"Take this sword. It was used by Changming back in the day. This sword is excellent and can cut through iron like mud, but I never had the chance to use it." Li Huowang said to Chun Xiaoman, who was holding his own sword.

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Chun Xiaoman looked at the long sword in her hand with surprise. Although it was a bit heavy for her, it was still much better than her previous weapon.

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"Thank you, Senior Li!"

"Practice your sword skills more often. Although I gave you that bell, don't rely on You Lao Ye for everything. After all, summoning him once costs three months of life. How many times can we do that in our lifetime?"

Chun Xiaoman nodded and turned around to greet Yang Xiaohai, who had just come in.

Excitedly, she took off her sword from her waist and handed it to him.

"This sword is yours from now on. Let's go! Let's go practice outside!"

The next few days were peaceful and calm. They didn't have to travel in the wind and rain, and they spent their time eating, drinking, and watching plays. Everyone, except for the members of the Lv family troupe, looked much better and less haggard.

However, after four days, they had to continue their journey. Li Huowang wanted to stay a few more days, but the sheep from Qingqiu were starting to lose weight. If they lost too much weight, they would become worthless.

The bedding and iron pots were put back on the ox cart, and they began to walk towards the bustling county town of Maikou.

"What happened to your face?" Li Huowang asked Lv Zhuangyuan, who had a black eye on his right side.

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"Nothing...I accidentally fell when I went to the outhouse at night." Lv Zhuangyuan's face showed an embarrassed smile.

"Ha, that's not what happened. He sneaked into someone else's backstage to steal some skills, but he was caught by the master of that troupe and got beaten up." Gouwa's words made Lv's face even more embarrassed, but he still tried to defend himself. "I...I wasn't stealing skills. I just wanted to take a look."

Obviously, he didn't even believe his own words.

To change the subject, Lv Zhuangyuan immediately talked about his son.

"Xiaodao Ye, I already know about the scholar's matter. I have scolded him severely. You are a big person, don't lower yourself to his level."

"What matter?" Li Huowang was briefly confused, but he immediately understood what Lv Zhuangyuan was talking about.

"Oh, you mean the matter of apprenticeship? It's fine. I've already forgotten about it."

"I really can't teach others my supernatural powers. If I could, I would have taught my other fellow disciples long ago. Then I would have more helpers around me."

"That's good, that's good." Lv Zhuangyuan smiled and nodded beside Li Huowang with a hunched back.

"Lv Master, how long does it take to get from this village to the county town, according to those Maikou people?""About four days' journey."

Li Huowang nodded, his footsteps quickened, and he thought to himself, "I hope this county town is big enough to buy a map marked with Niuxin Mountain."

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Li Huowang wanted to get there immediately, but the journey had to be taken step by step, especially since they were still using a cart pulled by oxen. Although the carrying capacity of the cart was strong, it was slower than even a donkey cart in terms of speed.

As the sun set in the west, the cart formed a wall with the sheep, while the others began to eat inside the wall.

Today, they were eating knife-shaved Korean noodles. Yang Xiaohai, who had grown taller, skillfully kneaded the dough into a ball, held the knife in his left hand and the dough in his right hand.

The cold light flashed, and strips of shaved noodles were thrown into the rolling pot. During this time, he had not practiced swordsmanship, but his knife skills had improved.

When some tender bamboo shoots picked from the bamboo forest were cut and thrown in, a bowl of bamboo shoot and lamb oil knife-shaved noodles was ready.

"Yang Junior Brother, your skills are getting better and better. You can become a chef in the future." Gouwa said, and he and Hong'er each grabbed a bowl of noodles and walked towards the side of the cart.

The two had not yet arrived, and they were feeding each other, enjoying their food.

Lv Xiucai, who had a large bag knocked out by his father with a cigarette rod on his head, came to the pot with a bowl and angrily scooped up the knife-shaved noodles. "What's the point? Wait until my father buys the theater..."

"Brother Xiucai, what are you talking about?"

Lv Xiucai looked up at Yang Xiaohai, who was speaking, and the round-faced woman standing behind him, and walked back with a cold face holding his bowl.

After dinner, there was no activity, and everyone went to sleep early. Lv Xiucai and his brother took turns to keep watch in the first half of the night.

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Li Huowang slept well in the first half of the night, but he was awakened by a strong killing intent when it was almost three in the morning.

He lifted the quilt, stuffed Bai Lingmiao in his arms inside, and turned over to reach for the weapons on the cart.

However, he only found two swords, and the purple spike sword that the nun gave him was missing!

"Yaowazi!! What are you doing! Put down the sword!" Lv Zhuangyuan's shout woke everyone up.

Li Huowang immediately turned his head and rushed towards the direction of the bonfire. Finally, he saw his weapon in the encirclement of the Lv family troupe.

At this time, the purple spike sword was being held by Lv Xiucai, who obviously couldn't bear the killing intent on the sword. His body couldn't help but tilt backwards, and his expression was grimacing as he gasped for air.

Lv Zhuangyuan, who was at a loss, approached Li Huowang and said anxiously, "Young Master, what's going on? Why did Yaowazi become like this?""Hahaha! I have supernatural powers! I can kill whoever I want!" Lv Xiu began to laugh wildly.

When he saw Li Huowang walking towards him, Lv Xiucai instinctively pointed the tip of his sword at him.

Li Huowang grabbed the blade with one hand and then kicked Lv Xiucai in the soft belly.

"Ugh~!" Lv Xiucai knelt on the ground, holding his stomach and vomiting all the bamboo shoot knife-cut noodles he had eaten tonight.

After putting the sword back into the scabbard, Li Huowang looked at his bloody hand and shook off the blood. He said to Lv Xiucai, "I'll say it again, I don't have any supernatural powers, and I can't teach you. This is the first and last time. If there's a next time, just leave."

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"Why won't you teach me? Why can a brat do it but not me? I also want to become a master! I don't want to be a mortal!"

"When you really have it, you won't think like this. If I can choose, I want to become a normal person like you."

"Don't watch anymore, go back to sleep. We still have to continue on the road tomorrow."

After dealing with this insignificant incident, Li Huowang turned around with his Purple Spike Sword and left.

Seeing that everything was over, Lv Zhuangyuan and his eldest son, who were wearing clothes, hurried over to Lv Xiucai.

"What stupid thing did you do! Why are you still lying on the ground! Get up quickly!"

Just as he reached out to pull Lv Xiucai up from the ground, Lv Xiucai slapped Lv Zhuangyuan and stunned him.

"You old man, stay away from me! My business has nothing to do with you!"

The events of that night did not end. The next day when Li Huowang woke up, he saw Lv Xiucai being hung upside down on a tree and beaten with a rattan by Lv Zhuangyuan.

But even though his face was covered in raised blood marks, Lv Xiucai still refused to admit defeat and cursed at his father and elder brother.

"Ah ah ah! You wait! How dare you hit me! If you have the guts, kill me! Otherwise, I'll kill all of you!! Ah ah ah!"

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