Upon hearing Bai Lingmiao's words, Li Huowang nodded.

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"It's okay. Take your time. How many ash urns do we have left?"

"Don't worry about these small things. Xiaoman and I went to the escort agency and have entrusted the last batch of our brothers' ash urns to the escort."

Li Huowang's heart felt inexplicably lighter upon hearing this.

"Bang bang bang!" The urgent knocking on the door interrupted their conversation. "Master, open the door quickly! I've really succeeded!"

Li Huowang put down the map in his hand and walked towards the door.

"Creak~" The door opened, and Lv Xiucai, who had two black eye bags, was standing outside with a copper coin in his hand. This was the coin that Li Huowang had removed from the sword and gave to Lv Xiucai for practice.

"Master, I really did it! The coin just moved!"

Without waiting for Li Huowang to speak, Lv Xiucai rushed into the room and placed the coin on the table, then began to stomp his feet and recite a spell. As he repeated the incantation, Lv Xiucai's voice grew louder and his forehead bulged with veins, as if he was going to swallow the coin.

After dozens of repetitions, the coin finally began to tremble. Exhausted and covered in sweat, Lv Xiucai looked at Li Huowang excitedly. "Master, look, I did it!"

Li Huowang walked up to him and looked at the coin on the table before asking, "You succeeded? Do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

"No! I feel great. I've never been this happy before. I'm half an immortal now! Hahaha!" Lv Xiucai laughed.

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Li Huowang pondered for a moment as he looked at Lv Xiucai. "It seems that Han Fu's Yuan Ying didn't deceive me. But it's just the beginning, there may be traps ahead. Life is only once, it's better to be cautious."

"You continue to practice, don't stop. Go back now, and I'll teach you the rest of the spell tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, Lv Xiucai nodded vigorously and left. Li Huowang turned to Bai Lingmiao and smiled at her before closing his eyes and gradually falling asleep.

"Li Shixiong, what have you been busy with these days?" Bai Lingmiao asked by his pillow.

"Not much. Don't worry, we'll leave in a few days. It won't delay your return home," Li Huowang replied with his eyes closed.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Huowang felt a pair of soft hands holding his right hand. "Li Shixiong, I'm not worried about going home. I'm actually worried about you."

"Worried about me? What do I have to worry about? With Black Tai Sui, I won't fall into illusions again. My left eye, which was crushed before, can now feel some light. It will probably grow back soon," Li Huowang said."And there's no one chasing me anymore, I'm doing great, better than ever before."

With his eyes closed, Li Huowang felt a light body throwing itself onto him, arms gently wrapped around his waist.

It was Bai Lingmiao, who knew Li Huowang so well that she didn't believe a word he just said.

Feeling her concern, Li Huowang let out a sigh and opened his eyes, glancing at the three different illusions beside him.

He patted Bai Lingmiao's back gently with his hand and said softly, "Don't worry, there's always a way to solve problems."

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Days passed, and Li Huowang had almost searched the entire small county. Although he had a direction, he still had no results.

Li Huowang, hiding his body color underground, sat on the wall and watched the busy street.

Carriages and carts kept passing by, and when a cow lifted its tail, a pot of steaming cow dung fell to the ground, only to be snatched away by some children with baskets shortly after.

After snatching the cow dung from each other, they stood in pairs or threes on the pancake stand, enjoying the fragrance of the fried food.

Looking at the smoke and fire in front of him, Li Huowang thought to himself, "Is this place too small? I haven't found any clues even in the county magistrate's family who likes to eat tofu. Maybe I should go to a bigger place?"

"I can't stay here too long. Since I can't find anything here, I'll go to other places. As long as I keep searching, I'll eventually find something. Today is the last day."

Li Huowang leaned against the wall with one hand and jumped down, heading towards the tea house next to him.

It was the most informed place, and all the news, big or small, should be circulating there.

Just as Li Huowang arrived at the tea house, a group of men in long robes came out excitedly.

"Hurry up, there's a troupe of opera performers coming over there! Their play is much more interesting than the storytellers in this tea house."

Opera troupe? Li Huowang hesitated. If he wasn't mistaken, there should only be the Lv family troupe in this county.

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As he thought about it, his body had already entered the tea house, but there was no one there except for the storyteller pouring tea and chatting on the side.

"Heh, why bother asking?" Li Huowang turned around and headed towards the inn.

But just as he raised his right foot, he inexplicably followed the steps of those people before.

He wanted to see what Lv Zhuangyuan was up to, to actually attract all the people in the tea house to the troupe.

The stage built by the Lv family was not far away, just at the foot of the west city. There were crowds of people under the stage, cracking melon seeds, eating edamame, and chatting away.

As Li Huowang approached, Lv Juren, who was painting the stage, was reciting lines to his wife.

"Hey~ I don't want the top-grade, nor the low-grade, I only want~ I only want~ I only want my sister, who has a little bit of red in her heart~"

Suddenly, a burst of laughter and teasing came from under the stage.

"This line doesn't seem right?" Li Huowang looked at Lv Juren on the stage with suspicion.Just as he was thinking this, Lv Xiucai on the stage started singing along with the music.

"Reaching out to touch sister's little nose~ the fragrance is so sweet..."

"Reaching out to touch sister's little mouth~ the baby-like eyes are smiling..."

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Search for the original.

"Reaching out to touch sister's lower tip~ the tip is on her chest."

"Reaching out to touch sister's ear~ the protruding head is swaying like a swing..."

At first it was normal, but as it went on it became more and more vulgar, and the laughter and jeers from under the stage grew louder.

At this moment, Li Huowang finally understood why those people called this play "Powder Play", and why there were only men under the stage, not a single woman.

Facing the various skills of other theater troupes, this old man was able to find a way out. He truly deserved to be an old actor who had been performing for decades.

Having solved his doubts, Li Huowang shook his head and turned to leave the lively stage.

But just as he was about to leave, the whispered discussions next to him entered his ears.

"This is much more interesting than the Powder Play in Pixian."

"Aren't they having an epidemic over there? Are you still daring to go?"

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