showing a hint of fear, but it was quickly replaced by a resolute look.

"You lunatic! Will you spare me if I talk?"

"I won't spare you, but there's a difference between direct death and slow torture to death."

"Do you know? I'm not really good at torture, but I have experienced a lot of pain, all kinds of different tortures. Do you want me to relive everything I have experienced on you?"

Seeing Li Huowang wipe the blood off his hands with a towel and pick up a barbed hook, the small brain struggled desperately, but its limbs were already completely broken and it was doomed to be futile.

"I don't know! I really don't know anything!! We really haven't been out of the mountain for long!"

"Really? If you haven't been out of the mountain for long, then the nineteen Yang Shou Dan must have been given to you by your master as travel expenses, right?"

The barbed hook was inserted into the flesh, and Li Huowang slowly pulled out something. Then he picked up the coarse salt borrowed from Sun Baolu and evenly applied it.His little head was throbbing and convulsing incessantly, and he began to spit out frothy blood from his mouth.

Li Huowang put away the torture tools and took out the "Fire Coat Scripture" from his pocket. He began to recite the obscure and difficult-to-understand incantation with pity on his face.

The solidified white wax ignited into flames and turned into a wriggling fire centipede, crawling onto Han Fu's body, accompanied by the crackling sound of roasting, healing the injuries caused before.

"Ah ah ah!!!"

The screams echoed far away, frightening many young Qingqiu children in the tent to tears and making the terrified adults stay even further away.

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After several rounds of torture, it finally relented. "I'll talk, I'll talk!!"

"Good, let's start with a small question. I'll ask, and you answer."

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"Can this Yangshou Dan be used as currency to buy things?"

Li Huowang asked, holding a pill wrapped in a yellow talisman.

Seeing the numb nod of the other party, Li Huowang put the pill into his gourd. "Is it very precious? What is the reference standard?"

"One Yangshou Dan can invite someone like Han Fu to help once."

Li Huowang nodded understandingly. This was much more straightforward and intuitive.

"How to obtain Yangshou Dan?"

"Killing people, but ordinary people cannot do it. It must be someone born in a Yang year, Yang month, and Yang day. If you want to know, I can tell you the refining method."

"Forget it, next question. Han Fu said before that you are from Luo Sect. Where is your Taoist temple?"

"Snake Bone Mountain in Liang State."

"How many people are in your Taoist temple?"

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"Fifty-seven people."

"How many heads?"

"Two hundred and twenty-four heads."

"What are you?"

"I am Han Fu's Yuanying."

Li Huowang asked this thing various small questions one after another, some of which he already knew the answers to, just to test whether the other party was lying to him.

When he confirmed that the other party was not lying to him, Li Huowang began to ask key questions.

"What is Xinsu? How is it formed? How much Xinsu is there in the world?"

"I really don't know these things. Some of the things about Xinsu were mentioned by Master unintentionally."

When he saw Li Huowang's hand slowly reaching towards those torture tools, he cried out in fear.

Snot and tears flowed down his little head and face. "I really don't know! Master told us that Xinsu is a very rare spiritual treasure! Don't miss it if you come across it!"

"How do you identify Xinsu?" Li Huowang had been wondering about this question for a long time. Why could everyone he met recognize his identity at a glance?

"I don't know how others identify it. Anyway, our Master said that everyone has three fires on their shoulders. These fires can be big or small, which is normal, but only the fire of Xinsu appears and disappears from time to time."Li Huowang lowered his head and looked at his shoulder, but he didn't see any so-called fire.

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"Almost done, it's time to ask him the most crucial question." Li Huowang looked at the little person, furrowed his brows, and after considering his words for a while, he spoke again.

"Have you heard of the heart sutra that can free you from confusion, either on your way here or from your master?"

"No, you're the first heart sutra we've met."

Li Huowang carefully examined the deformed little head. He could believe this answer about ninety percent. Even if there was a heart sutra that could free one from confusion, he might not know about it.

"What do you know about the Taoist sects that deceive beings?"

"I know that they are a group of frauds who like to deceive people."

"What are their names?"

"I heard that their names are all mahjong tiles, like Eight of Wan, Three of Bing, but I heard that these names are just code names. If one Eight of Wan dies, another Eight of Wan will take its place."

"Is there someone named Beifeng in the Taoist sect? Do you know anything about him? How strong is he?"

This person is the heart sutra that can free one from confusion. If he wants to completely free himself from confusion, he is very important.

"I don't know. I haven't dealt with the Taoist sects."

Next, Li Huowang asked the little head about some questions regarding the Taoist sects, but the information he obtained was very limited.

Looking at the little head in front of him, Li Huowang stood up with his hands on his knees, accompanied by the creaking sound of the stool.

"Very well, I'm done asking. Next, to confirm the truthfulness of your words, I need to confirm it again."

Saying that, Li Huowang reached for the torture device again.

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