The sky had already turned completely dark. They took out the green fluorescent stones and illuminated everything around them. Li Huowang didn't call for a stop, and everyone's expression was tense as they continued on their way.

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Gradually, only a thin crescent moon rose and hung in the sky, casting a silver light on the earth.

Li Huowang, standing on the roof of the cart, occasionally looked back. He noticed that the black mass from before had disappeared without a trace.

"Gone? What was that? What attracted that thing? Was it me? Or... was it the newborn child?" He guessed uncertainly in his mind.

Just then, Li Huowang suddenly felt the cart stop under him. "Don't stop! Keep going!"

But his command didn't make the cart move again.

When Li Huowang turned his head to look ahead, he finally understood why they had stopped. The black mass from before was blocking their path!

At this moment, Li Huowang finally saw what the black circle from before really was.

It was actually a large group of black sheep. These sheep with black fur stood silently in place like puppets.

And in the center of this group of black sheep stood an old lama wearing a black robe, silently watching Li Huowang with his all-black pupils.

The lama had a strange face, with yellow and black spots. Upon closer inspection, Li Huowang realized that it was vitiligo.

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Just from his appearance, Li Huowang knew that the other party was not friendly.

Suddenly, the lama lifted his bony right hand and a bald vulture with only a few hairs left on its body fell from the sky and landed on his arm.

For some reason, when Li Huowang saw this vulture, he remembered the group of man-eating vultures he saw with Bai Lingmiao on the Woman Mountain during the sky burial.

"Li Shixiong, this lama..." Chun Xiaoman hesitated, holding a bell in her hand.

"Don't panic. You guys go first. Pretend he doesn't exist."

Under Li Huowang's command, everyone lowered their heads and slowly walked past the black sheep and the lama on the cart.

Li Huowang stood on the roof, staring intently at the enemy in front of him.

As they got closer, Li Huowang saw more clearly that all these black sheep were old sheep with no teeth left.

Li Huowang felt an indescribable and uncomfortable feeling from the lama and the sheep. In a moment of confusion, he suddenly saw a group of white-haired and senile old people wearing black sheepskins on their backs instead of black sheep.

This feeling disappeared in an instant, and everything returned to normal. The black sheep were still black sheep, and nothing had changed.Li Huowang couldn't determine whether the feeling just now was real or just his own illusion.

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"Meh~" The black sheep next to the Lama shouted, followed by the white sheep on Li Huowang's side also shouting.

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The sheep on both sides kept shouting, their voices overlapping and causing confusion.

"Enough!" With a roar from Li Huowang, the sheep's cries stopped.

Li Huowang looked at the old Lama in the black sheep group and spoke first. "This junior is a Nestorian monk named Erjiu passing by this place. If I have offended you, I apologize."

Regardless of whether it was effective or not, Li Huowang decided to try using a fake identity first. He was betting that the other party didn't know his real identity.

Also, it was a threat. He was a Nestorian monk, not a wild cultivator without a sect. Think twice before taking action.

After hearing Li Huowang's confident words, the old Lama didn't react.

Li Huowang's expression changed and he waved his hand at the others. "Let's go!"

In this situation where the enemy's strength was unknown, Li Huowang didn't want to provoke the Lama.

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The wheels started rolling again, and they slowly moved away from the black Lama. For a while, no one spoke, and they moved forward with fear and trepidation.

Suddenly, that inexplicable feeling appeared again. This time, the feeling was not far away but right behind Li Huowang!

Li Huowang stopped and turned his head, only to find the Lama was only two meters away from him.

At this moment, he finally saw the age spots on the old man's face. He had seen age spots before, but he had never seen them cover someone's entire face.

The Lama's mouth looked toothless, or maybe he only had a few teeth left. His lips were like those of some elderly people, turned inward. He looked like a person who had aged to the extreme.

With such a terrifying face in front of him, Li Huowang almost swung his sword, but he stopped himself.

His gaze slowly moved down, and he realized that the Lama's legs hidden in the black sheep were prosthetic bones. His entire lower body was made of bone.

The strange feeling from the Lama kept impacting Li Huowang, trying to calm his breath and make him relax and close his eyes.

However, Li Huowang couldn't do it. He gripped the sword handle tightly, his expression becoming so serious that it was almost ferocious. "Senior, have I offended you? If you keep acting like this, don't blame me for being impolite!"

As he drew his sword, a thick killing intent instantly overwhelmed everything.

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The Lama's all-black pupils narrowed slightly as he stared at the sword handle wrapped in cloth.The tense atmosphere made everyone breathless, and it seemed like Lv Xiucai had already wet his pants from fear.

Li Huowang was about to draw his sword with one hand, ready to break the deadlock with the person in front of him, when the tense atmosphere suddenly changed.

"Dong!" As the old lama hit the small wax-yellow drum at his waist, a drum sound also came from behind Li Huowang. It was the sound of Bai Lingmiao's drum used for worship.

"Dong dong dong ~ dong dong dong ~"

The two drum sounds sounded in rhythm, like a strange ensemble, as if different beings were communicating with each other through the drum sounds.

After a stick of incense burned out, the drum sounds gradually ceased, and the heavy atmosphere that seemed tangible in the air dissipated.

As the lama's bald vulture soared into the sky, the black sheep in the distance covered his terrifying lower body like a dark cloud, and he slowly moved backward.

Looking at the lama's departure, Li Huowang dared not be careless and continued to move forward with the others.

They walked all night, and when the sun came up, Li Huowang called for a stop. Everyone fell to the ground exhausted, panting heavily. Half of it was from exhaustion, and the other half was from fear.

The lama last night was too creepy, even more terrifying than ghosts and monsters, claiming to be a living person.

Li Huowang looked around and saw no trace of any lama. He turned his head and looked at Bai Lingmiao, whose lips were pale. "Did the lama say anything to you with the drum?"

Bai Lingmiao nodded. "He said... he's from the Monitoring Bureau, and this time he'll let us go, but it won't happen again."

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