Not long after, the shop assistant lightly knocked on Li Huowang's guest room door. As soon as he entered, he saw the guest with a copper coin mask sitting at the round table, drinking tea.

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"Guest? I heard you were looking for me?" Li Huowang hunched over and came to the table, asking cautiously.

"Sit." Li Huowang held the teapot with one hand and poured a cup for the other person.

"Ah, no need to be so polite. I can stand. Is there anything you need me to do for you, guest? Is there anything the inn hasn't taken care of?"

After having contact with these out-of-towners for so long, the shop assistant was not as afraid of them anymore.

"Duō." A gold ingot was placed directly in front of the shop assistant by Li Huowang. He said, "I have something to ask you. As long as you can answer, this gold is yours."

Before the shop assistant could figure out what was going on, Li Huowang directly asked, "Why are the people in the county so afraid of shrinking yang? What causes it to shrink yang and yin?"

Upon hearing this, the shop assistant, who had just shown a forced smile, suddenly paled and immediately turned around to run outside.

But as soon as he turned around, his head collided with the slate in Gao Zhijian's chest, and he immediately fell backwards, his eyes filled with stars and unable to move.

When he came to again, he found that he had been tied up by tough tendons and couldn't move. A tall man was standing next to him, glaring at him.

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With the sound of metal hitting metal, Li Huowang's torture tools were slowly spread out in front of the shop assistant.

Seeing the dark red bloodstains on these tools, the shop assistant shuddered all over.

"I'm sorry, I'm not good at talking. If I want to know something, I can only use my best method. Sorry to make you laugh. I haven't learned much in this world, but I'm skilled in all kinds of ways to torture people." Li Huowang's calm words made the shop assistant feel like he was in an ice cave.

"This thing is for gouging out eyeballs. Let me tell you something, eyeballs don't feel pain. You can pry open your eyelids with your hands and touch them with your hands. The only thing that feels pain is the flesh around the eyeballs."

As the round iron tool passed by the edge of the shop assistant's face, goosebumps appeared all over his body.

The shop assistant seemed frightened by Li Huowang's words, but despite his lack of color, his mouth remained tightly shut, and he still had no intention of answering Li Huowang's questions.

Seeing that this wouldn't work, Li Huowang put down the iron clamp in his hand and picked up an iron spinning hammer again, displaying it in front of the shop assistant.

"Do you know what this is? This is not used for winding thread. It's used for winding intestines.""This thing is very easy to use. Just cut a slit on your navel, pull out an intestine, hang it on this spindle, and then keep pulling and pulling..."

"Do you know what kind of feeling that is? Close your eyes and think about it."

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"You don't have to think about it. You'll feel it soon. Spoiler alert: it's a very uncomfortable feeling, like your body is hollow."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of tearing, and the clothes of the shopkeeper were torn apart by Li Huowang, revealing his withered belly. When Li Huowang's five fingers touched his navel, the shopkeeper finally broke down.

"I'll talk! I'll talk!!" A foul smell of urine slowly seeped out from under him.

Beside him, Gao Zhijian scratched the back of his head. He thought that Senior Brother Li was quite good at talking, and he could scare people just by talking.

Li Huowang's hand slowly left the other person's belly. "Speak! What caused the shrinking of male and female genitals in Pixian County?"

"There are ghosts! Ghosts!!" The shopkeeper's voice was very miserable, and his appearance was equally miserable, with tears and snot all over his face.

"Some lonely ghosts don't have their own genitals! They want to be reincarnated as men, so they come to the human world to take them!! That's why they want to take our genitals!"

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from

The shopkeeper's words made Li Huowang feel very absurd. He thought that the shrinking of genitals in this place was caused by some evil spirit.

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"Could it be that they mistook some evil spirits for ghosts? Did some kind of extremely special evil spirit attack them? But why do these ghosts only want genitals? Shouldn't the Monitoring Bureau send someone over in this situation?"

After thinking for a while with a frown, Li Huowang looked at the shopkeeper again and asked, "Have you ever seen the so-called ghost that steals genitals? What does it look like? Can you touch it or not?"

Now that he had clarified the situation, he could be prepared if he encountered it again.

Upon hearing this, the shopkeeper shook his head like a rattle. "No! People can't see ghosts at all! The genitals just keep shrinking! Eventually, they will shrink people to death!"

Seeing that the other party could speak properly now, Li Huowang untied the shopkeeper and helped him sit on a chair. Compared to before, Li Huowang's tone was much gentler now.

"Okay, it's just a simple matter of asking you something. Is it necessary to hide it? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Believe it or not, we really want to help you."

Upon hearing Li Huowang's words, the shopkeeper burst into tears, looking very frightened, with a hint of despair in his voice."I can't say it! If I do, both you and I will be haunted by ghosts! Our lives will be ruined!"

Upon hearing this, Li Huowang suddenly felt chills all over his body. He gripped the hilt of his sword with one hand and quickly looked around with vigilance.

He scanned the room, the window, the wooden door, and under the bed, but found nothing unusual. Everything seemed normal.

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Recalling the various evil spirits he had encountered before, Li Huowang had never heard of something so strange and supernatural that could be spread by word of mouth.

Although the innkeeper's words were full of loopholes, Li Huowang chose to believe him rather than not.

Li Huowang immediately looked up at Gao Zhijian, who was guarding the door, and said, "When we leave later, remember not to tell anyone else about this!"

Gao Zhijian nodded vigorously. He didn't want to pass the danger on to his companions.

Li Huowang didn't care about the danger and forcefully grabbed the innkeeper's hands, staring at his desperate face with a serious expression.

"Who told you that telling others would attract ghosts? Did he mention any way to deal with this kind of evil spirit?"

Although he carried two swords that could slay evil spirits on his back, what he encountered this time seemed extremely strange.

"I...I don't know! Everyone says that!" The innkeeper said, ignoring Li Huowang's presence and nervously looking down at his waistband.

The next moment, the innkeeper froze in place as if struck by lightning. His pants fell down, revealing his bare lower body in front of Li Huowang. "It's small..."

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